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When times are uncertain, people look for answers. Once our ancestors sought out prophets and mystics. Now we type our queries into search engines. Unsurprisingly, “coronavirus” topped the overall list this year.
Most Searched Words worldwide
Google has analyzed the billions of search requests it processes every day, and identified the terms that have had the highest spike this year compared to 2019. Here are the top 10 Google search terms.
1. Coronavirus (新冠病毒)
2. Election results (大选结果)
3. Kobe Bryant (科比)
4. Zoom (zoom APP)
5. IPL (印度板球超级联赛)
6. India vs New Zealand (印度vs新西兰)
7. Coronavirus update (新冠病毒最新消息)
8. Coronavirus symptoms (新冠肺炎症状)
9. Joe Biden (拜登)
10. Google Classrooom (谷歌课堂软件)
Changes in Lifestyle
The impact of the COVID pandemic on so many aspects of life. Relatively obscure teleconferencing company Zoom became a household name as employees adapted to working from home, and friends and families turned to video calls instead of meeting in person.
Searches for “how to foster a dog” reached an all-time high as social distancing triggered a yearning for the companionship of a pet. Bread dominated the top trending recipes as people trapped indoors during lockdowns became keen amateur bakers.
Most searched People and Event
Tom Hanks was among the most Googled movie stars not because of their work in 2020, but as high-profile sufferers of the virus.
Fans reacted in droves to the deaths of NBA superstar Kobe Bryant and actor Chadwick Boseman.
科比曾到访过广州。南都记者 黎湛均
There were other major news stories that drove big spikes in search traffic. The US elections prompted a flood of queries, with Joe Biden the most trending person. The death of George Floyd drew attention to racial injustice.
TOP 10 Buzzword in China
Yaowen-Jiaozi,the Shanghai-based literary periodical, has announced the top 10 buzzwords of the year. The lists collect words and phrases that have gone viral and are frequently used with a humorous and ironic way by Internet users:
1. People first, lives first (人民至上,生命至上)
2. Heroes in harm's way (逆行者)
3. Valiant (飒)
4. Rising waves (后浪)
5. Mythical creatures (神兽)
6. Live commerce (带货直播)
7. Dual circulation (双循环)
8. Laborers (打工人)
9. Involution (内卷)
10. Versailles literature (凡尔赛文学)
Respect to those Combating the Pandemic
The COVID-19 epidemic has posed a serious threat to Chinese people's lives and health, but many heroes walk in harm’s way for everyone’s good.
The government has particularly stressed adhering to the "people first" concept in coordinating epidemic control and economic and social development. In the most difficult times, medical workers, PLA, community workers and grass-root officials stick to their posts. About half of frontline doctors and 90 percent of nurses are female. Wearing protective masks leave marks on their face, but we see valiant spirit from their smile.
Phrases Created during Lockdown
During lockdown, millions of school-aged children had to turn to home schooling. Without teachers by their side, parents felt exhausted dealing with their children. “Mythical creatures” was then used by parents to describe their children. Lockdown also promoted the combination of streaming video and e-commerce. Sometimes, even CEOs participate in live commerce.
China Daily 图
As lockdown is recognized useful to stop the spread of virus, turbulent changes take place in the world economic environment. President Xi Jinping has called for the national efforts to develop a new economic pattern in China known as "dual circulation".
“双循环” 人民视觉 资料图
Words from Youngsters
On the one hand, university students involve themselves in excessive competition which they call “involution”, spontaneously or not, on the other hand, the “rising waves” went viral after a speech by He Bing was posted on Bilibili. While one may make memes and newly made-up jokes as a “laborer”, may also write “Versailles literature” to making a seemingly modest but self-boasting statement.
南都记者 郑雨楠