
头条 | 葡萄牙现“辱华”报道?这位旅葡侨胞全英写信“回敬”!

2017-09-24 葡新报记者伐戈 葡新报

 【葡新报 Puxinbao-PT】关注葡新报微信公众号!定期推送全球新闻、焦点资讯、葡萄牙本土文化,同城活动,吃喝玩乐,资讯八卦,商家优惠 等诸多优质内容,葡萄牙华人最接地气、重服务的本地微信平台!关注我们妥妥没错!想浏览更多精彩内容,请登录華人PT门户网:www.huarenpt.net 哦!(广告合作:00351 939198198、Puxinpt@gmail.com)

【葡新传媒 文/记者伐戈】近日,一位热血爱国的忠实读者朋友联系我媒,告知我媒其所看到的有关葡萄牙媒体报道评论中国的“不友善”的文章,这位读者朋友还干了一件漂亮的事,看到这样歪曲、有目的性的报道,义愤填膺,自己用英文写信,与这家葡萄牙媒体据理力争。他为捍卫我们国家形象和人民利益作出了表率,像他这样的热血爱国又理性睿智的海外侨胞,棒棒哒!


您好!最近在《THE PORGUGAL NEWS》8月12日的读者来信专栏读到连续两篇辱华文章,在读者来信专栏首篇刊登了题为“中国人的旅游业”的读者来信,文章指出虽然目前中国游客为葡萄牙经济带来正面影响,但不要忘了中国人、乃至日韩人在过去15至16世纪曾被广泛的当做猪仔贩卖在葡做奴隶的身份。





Since when The Portugal news become to a Nazi racism media?Dear Editor,I recently read two articles in your news paper on 12th.August and the topic were Chinese tourism and Re;Portugal could receive up to 1m Chinese tourists per year?

which were both letters from your readers.I,as your reader either, who comes from Beijing,China must say something to protest these racism opinions.Let's talk about the first article,As I know, nearly 90%British businessmen who run real estate in Portual goes to Beijing to develop their business with Chinese clients.Even your bosses are now counting on  the helps from the Chinese investment, which I think it is very improper for your news paper to publish these words with such obvious racialism at this time.

I was very shocked when I read these words.The reader who called himself  Knight  pointed out two things,one was the forecast that more Chinese came to Portual for tourism ;The other was the history that Chinese and other oriental people were slaves who used to be sold to serve WHITY MASTERS in Portual during 15 to 16 century.But what did he try to say between these two things?

To remind Portuguese or European to remember that all the Chinese are the generations of slaves with dirty blood,so they are not worthy to get respect? Or he is trying to express his strong jealous by saying that although Chinese are rich now but they use to be low race? And what is your opinion by publishing these words?

Or you think Chinese may NEVER READ English news papers,so they can be laughed by anybody ? Because each  Chinese looks short and silly who can only do some lower jobs or open restauranst and shops ?

I would like to tell this Mr.Knight something about Chinese and the 'history 'that he mentioned in his article and I require you to publish it.The truth is the'slaves' generation saved the economy of Portugal at its lowest point ,and the investment from China invested 5 billions EUR for this poor country,more than 20,000 jobs were kept and saved many families.EDP,FIDELIDADE,NOVO BANKO,MILLENNIUM BANK,etc,. ,the list is endless,which you can see all the information from your government website.

And the extra 3 billions EUR for Golden Visa from Chinese are not included.Why we do this ?Because in Chinese  culture,we cherish the relationships with the people who treat us well and we will pay back someday.

The 'slaves ' who served this country with their lives never forget this family,and they remembered Macau where the Portuguese built with Chinese together.But now Mr.Knight jumped out of his middle century coffin and talking about slaves as the Chinese ID in 21 century? What's wrong with him ?If he still wants to go ahead in this racist idea with his jealous ,then he can go back to his fucking tomb and fuck himself.

Second, about the article 'Portugal could receive up to 1 m Chinese tourists per year?' and the reply of your reader, I want to say that The Portugal News shoud feel shame for publishing an article like that, which was totally a lie!!! Based on the  data(2016-2017) from Portugal Tourist Administration, the number of Chinese tourists was only 183 K, which means Chinese tourists are only 18% of the 1m tourists that you said, How dare you to frame Chinese into this lie without checking the data? The chief of Portugal Administration Louis Araujo and the secretary of state for tourism went to China on 24th.Mar.

2017 to advertise for Portugal tourism and attracting investments.The article ''Portugal could receive up to 1 m Chinese tourists per year?' written by the portugal news was shameless, which was against the matter of principle that any medias should respect the facts.As a news paper, The Portugal News spread lies and racism opinions with prejudice ,which I have enough reasons to believe that this news paper is hostile to colored race, especially Chinese people.I need the authority to give me an formal explaination or I will complains to the media regulator about the racism words.




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