

忠于血块 忠于血块 2019-06-17

著名金属杂志Decibel推出了一个名为Flexi Series的新项目,每期推出一张黑胶/白胶唱片用来推荐乐队。来自加州奥克兰市的著名极端地下乐团Ghoul计划中的新专辑曲目Wall of Death,将在今年七月份第141期杂志推出。Ghoul表示非常荣幸能够参与Decibel杂志的活动,这首歌他们是在描写如今政权的冰冷,以及如何遭受压榨与迫害。现在乐队已经放出了这首单曲,点击试听↓

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=c0199p4a7a4&width=500&height=375&auto=0Fear! They're under control

The growing terror has taken a toll

With each new event, the plebes will relent

Hate! They'll be made to hate

A scapegoat constructed, a foe to berate

The State let them in to commit mortal sin

The Acolytes preach

It will never be breached

"So, build!" they beseech

Wall of Death!

The Commandant warns

That it's time for reforms

"It'll keep out the swarms"

Wall of Death!

Rage! The people enraged

Given the choice they will choose to be caged

Shore up the dam with a labor program

Brutes! To keep them at bay

The people must do so much more than just pray

Brick upon brick will do the trick

The Acolytes preach

It will never be breached

"So, build!" they beseech

Wall of Death!

The Commandant warns

That it’s time for reforms

"It'll keep out the swarms"

Wall of Death!

Bones are stacked up high

As the ashen mortar dries

Mass grave to reach the sky

To conquer and divide

Wall of Death!

Strike! The hour is nigh

Peons enslaved so they’ll always comply

They’ll beg to exist under cudgel and fist

Kill! Their hopes and their dreams

A barricade keeping the nation enseamed

The State will protect with a boot on the neck

Wall of Death!

