
热议总书记回信 | 我校留学生点赞中国

认真倾听的 成都中医药大学 2022-05-15











我是临床医学专业2016级1班的“Anunya Deewijit ”,我的中文名是“成前悦”,我来自泰国。由于疫情,许多仍在境外的同学们和我们一起“云毕业”,今天我很荣幸能作为应届毕业的境外生代表在此发言,与大家相聚在这里,共同庆祝我们毕业了!








最后,衷心祝愿老师们、同学们和亲爱的母校越来越好,谢谢大家!KOP KUN KA!





President Xi Jinping's response to the overseas students of Peking university distinctly showed how much value the government of the PRC have placed on her overseas students.

It is crystal clear that, the  huge and stable progress the PRC have had in all spheres of her economy,  wouldn't have been anything more than just a mere dream if not for the CPC and its concrete commitment towards making the world a livable place, not only for  herself and her citizenry, but also for so many other countries across the globe. It wouldn't  have been said better that, by visiting different parts of the country one would understand with a more in depth knowledge, the speed at which infrastructural metaphors is happening in the PRC. By learning the ropes of the CPC, I I've got a full swing of the propelling force behind the second-to-none PRC that have remained in a league of it is own, and its really become even more fascinating for me. I join the community of overseas students studying in the PRC,  to celebrate this eager beaver, the CPC, as she celebrates her 100th year anniversary, Happy Centenary!



I read all the letter and I want to share my own experience in China. I have been in China from one and half year we stay here when the virus was at it’s peak. First when virus started me and my friends was little worried but the way we was protected and still right now we are is really admirable. And now our parents think we are more safe here. When I come here I was told it’s your 2nd home and now me too think it’s my 2nd home I’m enjoying everything here as I was in my hometown.The beautiful and caring people of China never let me feel as I don’t have family here. The way China controlled the virus there is an example in the world. In my opinion China is the most safest place on the globe. As still now other countries are not able to have control on virus where we people in China are enjoying our normal and happy life here. And we also can’t neglect the courtesy of CPC here.There are many countries who are able to control virus with the great help of China. And my country is one of them. I’m enjoying very beautiful, comfortable and safe life here and it’s just because of People’s Republic Of China. China is my 2nd home and I’m proud of it. And now I’m waiting for my friends who will come China when borders open and they will also have experience of life here.



I have read the letter and I always appreciate the steps taken by CPC under the leadership of respected president Xi Jinping. Under his leadership China makes a lot progress not only China  he helps to up lift the economy of developing country like Pakistan. During COVID-19 pandemic the way President Xi and Chinese government help Pakistan is really admirable. All the students in Pakistan loves and likes China and prefer China for higher studies.



I appreciate President Xi taking a time out of his busy schedule to address a letter sent by the International students, it shows how much the country cares about the educational sector and the welfare of foreign students here. We are committed to showing positive image about china and also conveying to our respective countries the experiences we have had here.



During start of pandemic, it was a really a complicated situation for me and I was a lot stressed. But with the help of my teachers suggestion, I decided not to leave China.  Now I feel very safe and secure here as compared to any other country. I am enjoying my study here. I study a lot of Chinese language and learn about Chinese culture. It’s really an amazing experience for me.



My name is Imtiaz Ahmad. I’m very happy to see sir president Xi letter. First of all, I would like to say thanks to our Chengdu University of traditional Chinese medicine and International Education College for the tremendous care for us. I’d like to say we really appreciate everything that our university support us physically, mentally, and emotionally. They have been so kind that every time come to check us up to make sure we are in good health. During the epidemic time they provided us fruits and healthy foods besides the fact that they always guide us by the regulations. I hope we can all work together to overcome the problems.

Last but not least, I’d like to say thanks to China, the second home for us the place we learn a lot how to overcome the problems. We love china, China always treat us like friends and family and take care of us even in the very difficult times. Chinese people are very kind toward us. I can't thank enough nor express with words how grateful we truly are. I hope we will hand to hand to help each other and we will be there anytime anywhere under any circumstances. Love China!



As an international student, I am glad to know that the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, places great value on the international students and our relationship with both Chinese students and the students of other countries. Studying in China has given me so many opportunities, and so I feel it apt to return this privilege by learning what I can about the country and integrating myself to the culture while I’m studying here. The Communist Party of China is such an integral part of China that one must learn about them to have deeper and holistic understanding of China and its culture. China wouldn’t be as formidable as a country without the efforts of the CPC. I have great appreciation towards the CPC for their efforts in the development of the economy, the eradication of poverty, and also in fighting against COVID-19 and assisting other countries throughout this pandemic. I have seen firsthand how effective their measures are, and how safe China is. I am glad to have stayed here to fight against this pandemic together. I wish the CPC all the best in their endeavors towards the development of this country. Happy 100th anniversary, CPC, here’s too much more achievements to come!



《成中医版依兰爱情故事》|杏仁儿们等会啊 咱再唠会儿嗑啊

资料来源 | 成都中医药大学国际教育学院

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