报名 | 2021国际创业周将于9月8日-9日线上举行
国际创业周Internatioanl Entrepreneurship Week9.8-9.9
2021国际创业周(IEW2021)将于9月8日 - 9日(北京时间:19:00 – 21:15)在线举行。
届时,全球学者、职业经理人与企业家将汇聚一堂,探讨有关“全球科创 —— 国际双创生态体系与可持续发展”这一话题。
1. 主题演讲;
2. 初创企业展示;
3. 圆桌论坛。
Global technology entrepreneurship – International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Entrepreneurship Week is an annual event that brings together academics, practitioners and entrepreneurs around the globe to demonstrate and discuss the positive contributions that entrepreneurship can bring to the world.
Entrepreneurship Week was started at the Center For Entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute in 2018, supported by IEEE-TEMS.
In 2021, the 4th Entrepreneurship Week will be held virtually in an even bigger scale cohosted by IEEE TEMS and International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IEIE) under the theme of Global technology entrepreneurship – International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development. Proceedings will include keynote speeches from renowned leaders of the field and panel discussions by the leaders of entrepreneurship ecosystems around the globe. We will also hold an interactive session involving start-up companies with global visions who have submitted their proposals in preparation for this event.
Day 1 (Sept. 8th 19:00 – 21:15 GMT+8)
International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship(IEIE)
1. Welcome speech – Prof. Zhigang Zhang (Secretary-General of IEIE and CEO of neoBay, China)
2.Opening remarks – Mr. Andy Chen (President of IEEE TEMS)
3. Keynote speech : The roles of international ecosystem in helping the technology entrepreneurs
Dr. Nikola Zivlak (Associate Professor, emlyon Business School Asia Campus, China)
4. Keynote address : Technology Entrepreneurship for Rural Development
Mr. Sankar Halder (Founder and President of Mukti, India)
5. Startup presentations
6. Panel Discussion 1: International network of entrepreneurship ecosystems
Moderator: Prof. Zhigang Zhang (Secretary General of IEIE and CEO of neoBay, China)
Day 2 (Sept. 9th 19:00 – 21:15 GMT+8)
Sustainable Development and Global Technology Entrepreneurship
1. Opening remarks - Prof. Pradeep Ray (Director, Center For Entrepreneurship, UM-SJTU Joint Institute)
2. Panel discussion 2: Technology Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development
Moderator: Prof. Pradeep Ray (Director, Center For Entrepreneurship, UM-SJTU Joint Institute)
3. Panel discussion 3: The Changing Face of Technology Entrepreneurship
Moderator: Mr. Arun Tanksali (Co-founder, CTO of Nearex, India; Chair, IEEE TEMS Bangalore)
Sign up here
Brief Introduction of IEEE TEMS & IEIE
Transitioned in 2015 from IEEE TEMS from the former Engineering Management Society (EMS), IEEE TEMS (https://www.ieee-tems.org/) stands for Technology and Engineering Management Society attached to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is devoted to advancing, enhancing, and improving essential management and leadership knowledge and skills of IEEE members.
International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IEIE) (http://ieie.link) was co-initialized by the institutions involved in innovation and entrepreneurship from Eurasian countries in 2019. It is designed to resourcing, matchmaking, co-acceleration and commercialization & industrialization of new technologies on global stage, aiming to establish a sustainable and reciprocal system.
List of Partners
To find out more about our partner institutions and their resources, please visit the following links.
Center For Entrepreneurship at UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Official Website: www.sites.ji.sjtu.edu.cn/entrepreneurship/index.html
Shanghai neoBay Venture Capital Co., Ltd.
Official Website: www.neobay.cn
Official Website: www.ideaspace.xyz
La French Tech Shanghai
Official Website: www.frenchtechshanghai.com
emlyon business school
Official Website: www.em-lyon.com/en/
Ming Innovation
Official Website: www.ming-innovation.de
Official Website : www.nextgrids.in
Center of Business Incubator Universitas Padjadjaran
Official Website: https://pib.unpad.ac.id
BioSense Institute
Official Website: www.biosense.rs
Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Singapore Management University
Official Website: https://iie.smu.edu.sg
University of Dubai
Official Website: www.ud.ac.ae
Organizer: IEIE and IEEE-TEMS
neoBay Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community
Center for Entrepreneurship, UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Time: 2021-09-08 19:00:00 - 2021-09-09 21:00:00
Address: Online event - Webex
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