报名 | 2022年国际创业周将于10月19日-20日线上举行!
由零号湾全球创新创业集聚区、上海交通大学密西根学院等单位联合主办的2022年国际创业周( International Entrepreneurship Week 2022,IEW2022) 将于10月19日 - 20日(北京时间:20:00 – 21:30)线上举行。本届活动主题是“面对世界变局、构建自身体系、实现可持续发展”。该活动由上海交通大学密西根学院创业中心于2018年发起,由IEEE-TEMS(IEEE旗下技术与工程管理协会)与IEIE(国际创新创业生态体系)支持。
活动简介 Introduction
2022年第五届国际创业周由零号湾全球创新创业集聚区、上海交通大学密西根学院、新加坡管理大学创新与创业研究院等单位联合主办,IEEE-TEMS(IEEE旗下技术与工程管理协会)、IEIE(国际创新创业生态体系)等单位支持协办。活动旨在将全球学者、从业人员、企业家及各生态系统汇聚一堂,共同探讨创新创业能够为产业、经济以及整个社会的可持续发展带来的积极影响。本届活动主题为“面对世界变局、构建自身体系、实现可持续发展 - Facing the ever-changing world, building up a self-ecosystem, realizing sustainable development”。报名方式 Sign-up
Scan QR code/Click link above for free registration
Please note that you will get the meeting link via email after signing-up.
日程安排 Schedule
10月19日 GMT+8, 20:00 - 21:30
生态宜居的光明未来 -
Brighter future and greener world
1. 欢迎致辞 / Welcome Speech
2. 活动致辞 / Address
国际双创人才吸引/ International talent attraction for innovation and entrepreneurship
3. 主题演讲 / Presentation
以赛促创:李光耀全球商业计划竞赛 / Promoting entrepreneurship through competition - Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition
4. 专题研讨 / Panel Discussion
关于应对气候变化的碳中和技术的趋势和创业机会 / Trends and entrepreneurial opportunities regarding carbon-neutral technologies to address the climate change
10月20日 GMT+8, 20:00 - 21:30
构建自身可持续发展体系 -
Preparation of your ecosystem for sustainable development
1. 活动致辞 / Address
中国归国留学生和国际毕业生对中国市场的适应性 / Adaptability of Chinese returned students & international graduates to Chinese market
2. 主题演讲 / Presentation
创业的基本逻辑&上海闵行留学人员创业园介绍 / Basic logic of entrepreneurship & Introduction to Shanghai Minhang Overseas Talents Entrepreneurship Park
3. 专题研讨 / Panel Discussion
在后疫情时代学生创业者获得成功所需的知识和技能 / Knowledge and skills required for student entrepreneurs for success in the Post-pandemic era
4. 专题研讨 / Panel Discussion
创业者和初创企业构建自身可持续发展体系的路径 / Pathways for entrepreneurs and startups to build up a self-sustaining ecosystem
5. 结束致辞 / Concluding Remarks
Transitioned in 2015 from IEEE TEMS from the former Engineering Management Society (EMS), IEEE TEMS stands for Technology and Engineering Management Society attached to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is devoted to advancing, enhancing, and improving essential management and leadership knowledge and skills of IEEE members.
Official Website: https://www.ieee-tems.org/
International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IEIE) was co-initialized by the institutions involved in innovation and entrepreneurship from Eurasian countries in 2019. It is designed to resourcing, matchmaking, co-acceleration and commercialization & industrialization of new technologies on global stage, aiming to establish a sustainable and reciprocal system.
Official Website : http://ieie.link
neoBay Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community
Co-founded in 2015 by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Land Group, and the People's Government of Minhang District, neoBay is committed to establishing a scientific innovation cluster in South Shanghai. Through talent and technology provided by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, industrial resources and capital offered by Shanghai Land Group, and coordination and policy by the local government, neoBay is devoted to forging a bridge connecting academia with industry and building an international ecosystem for resourcing, matchmaking and commercialization of new technologies around the world. By converging global resources and attracting startups across the globe, neoBay contributes to advancing Shanghai towards the leading hub of hi-tech innovation with global influence.
Official Website : https://neobay.cn
Shanghai Minhang Overseas Talents Entrepreneurship Park
Based on neoBay Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community which provides premium resources assembled by the ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship as well as the excellent incubation services, Shanghai Minhang Overseas Talents Entrepreneurship Park aims at attracting overseas talents, supporting their entrepreneurship, promoting the commercialization of research findings and upgrading the capacities of enterprises in innovation. Meanwhile, it focuses on fostering internationally competitive enterprises founded by overseas talents and cultivating outstanding entrepreneurs.
Centre For Entrepreneurship of UM-SJTU JOINT INSTITUTE
Centre For Entrepreneurship (CFE) was established in April 2017, as an extension of collaborative work across University of Michigan (UM) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) on entrepreneurship education. It is led by Professor Pradeep Ray (JI CFE Director) with academics from JI and SJTU. CFE also works closely with alumni and industry partners at various levels (large corporate establishments and local medium sized companies). Our mission is to become a leader in Entrepreneurship Education in Asia and Demonstrate Leadership in Inter-disciplinary entrepreneurship activities through global bodies, such as IEEE, UN bodies and industry partners.
Official Website : http://cfe.ji.sjtu.edu.cn
School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of SJTU
Student Innovation Center of SJTU
China-UK Low Carbon College of SJTU, China & UK
SJTU Paris Elite Institute of Technology, China & France
International Affairs Division of SJTU
Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Singapore Management University, Singapore
emlyon business school, China & France
Business Incubator Novi Sad, Serbia
The Belt and Road Institute, Serbia
La French Tech Shanghai, China & France
Universitas 21, UK
Gathering Global Talents in Shanghai, China (海聚英才)
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