19号公园┃升级改造, 注入澳式新活力
Rejuvenation of Adelaide’s popular Pityarilla (Park 19) in the city’s South Park Lands is currently underway, which is at the junction of the Park Lands Trail and the increasingly utilised & important Frome and Porter Street Bikeways. Led by ASPECT Studios, its revitalisation is the first of many park projects identified by The Office of Design & Architecture SA(ODASA) in partnership with Adelaide City Council. Completion is expected by January 2018.
With its picnic and sporting facilities, Pityarilla (Park 19) has long been a major destination for families and school gatherings. It is also home to one of Adelaide’s most loved children’s playgrounds – ‘Marshmallow Park’ — a name derived from the native hollyhock plant (Lavatera plebeia), the roots of which were a popular food for the Indigenous Kaurna people. Pityarrilla in fact means "marshmallow root place".
皮特亚里亚公园(Park 19)位于Glen Osmond、Glen Osmond路和Porter街(即南露台自行车道)之间,占地4.5公顷。澳派团队通过与当地社区、学校和Kaurna(库纳)原住民代表的交流以及阿德莱德市民积极参与后,所提炼出来的升级改造之总体规划概念,即“量身打造的公园地产”,将景观叙事与当地传统Kaurna库纳文化相结合,让人们可以在游戏与互动中学习,并感受过去的时光,让人们完全沉浸在营造场景之中,尽情享受欢乐的地方。
Bounded by Glen Osmond Road, Greenhill Road and the Porter Street – South Terrace bike link,Pityarilla (Park 19) occupies a 4.5 hectare wedge of the Park Lands. ASPECT’s master plan concept for its rejuvenation was distilled from conversations with community, school and Kaurna representatives, and The City of Adelaide’s publicengagement process: "Shape the Park Lands". The plan weaves together alandscape narrative inspired equally by the landscape and traditional Kaurnaknowledge, with a focus on learning through play and interaction.
在溪流修缮工作进行的同时,澳派团队开发了总体规划概念和详细记录,其中更新改造设计内容包括升级后的自然游乐空间、举办集市和活动的连廊和广场、洗浴区、运动场、宠物公园和升级的公园设施,此外还有将 “文化”和“野趣”相结合的漫游区域。
parallel with creek rehabilitation works, ASPECT led a team to develop a
concept master plan and detailed documentation. The rejuvenation works
include an upgraded nature play space, new promenade and plaza space
fitting for markets &events, ablution block, upgraded active
recreation courts, a dog park, and enhanced ‘formal’ park amenities. The
enhancements also provide for a "cultural stage", and "wild play" roaming
Our approach is to enhance the site’s existing natural assets, such as the mature Moreton BayFig tree (Ficus macrophylla) at the heart of the children’s playground. The aimis to create an exemplary community park where a variety of recreational andplay opportunities are supported by high quality amenities and increasedindigenous planting.
Key elements ofthe plan include a nature-based play space around a rehabilitated creek, ashared-use central promenade and bridge crossing, and a community plaza /activity hub for community events such as market days. Also included will be adog park, a formal green open space and active recreation courts with tennisand basketball facilities. Lighting, furniture, signage and other amenitieswill be upgraded and complemented with new artworks. A central north- south‘promenade’ will improve connectivity to cycleways beyond the site, and invitepedestrian access from the fringes of the Park Lands.
19号公园升级设计由澳派阿德莱德工作室主导,与多学科团队合作,包括土木与水利、照明设计与服务、DDA服务、灌溉设计、交通与运动规划、建筑和自然野趣专家。设计表达方式受到自然生态系统和传统当地库纳Kaurna文化的启发,项目愿景是增强阿德莱德公园的生机,让这座城市沐浴在活力之中,同时让寓教于乐的公园地带,充分发挥自身自然资源的多样性,将人们与空间融合在一起, 创造一个能尽情享受惬意舒适的澳式生活体验。
ASPECT Studios’ Adelaide Studio led the design in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary teamof Civil & WSUD Engineering, Lighting Design & Service’s Engineering, DDA Services, Irrigation Design, Traffic & Movement Planning, Architecture,& Nature Play Experts. The project vision is to enhance the Adelaide Park Lands as a vital living system that surrounds and permeates the city.
design is a result of community, school and Kaurna group consultations,
and weaves anarrative inspired equally by nature’s ecological systems
and traditional Kaurna knowledge. The Park has a focus on learning
through play, celebrating diversity and interaction with others