Steam Mill Lane 蒸汽磨坊巷是悉尼达令广场一系列城市更新项目中,第一批交付和设计的最新公共空间。ASPECT Studios 澳派景观设计工作室的角色是监督和影响零售设计与策划公共艺术,以及设计更具有传统的公共空间元素,让传统元素潜移默化地融入到公共空间设计中, 增强加深了文化的厚重感与使命感。
Steam Mill Lane is the first of a series of new public realm spaces being delivered and designed as part of the Darling Square urban regeneration project in Sydney. ASPECT Studios’ role was to oversee and influence the retail design and curate the public art as well as designing the more traditional public realm elements.
The outcome is a fine grain and beautifully detailed retail lined laneway which has been carefully curated as a 360-degree environment with consideration of public furniture, public art, retail composition, and building materials and interfaces.
ASPECT Studios 澳派景观设计工作室与客户和建筑设计师携手合作,制定了一系列建筑指导方针,以影响零售租户规模,及提供针对建筑的解决方案包含地面上、遮阳篷、外摆和激活外部空间的巷道。巷道中零售商们所提供迎宾和生活方式风格商店,不仅提共给此区的住宅居民,更支持迅速发展的社区的需要。
Working hand-in-hand with clients and the building architects, ASPECT Studios produced a series of architectural guidelines to influence the retail tenancy size, the architectural resolution of the building at the ground plane, the awnings, and the external spaces which offer a spill out and an activation of the lane. The laneway retail offers both hospitality and lifestyle stores supporting the needs of the rapidly evolving community located in the residential towers above.
这个艺术与灯光的设计概念是创造一个艺术和灯光结合的悬浮艺术装置作品框架,主要目的是提供巷道一个欢愉快乐的公共天花板,同时能协助指引民众寻找路线、增强营造地方特色和夜间购物时刻。其中 Peta Kruger是从三位入围艺术家名单中,经过由我们澳派设计团队审慎评估与汇报所精选出来的艺术家。
Art and light
The concept was to create a suspended frame of art and lighting to deliver a joyous public ceiling to the laneway whilst assisting with wayfinding and enhancing the sense of place and the night-time economy. Artist Peta Kruger was chosen from a pool of three shortlisted artists, all briefed and assessed by the design team.
Public Domain
The design of the public domain consists of a series of beautifully crafted furniture elements.The paving is a delicate carpet which extends from Darling Drive through to the pedestrian Boulevard. Timber seats which sit on top of large scale precast concrete plinths float above the laneway and provide seating at the edges to give it definition activation.
Every detail has been considered at the scale of the person. There are places for individuals and groups.
位置: 悉尼达令港, 澳大利亚
景观设计 : ASPECT Studios 澳派景观设计工作室
建筑师 : Woods Bagot, Denton Corker Marshall
艺术家 : Peta Kruger
客户 : Lendlease
完成年份 : 2018
摄影师: Simon London
Project Name:Steam Mill Lane, Darling Square
Location: Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW,Australia
Landscape Architects: ASPECT Studios
Architects: Woods Bagot, Denton Corker Marshall
Artist: Peta Kruger
Client: Lendlease
Year: 2018
Photography: Simon London