We are part of Guangdong!
面对突如其来的疫情,不仅我们经历“寒冬”,在广东的外国友人们也一起“过冬”。Facing a sudden outbreak of COVID-19 this year, it was not only Chinese people who experienced a colder-than-normal "winter", expatriates in Guangdong also experienced the same "winter" .
他们当中不少人,无论在疫情暴发或蔓延之时,都努力贡献自己的力量,支持广东防疫防控,因为,他们是广东的一分子!Many of them, regardless of where they are from or how bad the outbreak got, chose to stand strong and support Guangdong's epidemic prevention and control efforts. Because they are part of Guangdong!
我们找到了疫情期间在粤国际友人,他们共同为爱发声,诠释人类命运共同体的大爱。We speak to expatriates during Guangdong's epidemic prevention and control period. They are speaking out for love together, displaying the great love of a community of shared futures for mankind.
1山姆 Sam
许多在粤国际家庭组成了抗疫CP,在社区为广东的防疫防控贡献出自己的一份力。Many international families in Guangdong fought against the epidemic, contributing to epidemic prevention and control efforts.
居住在湛江的尼日利亚籍外事志愿者和中国妻子陈贝思,在社区提供志愿服务,夫妻并肩作战。Nigerian volunteer, Echar Christopher Sunday (Sam) and his Chinese wife, Beth Chen, volunteered in the community, fighting against the virus, side by side in the city of Zhanjiang.
由于航班的限制等因素,Sam没有办法恢复到正常的工作中去。现在主要宅在家带娃。他们夫妻俩都深刻感受到,疫情之下好好爱家人是最重要的事,他们也希望自己所热爱的湛江能够越来越好。Due to factors such as flight restrictions, Sam could not return to normal work. He took care of his children at home. Both Sam and his wife Beth deeply feel that loving your family is the most important thing during the epidemic, and they also hope that Zhanjiang, which they love, will get better and better.
2奥熙 Scor
来自德国的中文说唱歌手奥熙生活在深圳。他擅长用多国语言创作说唱,德语、英语、法语Rap,信手拈来!他生活在中国,自然用中文说唱!Scor is a Mandarin rapper from Germany, who lives in Shenzhen. He creates raps in various languages, includong German, English and French among others. Because he lives in China, rapping in Chinese comes naturally for him.
疫情期间,宅在家中的奥熙创作了《屋里山歌》表达自己的感受,与在上海的美国说唱歌手Sedia B合唱,给武汉、给中国以及全世界加油鼓劲。他希望通过这首歌,向大家传递一个重要信息:“病毒是不分国籍的,是全人类共同的敌人”。During the epidemic period, Scor was at home, and created "Corona Lockdown" to express his feelings while collaborating with Sedia B, an American rapper in Shanghai, cheering for Wuhan, China and the world. He hopes to convey an important message to everyone through this song: "Viruses have no nationality and are the common enemies of all of mankind."
今年是深圳特区成立40周年。用德语说唱为中国“正名”的他,为深圳创作了一首新的说唱。用十级中文庆祝,“深圳特区成立40周年”。This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Scor even rapped in German to "rectify the fame" of China. Now, he is creating a new rap for Shenzhen with his top-level Chinese, to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.
3梁睿智 Yang Ye Jee
为抗击疫情作贡献,外国友人除了“宅”家,也有穿着厚重的防护服,穿梭在机场、码头和社区,做翻译和引导工作的外籍志愿者。Some foreign friends contributed to the fight against the epidemic outside in addition to others that were in isolation, some even wore heavy protective garments as they volunteered at airports, ports and communities to offer translation and guidance.
韩国志愿者梁睿智,从小跟随父母来到深圳,说得一口流利普通话,就是其中的一员。Yang Ye Jee, who followed her parents to Shenzhen when she was young and can speak Mandarin fluently, was one of them.
结束一段时间休整的梁睿智,参与了首届“线上广交会”担任翻译。她曾多次以志愿者的身份参加广交会,参与此次线上广交会让她见证了中国促进经济发展的决心。After ending her period of rest, Yang Ye Jee started to participate in the first "online Canton Fair". She has participated in the Canton Fair as a volunteer many times, witnessing the determination of China to promote economic development.
4泡沫 Pramond
一场疫情,让全球餐饮业正经历一场前所未有的危机。春节期间,Little Papa的老板泡沫在广州的印度、尼泊尔菜餐厅没有歇业放假。Because of this epidemic, the global catering industry is experiencing an unprecedented crisis. During the Spring Festival, Pramond, the owner of Little Papa, an Indian and Nepalese restaurant did not plan on going out of business.
本打算继续服务在粤外国人,突如其来的疫情让泡沫遇到了许多困难,但他依然在遵守各项防疫防控规定的情况下坚持开店不休假。Pramond hopes to maintain business for foreigners. The sudden outbreak caused him to encounter many difficulties, but he still complied with epidemic prevention and control measures as he persisted in opening his restaurant.
国内餐饮业逐渐在恢复。老板泡沫表示,餐厅恢复了正常的堂食服务。现在泡沫把重心放在各种推广活动和新菜品上,以吸引顾客重新回到餐厅吃饭。The catering industry is gradually recovering in China. Pramond told us that dine-in service at the restaurant is now back to normal. They are now focusing on various promotional activities and new dishes in order to attract customers to return to the restaurant.
来了广东,就是广东人!You become Cantonese,as soon as you arrive in Guangdong!