

2017-11-10 翻译教学与研究





Trade cooperation and the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula are among the key topics for Trump's discussions in Beijing.








▌ 国事访问 State Visit

指一国国家元首应另一国国家元首(head of state)的邀请,对该国进行的正式外交访问,是两个国家间最高规格的外交交流。国事访问接待规格主要包括:

▷ 鸣放礼炮 21 响。
A 21-gun salute is fired in honor of the visiting head of state.

▷ 军乐队奏两国国歌,先奏到访元首国家国歌。
The playing of the two national anthems by a military band. The guest anthem is played first usually.

▷ 检阅仪仗队。
A review of military honor guards.

▷ 两国元首交换礼物。
An exchange of gifts between the two heads of state.

▷ 东道主举行国宴,款待到访国元首,尊其为贵宾。
State dinners, hosted by the hosting head of state, with the visiting head of state being the guest of honor.

▷ 到访国元首通常受邀对全体议员发表正式演讲。

Often the visiting head of state is invited to deliver a formal address to the assembled members of the legislature.

这次特朗普访华是 "STATE-VISIT-PLUS" EXPERIENCE “国事访问+”接待规格。

Apart from the red-carpet ceremony, formal talks and banquet, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart will have some informal get-togethers, Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang said.


Though the details of these informal arrangements have not been made public, Cui said that there will be "some special arrangements" for Trump and the first family to learn more about Chinese history, culture and people.


▌正式访问 Official Visit

指一国领导人应另一国领导人的正式邀请,对邀请国进行的访问,有时也可称 为友好访问(goodwill visit)或正式友好访问(official goodwill visit)。正式访问的礼宾规格与国事访问大体相同,主要的区别是在欢迎仪式 上的礼炮鸣放为 19 响。

▌工作访问 Working Visit


▌非正式访问 Unofficial Visit

国家领导人以私人身份进行的访问称为私人访问(private visit),途经某国所 进行的访问可称为“顺道访问”(stopover visit),不便公开报道的访问则称为 秘密访问(highly confidential visit)。过境访问(transit visit),一般发生 在飞行时间较长的访问途中。

此外,国家之间还会进行礼节性访问(courtesy/ceremonial visit),并会对 他国的访问进行回访(return visit),如果时间紧促则会开展短暂访问、闪电 式访问(brief visit/flying visit)。


  1. 友好外交   friendship diplomacy        

  2. 外交准则    diplomatic norms

  3. 外交惯例    diplomatic practice          

  4. 外交特权    diplomatic privileges

  5. 外交活动   diplomatic activities         

  6. 外交交涉   diplomatic representations

  7. 外交辞令   diplomatic parlance         

  8. 外交使节    diplomaticenvoy

  9. 文化使节   cultural ambassador         

  10. 大使馆/领事馆Embassy/Consulate

  11. 特派大使    ambassador extraordinary     

  12. 特任大使   ambassador with special function

  13. 总领事     consul-general              

  14. 外交人员   diplomatic personnel

  15. 外交豁免权 diplomatic privileges          

  16. (不)受欢迎的人  persona(non)grata

  17. 递交国书   present credentials           

  18. 普通照会    verbal note

  19. 正式照会    formalnote                 

  20. 入境签证    entryvisa

  21. 过境签证   transit visa                 

  22. 召见        summon(somebody)

  23. 约见        make an appointment with     

  24. 参见        pay one’s respects to

  25. 正式拜会    pay anofficial call upon…     

  26. 礼节性拜会  courtesycall

  27. 应.…之邀  at the invitation of            

  28. 公约        pact/convention

  29. 条约        treaty                      

  30. 议定书      protocol

  31. 会谈记要    minutes of meetings          

  32. 最后通牒   ultimatum

  33. 最惠国      themost-favored nation        

  34. 礼仪之邦    a nation of etiquette

  35. 坚持独立自主的和平外交政策   

  36. to adhere/stick to the independent foreign policyof peace

  37. 和平共处五项原则 

  38. the FivePrinciples of Peaceful Coexistence

  39. 互相尊重主权和领土完整 

  40. mutual respect forsovereignty and territorial integrity

  41. 互不侵犯       mutual non-aggression

  42. 互不干涉内政

    non-interferencein each other’s internal affairs

  43. 平等互利、和平共处   

    equality andmutual benefit and peaceful coexistence

  44. 中国不参加军备竞赛,不搞军事扩张。

    China will never participate in any arms race,nor will it engage in military expansion

  45. 中国坚决反对任何形式的霸权主义、强权政治和侵略扩张行为  

    China is firmlyopposed to hegemonism power politics and expansion in whatever form.

  46. 中国不以社会制度和意识形态的异同来决定国家关系的亲疏   

    China will not allow difference in social systems and ideology to affect state-to-staterelations。

  47. 在国际性和地区性问题上有许多共同之处 

    to have much incommon on international and regional issues

  48. 建立国际政治经济新秩序   

     to establish a new international political andeconomic order

  49. 严格遵守国际关系基本准则

    to strictlyobserve the basic norms  governinginternational relations

  50. 联合国宪章的宗旨和原则    

    the purposesand principles of the UN Charter

  51. 公认的国际关系基本准则    

    the acceptednorms of international relations   

  52. 政治多元化和  经济自由化 

    politicalpluralism and economic liberalization   

  53. 经济全球化是当今世界不可抗拒的发展潮流 Economic globalization has become an irreversible trend.

  54. 和平与发展仍然是当今世界的两大主题 

    Peace anddevelopment remain the two overriding issues of our time。

  55. 国际社会应树立以互信、互利、平等、协作为核心的新安全观

    Theinternational community should adopt a new concept of international securitybased on mutual trust,reciprocalbenefit and equality.    ”

  56. 营造长期稳定、安全、可靠的的国际和平环境

    to create an international environment ofdurable peace , stability and security.

  57. 我们坚决谴责和反对一切形式的国际恐怖主义
     We firmly condemn and oppose all forms of terrorism。

  58. 国际恐怖主义已构成对世界和平与稳定的重大威胁

    Internationalterrorism is a serious threat to world peace and stability.

  59. “东突”恐怖分子  “East Turkistan”terrorists

  60. 加深了解,扩大共识,相互学习,共同前进 

    to deepenunderstanding, expand consensus and learn from each other so as to achieveprogress together

  61. 促进共同繁荣和发展    

    to promotecommon prosperity and development

  62. 用和平方式解决争端    

    to settle/resolve disputes by peaceful means

  63. 通过外交途径进行谈判  

    to negotiatethrough diplomatic channels

  64. 不结盟        non-alignment

  65. 不对抗        non-confrontation

  66. 不针对第三国 non-targeting at any third country

  67. 和睦相处

    to live/coexist with each other in harmony

  68. 求同存异     

    seek common ground whilepreserving(reserving)differences

  69. 民族意识/国家尊严  nationalidentity/dignity

  70. 实行全方位的对外开放政策          

    carry out anall—dimensional opening up policy

  71. 承担作为一个发展中国家应承担的义务

    ready toundertake the obligations as a developing country

  72. 享受应当享受的权利 enjoy the rights one deserves

  73. 发展睦邻友好关系   

    to developgood-neighborly friendship

  74. 促进南北对话   topromote North-south dialogue

  75. 发展南南合作 to enhance South-South cooperation

  76. 减轻债务负担  toreduce/cut back debtburdens

  77. 放宽技术转让条件    

    to reduce/ease restrictions on technology transfer

  78. 全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器

    the completeprohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons

  79. 赞成不扩散各类大规模杀伤武器 

    to stand forthe non—proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction

  80. 全面禁止核、生、化武器 

    to ban comprehensivelynuclear,biologicaland chemical weapons

  81. 践踏/违反国际法和国际关系准则

    to trample upon international law and thenorms of international relations

  82. 北约东扩      the eastward expansion of NATO

  83. 冷战思维      a Cold War mentality     

  84. 人体炸弹      a suicide bomber

  85. 人权问题      thehuman rights issue    

  86. 侵犯人权      violation of the human rights

  87. 流血事件     bloodshed/bloodyevent

  88. 侵犯别国主权 

    to infringeupon the sovereignty of other countries

  89. 以大欺小,以强凌弱     

    the bigbullying the Small and the strong oppressing the weak

  90. 奉行胡萝卜加大棒政策   

    to pursue acarrot-and-stick policy

  91. 建立/中断/断绝外交关系

    to establish/suspend/severdiplomatic relations

  92. 向……提出强烈抗to lodge a strong protest with…

  93. 承担由此产生的一切后果to bear all the consequences arising/resulting fromit

  94. 无视中方的反对和照会  

    to disregardthe opposition and representations of the Chinese side

  95. 停止干涉中国内政的错误行为 

    to stop theerroneous action of interfering in the internal affairs of China

  96. 建立面向21世纪的建设性战略伙伴关系 

    to establish aconstructive strategic partnership oriented toward the 21st century

  97. 在中美三个联合公报的原则基础上发展两国关系  to develop bilateral relations on the basis ofthe principles set down in the three Sino-American joint communiques

  98. 处理好台湾问题是中美关系能否顺利发展的关键A propersettlement of the Taiwan issue holds the key to a smooth development ofChina-US relations

  99. 中日邦交正常化 

    the normalizationof relations between China and Japan

  100. 一衣带水的友好邻邦 

    friendlyneighbors separated by only a strip of water

  101. 以史为鉴,面向未来 

    to use historyas a guide and mirror and look forward to the future

  102. 否认和歪曲历史的事件 

    incidents ofdenying and distorting history

  103. 以平等、互信为基础的中俄战略合作伙伴关系  the Sino-Russian strategic cooperative    partnership based on equality and mutualtrust

  104. 两国高层领导互访和定期会晤机制 

    the exchange ofhigh-level visits and the mechanism of regular meetings between the twocountries

  105. 建立上海合作组织  

    to establishthe Shanghai Cooperation Organization

  106. 中欧之间没有直接的利害冲突,存在广泛的共同利益

    China andEurope share many common interests.There are no direct conflicts of interestbetween them.


