

2017-11-24 覃军 翻译教学与研究







二、杨炳均先生曾说到,“译本比较是评价翻译的一种有效手段。”在笔者动笔翻译前,我曾查阅了《弟子规》现有英译本的情况。其中流传较广的版本有James Legge译本,郭著章译本,顾丹柯译本(据说王宝童先生也译了部分内容,因尚未出版,无法考证)。其中James Legge译本和郭著章译本均是采取的阐释性方法翻译的,换句话说,译文只是对原文的一种解释,完全抛开了原文的语言形式。《弟子规》之所以成为蒙学读物之经典,不仅仅是因为其思想内容,也因为其“三字一句,合辙押韵”的语言形式。皮之不存,毛将焉附?如果译文完全脱离这种语言形式,译文的传播效果也会大打折扣。另外,顾丹柯先生的译本虽然采用了诗性翻译法,但是,其译文也没有保留“三字一句”的语言结构。关于这一点,许渊冲先生主张,“译诗要做到‘三美’,意美、音美、形美。”即译诗要传达原诗的意义,要保留原诗的韵律,要和原诗保持同样的形式。只有做到这三点,译文才能算是“戴着音韵和节奏的镣铐跳舞”,才能舞出优美舞姿、灵活自如、令人称快。





覃军,四川大学在读博士,任教于湖北民族学院,主要研究方向为诗歌翻译、歌曲配译。曾为多语种诗刊《世界诗人(The WorldPoets)》客座副总编。






    As one of the most popular primers inChina, Guidelines for Children (Dizi Gui) was written by Li Yuxiu in theQing Dynasty during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor (1661-1722). It is based onthe ancient teaching of the Chinese philosopher Confucius that emphasizes thebasic requisites for being a good person and guidelines for living in harmonywith people. The Chinese version was written in three-character verses for thesake of smooth reading. To keep the original style, the English translation isalso written in three-word verses without the loss of content, in order to helpthe English readers not only understand the text but also capture the essenceof Chinese civilization that belongs both to China and to the whole world.










Children should abide

By Confucius’ guide:

Respect elders ’n parent;

Be trustworthy 'n prudent.



This book consists of the guidelines handed down byancient sages on being a good student and child. First of all, be filial toyour own parents and respectful to all of your elders; then be trustworthy andcautious.






Love for humanity;

Learn from morality.

Accomplish these then,

You study 'n learn.



Love all people equally and to be close to and learnfrom people of virtue and compassion. Whatever time you have left should bedevoted to learning.






Whenparents order,

Quick to answer.

Whenparents say,

Dowithout delay.



When your parent is calling you or asking you to do something,do not be slow to respond them, nor be lazy or sulky to do the job.






Be allears

Toinstructions 'o Dears.

Whenreproached by,

Acceptand comply.



When your parents instruct you, you should listenrespectfully. When your parents reproach you, you should obey and accept withfaithful compliance.






Make beddings better

Accordingto th’ weather.

Givethem greeting

Atmorning ’n evening.



Make sure that your parents’ beddings are warm inthe winter, and cool in the summer. In the morning, you should greet them. Atnight, you should make sure your parents rest well.






When come ’n go,

Let parents know,

Where you live,

What you achieve.



Tell your parents if you plan to go out; report tothem when you get back. Settle down in one certain place with a routine life;don’t switch from one job to another but persist in whatever you do.






No things evil

Are too trivial.

Keep these away,

Dutiful you’ll stay.



A matter might be trivial, but if it is wrong to do,you must not do it. If you act just as you please, your parents would not wantto see you doing things that are irrational or illegal.






Things even small.

Get 'em by law.

Stealing is bad,

Makes parents sad.



Although a thing may be small, do not save it justfor yourself. For if you hide things for yourself, you will hurt your parents’hearts.






Tryhard t’ offer

Whatparents favor.

Dispose with care

Their offensive affair.



If whatever pleases your parents is reasonable, youshould try your best to get it for them. If something displeases your parentswithin reason, you should cautiously keep it away from them.






Your hurt body

Makes parents worry;

Your immoral claim

Brings them shame.



If you carelessly injure your body, your parentswill worry about you. While if your virtues are compromised, you bring shameand disgrace to them.






If parents’re kind,

Piety in mind;

Test comes when

They’re hateful men.



When your parents are loving and kind, of courseit’s not difficult to be filial to your parents. But the true test of being a filialson comes when your parents are hateful and cruel.






When parents’re astray,

Mend their way,

With face pleasing,

And voice caring.



If you recognize faults in your parents, you shouldurge them to change for the better and speak with a kind facial expression anda warm gentle voice.






Parents are ill,

Get them pill;

Staybedside there;

Takethem care.



When your parents are ill, you should taste themedicine first before giving it to them. You should take care of them day andnight and do not leave them alone.






Parent’s passed away,

Mournful you stay;

Bread and water

Make your dinner.




For three years after your parents have passed away,you should remember them with gratitude in sadness for not being able to repaythem for their kindness. During this period you should live simply and notadorn your home. And also avoid merry-making and indulgence in food andalcoholic drinks.






Funeral, be ritual,

Memorial, be real.

To parents departed,

Kindness deep hearted.




Observe proper etiquette in arranging your parents’funerals, and remember them with a sincere heart on the anniversaries of theirdeath. You should honor them as if they were still alive.






Brother or sister,

Hold them dear.

Brothers in harmony,

A sign ’o piety.



The older siblings should love and care for theyounger ones, and the younger ones should love and respect the older ones. Keepingharmonious relationships with your siblings is a sign of respecting yourparents.






Drinking or eating,

Walking or sitting,

First the elder,

Then the younger.



When people are eating or drinking, sitting down ortaking a walk, let the elders do first. The younger ones should follow behind.






Addressing the elder,

Use titles proper.

With ’em in talk,

Don’t play th’ peacock.



    In speaking to the elders, use the propertitles of respect instead of calling him by his name. Do not show off or try tolook smart before them.






Before elder men,

Speak softly then.

Soft to th’ ear,

Loud enough t’ hear.



Speak softly and in a low voice when you are in talkwith elders or in front of elders. But it is not appropriate, if your voice istoo low to be heard.






Hurry t’ say Hi;

Patientt’ say Bye.

T’ answer,you rise,

Withattentive eyes.



Walk quickly towards an elder when you are greeting him,and take leave slowly after the greeting. When answering his questions, youshould stand up and look at him with attention instead of looking around.






Uncles to you

Areparents too.

Cousins you consider

As brother ’n sister.



Regard your uncles as if they were your own parentsand your cousins as if they were your own siblings.






Early to rise,

Fortime flies.

Lateyou stay,

Seizethe day.



Get up early in the morning and go to bed at areasonable time, for time is passing by and cannot be turned back. So you shouldtreasure the present moment, seize the day and seize the hour.






Aftermorning brush,

Rememberto flush.

Afterusing th’ loo,

Washhands too.



Wash your face and brush your teeth when you get upin the morning. And remember to wash your hands after using the toilet.






Hat in place;

Dress in grace.

Socks and shoes

Neat, not loose.



Make sure your hat is properly put on, clothingcorrectly buttoned, socks neatly worn and shoelaces well fastened.






Keepyour dress

Not inmess.

Keepthem tidy;

Don’tget dirty.



Put away your clothes in their proper places. Do notleave them lying around, or they’re sure to get wrinkled and dirty.






Neatnessmakes nice

Not th’clothing price.

Suitablefor position,

Andfamily tradition.



It is more important that your clothes are clean and neat, rather than stylish orexpensive. You should wear only what is suitable for your social status andfinancial position.






At yourdinner,

Don’tbe chooser.

Drinkor food,

Enoughis good.



At dinner, don’t pick and choose your food. Don’tover eat.






Walkwith ease;

Standwith grace.

Bows bedeep,

Respectyou keep.



Walk in an unhurried manner and stand up straightand tall. When greeting people, make sure your bows are deep with greatrespect.






Opendoors slow;

Makevoice low.

Walkwith U-turns

 No sharp Z-turns.



Open the door slowly and quietly when entering aroom; go wide when you’re turning a corner, and don’t trip on the legs of thechairs or tables.






Carrying empty ware,

Handle with care.

T’ room without lock,

Enter with knock.



You should carry an empty container, just ascarefully as one that is full. And enter an empty room as carefully as someoneis in it.






Rush and haste

Make only waste.

Crack hard nuts;

Ignore no butts.



Avoid doing things in a hurry, as it will lead tomistakes. Neither be afraid of difficult tasks nor be careless with easy ones.






Walk the walk,

Not talk th’ talk.

Be a truth-teller,

Not a smooth-talker.



It is better to speak less rather than talking toomuch. Tell only the truth instead of twisting the facts.






A careless behavior,

A mere error.

Error on purpose,

Bad to worse.



When an error is made accidentally, it’s simplycalled a mistake. While if it is done on purpose, it is not a mistake but anevil act.






Treat equally each,

Th’ poor or rich.

Friends are gold,

Both new ’n old.



Neither flatter the rich nor despise the poor;neither ignore old friends nor only take delight in new ones.






Read by steps,

Not by leaps.

A good starter,

A good finisher.



Be absorbed in your reading and do not think aboutanother book when you just begin to read this one. Be sure that you havefinished one paragraph before starting another.






Neither be disheartened,

Nor be self-abandoned.

With efforts ’n pains,

You’ll have th’ gains.



Neither look down upon yourself nor give up onyourself. Everyone can gradually learn to become a person of high ideals andmoral standards as long as he makes unremitting efforts.



