

2017-11-27 翻译教学与研究



 The muzzle is the part of the horse's head that includes the area of the mouth, nostrils, chin, lips and front of the nose. 


The poll is the area immediately behind the ears and the underlying bones are the top of the skull bone. In this area are many nerve endings and acupressure points.


The forelock is the tuft of mane that falls downwards between the ears above the forehead. The forelock gives the horse some protection from the weather and helps protect them from biting insects.


Your horse's ears are very mobile and can swivel almost all the way around. This lets it tune into sounds it may hear beside, behind and in front of it. Ears are flexible too, although you shouldn't bend them as might happen when bridling your horse. A horse also expresses itself with its ears.


Horses only breath through their nostrils. Cartilage holds the nostrils open, and the nostrils can flare open to allow more air to pass. The folds and hairs in the nostrils help filter dust. 


The forehead is the area between and just above the eyes. Foreheads can be concave, flat or convex. Arabians often have a concave or dished face. Some warmbloods have convex noses.


A horse's eyes are set slightly on the side of its head. This enables it to see forward and backwards--handy when it was important to keep an eye out for predators.


The hollow above the eyes is the sub-orbital depression. In most well cared for horses this will be a shallow depression. Older horses or horses and ponies that have seen ‘hard times’ while have very deep sub-orbital depressions.


The wide flat area on the side of the face is the cheek.


The neck extends from the head to the top of the shoulder area, ending at the withers. There are seven cervical vertebrae in the neck. 


The crest is the topline of the neck. Ideally the crest should be a gentle convex curve from the poll to the withers.



The growth of coarse hair sprouting from the horse’s crest is called the mane. Some breeds like the Appaloosa have very sparse manes, while others like Morgans and some draft breeds have very thick manes.


The withers are at the top of the shoulder where the neck joins the body. The ‘lump’ seen on many horses is the top of the spiny process of the tallest thoracic vertebrae.


 The shoulder is the large bone that runs from the withers down to the chest. A well-sloped shoulder can indicate a horse that will have smooth gaits. Horses with more vertical shoulders can have choppier gaits. 

前肢(forearm):组成前肢的骨头为桡骨(radius bone)前肢长的马通常步子又大又稳。

The underlying bone of the forearm is the radius bone. A long forearm is desirable as it can signify a long smooth stride.



The knee of the horse is made of several small bones. Although it is called the knee and bends forward like a human knee it is different in structure to a human knee. A human’s knee joint is a hinge joint. A horse’s knee is several bones held together by small muscles, tendons and ligaments. The bones in the knee are similar to the bones of a human’s wrists. The stifle joint is actually closer in structure to a human knee. 

前肢管骨(front cannon bone):支撑从球节到膝盖的骨头是管骨,在管骨旁有一个小小的赘骨(splint bone),大部分轻型马的管骨周长大于8英寸。

This bone extends from beneath the structures of the knee to the fetlock joint below. Along the cannon bone runs a smaller bone, called the splint bone. In most light horse breeds a cannon bone circumference that is greater than 8 inches is desirable.

球节(Fetlock Joint):球节位于管骨和系部之间,在球节处还有块叫籽软骨(sesamoid)的骨头。

The fetlock is formed by the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern bone. At the back of the fetlock lies a small bone called the sesamoid.  


The fetlock is prone to strain and injury.


The pastern is made up of two bones that extend downwards from the fetlock. The upper bone is longer and the shorter lower bone extends into the hoof where it joins to the pedal bone inside.


The angle and length of the pastern is important to strength and smoothness of gaits. Too long a pastern, while providing supple shock absorbency for a smooth ride, may not stand up to hard work. A short pastern will be strong but the horse’s gaits may be choppier.


The back is the area that extends between the withers and the loins. Beneath the surface of the skin are the upright ‘fins’ of the vertebrae. Along either side are many muscles. Relative to body size a short back is stronger for riding than a horse with a long back.


Swaybacks (lordosis) can be genetic, caused by old age, or caused by improper riding.


The barrel is the area behind the girth area to the flank. Beneath is the ribcage that surrounds the horse's vital organs. On the mare in the photo, the barrel is distended from repeatedly carrying foals. 


 The loins are are area just behind where the saddle sits, above the flanks. This rooster is perched just behind the loin area. 


The slightly indented area behind the area of the barrel is the flank. This is the area you watch to count your horse’s respiration. If the flank appears unusually sunken this can mean your horse is dehydrated. Always have fresh clean water available for your horse summer and winter. 


The gaskin is the muscular area between the stifle and the hock. The underlying bones are the tibia and the smaller fibula which are equivalent to our calf and shin bones.


 Underlying the stifle area is the stifle joint formed between the large hip bone (femur) which is equivalent to our thigh bone and the tibia. The stifle joint somewhat resembles a human knee. =

飞节(hock):飞节是马后腿上最大的一个关节,它由多个小骨头组成,其跟骨(Os Calsis) 最为突出,因为它使飞节呈一个弯曲的角度。飞节支持了整条后腿,所以它的健康强壮对马非常重要。

The hock joint is the largest joint on the horse's hind legs. The joint is made of several small bones, the most prominent being the Os Calsis which gives the hock its angular shape. The strength of the hocks is very important as this is the most active joint in the horse’s hind legs.

后肢骨(Hind Canon Bone):后肢骨是位于踝关节与球节之间的跖骨,与人类的脚包括脚趾的骨头相似。

 The hind or rear cannon bones are the metatarsals and run between the hock joint and the fetlock. These bones are similar to the bones in your foot, excluding your toes. 

臀部(croup/ rump):臀部是从后肢最高点到尾巴的区域。

The croup is the area from the highest point of the hindquarters to top of the tail.


The area at the top of the tail is called the dock. Below the skin are muscles and the extension of the vertebrae from the spine. 


The tail is an extension of the spine. There are about 15 small vertebrae that make up the bone structure of the tail. The muscles through the dock and tail make the tail very mobile for both expressing mood, balancing, and swishing away insects.


