
学科 | 君诚的英语课原来这么专业!

市场部 君诚国际双语学校SIBS 2019-09-16


SIBS offers a robust English Curriculum throughout all grade levels (KG1-G12).  Teachers have been working hard to ensure we share common agreements with regards to implementing a well-balanced literacy block and we are effectively meeting the needs of students where they are on the reading a writing continuum.


ES teachers utilize the Wonders reading program written by McGraw-Hill.  This program is a well balanced basal reader that offers a vast array of options for students to get what they need as they transition from learning to read to reading to learn.  This program is utilized at SIBS and built into curriculum by way of Literacy units.  Units are designed based on the Wonders curriculum that is constructed utilizing the US Common Core standards.  

教师们会根据不同学生的年龄段,采取不同方式来评估学生的阅读水平。在幼儿教育期间,教师们使用DIBBLES阅读课程来实时观测学生们的进步与成长。对于学前班(第二学期)至五年级的学生,君诚每年使用三次哥伦比亚阅读评测记录(Columbia Running Record)来确定他们的阅读水平和进度监测。图书馆内的图书按照难易程度分了等级,教师可以将学生分组以方便进行指导性的阅读教学。写作研讨会模式同样也会用于小学的写作教学。

Teachers assess student reading levels using a number of measures.  In early childhood, we utilize the DIBBLES reading assessment to determine student progress and to monitor for growth.  From grades KG3 (second term) - G5 SIBS uses the Columbia Running Record three times a year to determine reading level and progress monitoring.  Our bookroom has leveled readers that teachers are able to use in order to group students for guided reading instruction.  Writers Workshop model is utilized in ES classrooms for writing instruction.

君诚的中学部课堂(初中和高中)会使用各种小说和课本来教授英语课程。教师可以使用Sheafer的写作方法来提高学生的学术方面写作技能。MS/HS classrooms use a variety of novels and textbooks in order to deliver the English Language Arts curriculum.  Teachers are able to employ the Sheafer writing methodology in order to enhance skills in academic writing; a necessary area of focus for our demographic.

MAP考试适用于2至10年级,用于考察君诚学生是否达到了他们的学术目标。The MAP assessment is used from grades 2 - 10 in order to determine whether or not our students are reaching their academic achievement targets.


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