

2017-03-22 MTI翻译硕士考研









make our skies blue again

Delivering the Government Work Report to the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th National People's Congress on Sunday, Premier Li Keqiang said effective steps will be taken to tackle air pollution and "make our skies blue again".


李克强在会上表示,加快改善环境(faster progress in the work of improving the environment),特别是空气质量(air quality),是人民群众的迫切愿望,是可持续发展(sustainable development)的内在要求。必须科学施策、标本兼治(tackle both symptoms and root causes)、铁腕治理(fight it with all our might),努力向人民群众交出合格答卷。

根据政府工作报告,二氧化硫(sulfur dioxide)、氮氧化物(oxynitride)排放量要分别下降3%,重点地区(key areas)细颗粒物浓度明显下降(a sharp decline in the density of fine particulate matter, or PM2.5)。为实现打好"蓝天保卫战"的目标(the goal of defending blue sky),一要加快解决燃煤污染问题(accelerate solving the problem of pollution caused by coal burning);二要全面推进污染源治理(promote control of pollution sources in an all-round way);三要强化机动车尾气治理(strengthen management of vehicle emissions);四要有效应对重污染天气;五要严格环境执法(strictly enforce environmental laws)和督查问责(oversight and accountability)。

李克强称,治理雾霾人人有责(tackling smog is down to every last one of us),贵在行动、成在坚持(success depends on action and commitment)。全社会不懈努力(as long as the whole of our society keeps trying),蓝天必定会一年比一年多起来(we will have more and more blue skies with each passing year)。


环境污染 environmental pollution

节能 conserve energy

减排 reduce emission

生态环境 ecological environment

低碳发展 low-carbon development


high-level Belt & Road Initiative forum

Leaders of more than 20 countries will attend a high-level Belt and Road Initiative forum in Beijing in May, joining more than 50 leaders of international organizations, 100 ministerial representatives and a total of 1,200 guests across the world, said Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday at a news conference during the two sessions.


王毅称,"一带一路"是中国的,但更是世界的(the Belt and Road Initiative came from China but it belongs to the world)。"一带一路"版权虽属中国,但收益为各国共享。习近平主席提出"一带一路"倡议三年多来,成为迄今最受欢迎的国际公共产品(the most popular international public product),也是目前前景最好的国际合作平台(the best international cooperation forum by far)。

王毅称,在当前保护主义、单边主义抬头的情况下(face the rising protectionism and unilateralism),"一带一路"是各国撸起袖子一起干的共同事业(a common cause that requires all countries to roll up their sleeves),有助于推动经济全球化朝着更加普惠、包容的方向来实现再平衡(help rebalance economic globalization by making it more universally beneficial and inclusive),当然也将成为共建人类命运共同体的重要实践(an important practice to build a human community with shared destiny)。


中国智慧 Chinese wisdom

海洋合作 maritime cooperation

转变观念 change mindset

互联互通发展 interconnected development


general provisions of civil law

National lawmakers on Wednesday started to deliberate draft general provisions of civil law, which, if adopted, will bring the country one step closer to a civil code.


这是对民法总则草案(draft general provisions of civil law)的第四次审议(the fourth review)。2014年10月,党的十八届四中全会(the Forth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee)提出要编纂民法典(civil code);次年3月,中办、国办(the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council)授权全国人大常委会法工委负责协调民法典编纂任务,并指定包括最高法(the Supreme People's Court)和最高检(the Supreme People's Procuratorate)在内的五个单位提供研究协助;去年4月,全国人大常委会(Standing Committee of the National People's Congress)将制定民法总则列入了2016年立法工作计划;两月后,十二届全国人大常委会第二十一次会议初次审议民法总则草案;去年10月、12月,十二届全国人大常委会第二十四次会议、第二十五次会议分别二审、三审草案。

在此过程中,代表们对总则中现有的条文进行修订,并根据社会经济活动的新环境增添新的条文(new provisions added in line with new conditions in social and economic activities)。根据最新改动,涉及遗产继承(succession of estates)、接受赠与(reception of donations)等胎儿利益的保护,胎儿被视为具有民事权利能力(fetuses are deemed as having the capacity for civil law rights)。该草案还将限制民事行为能力未成年人(minors with limited capacity for civil conduct)的法定年限(statutory age limit)由10周岁下调至6周岁。由于近年来个人信息泄露事件(incidents of personal information leakage)增多,草案还强调要对网络虚拟财产和数据(online virtual assets and data)进行保护。突出生态环境保护也是草案中的亮点之一。根据草案,民事活动(civil activities)中必须有节约资源和保护环境的意识(be aware of the need to save resources and protect the environment)。

全国人大常委会委员长张德江在关于全国人民代表大会常务委员会的工作报告指出,民法总则规定民法的基本原则(basic principles)和一般规则(general rules),在民法典中起统率性、纲领性作用。民法总则正式通过后,代表们将加紧进行财产、合同、婚姻等各分编的编纂工作(step up work on compiling individual books on property, contract and marriage, among others),并将其汇总成统一的民法典(integrate them into a unified code)。根据立法规划(legislation plan),民法典将于2020年颁布。


消费者权益保障 protection of consumer interests

工作报告 work report

产权保护 protection of property rights

民事责任 civil responsibility


Asia University Rankings

Chinese universities are ranked second and third in the latest Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings, which was published on Thursday. Peking University took second for the second year running, while Tsinghua University climbed two places to third.


《泰晤士高等教育》往年都在6月发布亚洲大学排名,今年提前一季度公布。排名综合考虑了教学(teaching)、研究(research)、论文引用(paper citation)、国际表现(international outlook)等绩效指标。本次排名的入围高校数量由去年的200所增至300所(the rankings have been expanded to include 300 universities, up from 200 institutions last year),这意味着有更多亚洲国家有潜力跟上(have the potential to follow in the footsteps of)中国、新加坡、日本、韩国等亚洲高等教育强国(Asian higher education powerhouses)的步伐。

新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)连续两年(for two consecutive years)蝉联亚洲高校排名榜首。新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)居第4,香港大学(University of Hong Kong)排名第5。整体来看,日本是入围高校数量最多的国家,共有69所高校榜上有名(overall, the most-represented nation in the rankings is Japan, with 69 institutions)。中国内地高校成绩瞩目,共54所内地高校入围,其中,中国科学技术大学位列第15,复旦大学位列第16,上海交通大学位列第18,浙江大学位列第19。


学科实力 subject strength

高校扩招 the expansion of college enrollment

名牌大学 prestigious university

野鸡大学 diploma mill, bogus college

争抢优质生源 battle for top students, poaching of talented students

学术不端 academic misconduct


deposit waiver

Chinese bike-sharing startup ofo Inc is testing deposit waivers for qualified riders in Shanghai, a move observers said would further intensify the already heated competition in the sector.


16日,ofo与蚂蚁金服旗下的芝麻信用宣布达成战略合作(strategic cooperation),凡ofo的上海用户,只要芝麻信用分在650以上,无需交纳99元押金,即可享受ofo的共享单车服务(bike-sharing service)。这意味着ofo将尝试告别"押金模式",推行"信用模式"。需注意的是,用户注册ofo账户的手机号码必须与支付宝账户的手机号码保持一致,才能完成免押金(waive the deposit)的信用授权。

ofo联合创始人张巳丁表示,押金是共享单车行业发展初期的必然产物(deposits are inevitable during the nascent phase of the bike-sharing sector),ofo一直有意推动整个共享单车行业的规范和发展,接入信用免押金(credit-based deposit waiver)是共享单车下一阶段的新模式,会成为共享单车行业的新标配。芝麻信用总经理胡滔表示,此举还有助于追踪用户行为(track user behaviors),防止盗窃和毁损等问题(prevent problems like theft and vandalism)。目前,除了ofo外,还有4个品牌也已经采用了刷信用"免押金租自行车(rent bikes deposit-free)"的模式,分别是永安行、优拜、骑呗和北京公共自行车(public bicycle)。


分享经济 sharing economy

共享汽车 car sharing

扫码解锁单车 scan the QR code to unlock a bike

违规停车 illegal parking

停放点 parking lot/area


(give) royal assent

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II gave royal assent on Thursday to a bill allowing British Prime Minister Theresa May to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, beginning the process through which the UK will leave the European Union.


脱欧法案(Brexit bill)的官方名称是"欧盟(通知退出)法案"(European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill),于13日被英国议院批准通过。英国下议院议长(speaker of the House of Commons)约翰·伯科16日宣布,女王已经御准该法案(give royal assent to the bill)。御准指英国君主对议会议案的批准,作名词时对应的英文是royal assent,作动词时可用give/grant royal assent表达,获得御准则可以用receive royal assent。根据相关规定,英首相梅在获得女王授权后即可启动脱欧程序,开始与欧盟进行为期两年的脱欧谈判(Brexit talks)。

据英国广播公司报道,梅表示,她将在本月底前向欧盟委员会发函(send a letter to the European Commission),通知对方英国脱欧的决定(inform them of Britain's decision to leave),启动脱欧程序。欧委会预计将在48小时内给出初步回复(an initial response is expected from the commission within 48 hours)。不过,由于双方尚需进行准备(make preparations),全面谈判(full negotiations)预计要数周乃至数月后才会真正展开。

按照欧盟法律,一旦英国触发《里斯本条约》第50条(trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty)、正式开启脱欧程序,英国应在2019年初完成与欧盟其他27个成员国的谈判;如需延长谈判时间,必须得到所有成员国的一致同意(require unanimity among all member states)。如果两年内不能达成任何协议,并且无法通过延期的话,英国将自动脱离欧盟,现存的一切相关协议将不再对英国有效。


欧洲怀疑主义 Euroscepticism

脱欧公投 Brexit referendum

脱欧派 Brexit campaigner

退出协议 exit deal

欧洲单一市场 European single market


