
总理莫里森圣诞致辞 盛赞民众团结互助 感恩行善憧憬希望

Cathy 澳华财经在线 2021-08-14


ACB News《澳华财经在线》12月25日讯  一年一度圣诞节来临之际,澳大利亚总理莫里森发表致辞。

















If there's one overwhelming feeling we have this Christmas, it's one of thankfulness.


This year has not been easy for any of us.


Some of us have faced the loss of loved ones. Others, the loss of jobs and their livelihoods. Separation from family. Isolation during lockdowns and lost gatherings with those we love.


For all of us this year has been a time of stress and a lot of uncertainty.


Yet through it all, once again, we have rallied to each other, together.


Australians are an amazing people with an amazing spirit. This year the Australian spirit has shone brightly again.


Though we had to be distant socially, emotionally we connected and turned to each other.


With everyone playing their part.


Even now in Sydney, on the Northern Beaches, everyone is still there doing their bit to keep all of us safe right across the country.


No matter where you are in Australia, this Christmas is one where, as Australians, we can once again count our blessings as a country.


And in our very Australian way, resolve once again to share those blessings with others wherever we can.


We give thanks this year for our Christmas because our blessings outweigh our struggles.


For all of us, those who are Christian and those who are not, this Christmas is again a time of great hope.


My prayer for Australia this Christmas comes from the great verse: "Let us not grow weary of doing good. For in due season we shall reap a harvest, if we do not give up."


So stay safe. Stay COVIDSafe.


May God bless you and your family at this Christmas.


Merry Christmas, Australia.


The Hon Scott Morrison MP

Prime Minister of Australia  

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2 事故引发关注 淡水河谷致信本网称不会影响铁矿石

3 莫里森表示“留职补贴”将按计划消减 支持边界封锁措施

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