
WeChat ID njuartint Intro 宣传学院、发布资讯、服务师生 南京大学人文社会科学高级研究院 名家讲坛第198期  人文基金讲座第106期 讲座题目:价值实现危机与日常生活政治 REALIZATION CRISES AND THE POLITICS OF EVERYDAY LIFE主讲人:David Harvey 大卫•哈维  国际著名地理学家、英国剑桥大学博士、美国纽约城市大学特聘教授、杰出教授    主持人:周宪教授  长江学者特聘教授、南京大学高研院院长  时间:6月7日(周二)晚 19:00-20:30 地点:仙林校区国际学院C308报告厅 备注:英语演讲 Marxist scholarship has been historically weighted towards the study of the production of value and to the class relations that underpin the appropriation of value by capital at the expense of labour.  The factory and factory labour have  hithertoplayed a central role in defining the nature of class struggles that have shaped the history of capitalism. But at the end of the very first section of Capital Marx argues that value is contingent on the wants, needs and desires for commodities within populations, without which there can be no value.  The production of new wants, needs and desires has therefore played a vital role in the history of accumulation. The primary site of such struggles is in the household or community and the vast array of urban social movements testifies to the importance of the realization of value as a site of contestation. With rapid urbanization, the urban has become a central locus of struggle and the right to the city a primary demand. If, as Marx argues, the contradictory unity of the production and realization of value lies at the center of his concept of capital, then that contradictory unity also brings  together work-based struggles with struggles over the politics of everyday life in the city.  大卫·哈维教授的研究及其学术理论早已引起南大相关学者的关注,周宪教授主编的《现代性研究译丛》(商务印书馆出版)中特别翻译了大卫·哈维的《后现代的状况》,胡大平教授翻译的《希望的空间》(南大出版社)也是哈维教授的名作。  编辑:朱英芹 主编:范丽甍 转载请联系平台 南京大学艺术研究院 微信号:njuartint 声明:南京大学艺术研究院平台所分享图片版权均归原版权所有人持有! Reward 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 Write a comment Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

