

南京大学艺术学院 南京大学艺术学院 2022-11-22



Same Mind Same Art: Art and Lifestyle during

 Late Ming Dynasty and Renaissance

开幕时间:2018年11月28日 15:00

Opening Ceremony: 2018.11.28 15:00


时间:周一至周日 9:00-17:00

Date: 2018.11.28-2018.12.5

Opening Time: Mon-Sun 9:00-17:00


Location: Exhibition Center of Nanjing University, XianLin campus, XianLin Road No.163

策展人:Gabriele Goretti


学术支持:陈静、Andrea Baldini;




Curator: Gabriele Goretti,

 Mo Chongyi, Yuan Mengqian

Academic Support: Chen Jing, 

Andrea Baldini

Pedagogic Instructor: Lv Yun

Technical Director : Chen Han

Curator Assistants: Li Mengqi, 

Zhao Yinzhou



“Revisiting the Renaissance” program represents a vocational educational activity aiming at experiencing directly some of the most important places and artworks of Italian Renaissance age. In addition, the program focuses on possible similarities and differences of lifestyle to the Ming Dynasty age in China. Both periods represent very significant flourishing moments in history of art and in the progress of civilizations, including improvements in scientific research, craftsmanship productions and new social arrangements.


The program runs through a preparatory seminar focusing on main topics related to the two cultural subject of the program: the relation in between Art and Craftsmanship in Italian context from Middle Age to the Renaissance age, and the bridge in between this Western environment to the Ming Dynasty artistic production and lifestyle both in literature and in artworks. The students attended thematic lessons about both subject aiming at highlighting similarities and differences in artistic processes and cultural scenarios. The students, before to leave to Italy, have divided in teams. Each group selected a topic connecting an aspects of Renaissance craftsmanship, art or lifestyle and some relevant subject of Ming Dynasty culture.


The program in Italy started on September 1st and ended on September 13th 2018. 




The first week was dedicated to the visit of the historical centre of Florence, the cradle of Italian Renaissance. The time in Florence was characterized by thematic lesson on Italian Art and craftsmanship, and experiential visits to museum and handicraft workshops. This phase of the program aimed at underlining the relation between genius loci (the spirit of the place), history and development of art and craftsmanship values both in historical works and in contemporary high-end manufacturing – with a specific highlight on fashion creative processes and related artefacts.



The theoretical lesson included a first overview on the birth on Italian manufacturing processes from the origin of Guilds of Florence connected to the Communal phase of Italian main cities – Florence as main example – to the flourishing of the Renaissance production in art and craftsmanship. In parallel the students had the chance to visit the most important museums of Florence, as some of the most important galleries of the world and some significant craftsmanship workshops. 




Then the group moved to Milan, other significant capital of Italian Renaissance and today strategic city for the international fashion and design business. There the students had the chance to experience another side of the Italian culture, matching the visit to historical sites as Brera Gallery or Duomo to more contemporary museum as Museo del Novecento, including 900 artistic production as futurism and Fontana works, and Triennale Museum, one of the most important design museums of the world. In Milan the students provided a mid-term presentation of their researches.




After the visit to Italy the students completed their work on "Revisiting the Renaissance" experience, connecting western art and history element and Ming Dynasty references. Each team of students presented an artistic installation on this complex topic, aiming at proposing an original perspective on it and setting the path for future collaboration and research in between School of Art of Nanjing University and Italian Institutions.




The exhibition presents the works done by the research team in an emotional path, playing in between memories and artistic reinterpretation of the Italian visits.

The first room is composed by a sequence of pictures highlighting on the main step of the seminar. A bunch of boxes at the center of the space is aiming at expressing the complex emotions and the mixed memories emerging from this experience.

A second room presents the team artworks as reinterpretation and emotional redesign of the Italian experience. A line of drapes emphasizes the bridge in between Chinese and Italian Culture. At the side of this drapes enfilade we can discover the different artistic interpretations created by the eight student teams.

| 南京大学艺术学院 |

| School of Arts , Nanjing University |

文字|Gabriele Goretti、李梦琦





