西南大学本科招生专业Undergraduate Programs
序号 | 专业名称 | Programs |
1 | 汉语言文学 | Chinese Language and Literature |
2 | 汉语国际教育 | Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages |
3 | 思想政治教育 | Ideological and Political Education |
4 | 哲学 | Philosophy |
5 | 公共事业管理 | Public Administration |
6 | 行政管理 | Administration Management |
7 | 政治学与行政学 | Political Science and Public Administration |
8 | 法学 | Law |
9 | 农林经济管理 | Management of Farming and Forestry |
10 | 经济学 | Economics |
11 | 国际经济与贸易 | International Economics and Trade |
12 | 金融学 | Finance |
13 | 工商管理 | Business Administration |
14 | 人力资源管理 | Management of Human Resources |
15 | 会计学 | Accounting |
16 | 物流管理 | Logistics Management |
17 | 旅游管理 | Tourism Management |
18 | 社会工作 | Social Work |
19 | 文化产业管理 | Culture Industry Management |
20 | 公共关系学 | Public Relations |
21 | 学前教育 | Pre-School Education |
22 | 特殊教育 | Special Education (for the disabled or mentally retarded) |
23 | 教育学 | Pedagogy |
24 | 心理学 | Psychology |
25 | 应用心理学 | Applied Psychology |
26 | 体育教育 | Physical Education |
27 | 运动训练 | Sports Training |
28 | 汉语言文学 | Chinese Language and Literature |
29 | 戏剧影视文学 | Film and Drama Literature |
30 | 汉语国际教育 | Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages |
31 | 播音与主持艺术 | Art of Broadcasting and Hosting |
32 | 新闻学 | Journalism |
33 | 广播电视编导 | Editing and Directing of Radio and TV programs |
34 | 德语 | German |
35 | 英语 | English |
36 | 日语 | Japanese |
37 | 俄语 | Russian |
38 | 音乐学 | Musicology |
39 | 音乐表演 | Musical Performance |
40 | 舞蹈学 | Dance Studies |
41 | 美术学 | Fine Arts Studies |
42 | 视觉传达设计 | Visual Communication Design |
43 | 雕塑 | Sculpture |
44 | 绘画 | Painting and Chinese Painting |
45 | 历史学 | History |
46 | 民族学 | Ethnology |
47 | 数学与应用数学 | Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
48 | 统计学 | Statistics |
49 | 物理学 | Physics |
50 | 通信工程 | Communication Engineering |
51 | 电子资讯工程 | Electronic Information Engineering |
52 | 电子科学与技术 | Electronic Science and Technology |
53 | 化学 | Chemistry |
54 | 应用化学 | Applied Chemistry |
55 | 材料化学 | Material Chemistry |
56 | 化学工程与工艺 | Chemical Engineering and Technology |
57 | 生物科学 | Bioscience |
58 | 生物工程 | Bioengineering |
59 | 地理科学 | Geography |
60 | 人文地理与城乡规划 | Human Geography and Urban Planning |
61 | 地理信息科学 | Geographic Information Science |
62 | 材料物理 | Material Physics |
63 | 金属材料工程 | Metallic Materials Engineering |
64 | 环境工程 | Environmental Engineering |
65 | 环境科学 | Environmental Science |
66 | 土地资源管理 | Land Resources Management |
67 | 水文与水资源工程 | Engineering for hydrology and water resources |
68 | 农业资源与环境 | Agricultural Resources and Environment |
69 | 水土保持与荒漠化防治 | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating |
70 | 林学 | Forestry Studies |
71 | 计算机科学与技术 | Computer Science and Technology |
72 | 电子商务 | Electronic Business |
73 | 信息管理与信息系统 | Information Management and Information System |
74 | 网络工程 | Network Engineering |
75 | 教育技术学 | Educational Technology |
76 | 机械设计制造及其自动化 | Mechanical Designing and Manufacturing Automation |
77 | 车辆工程 | Vehicle Engineering |
78 | 农业机械化及其自动化 | Agricultural Mechanical Designing and Manufacturing Automation |
79 | 土木工程 | Civil Engineering |
80 | 农业建筑环境与能源工程 | Agricultural Architecture Environment & Energy Engineering |
81 | 电气工程及其自动化 | Electrical Engineering and Automation |
82 | 纺织工程 | Textile Engineering |
83 | 轻化工程 | Light-chemical Engineering |
84 | 服装与服饰设计 | Clothing and Costume Design |
85 | 食品科学与工程 | Food Science and Engineering |
86 | 包装工程 | Packaging Engineering |
87 | 食品质量与安全 | Food Quality and Security |
88 | 茶学 | Tea Science |
89 | 风景园林 | Landscape Architecture |
90 | 园艺 | Horticulture |
91 | 园林 | Landscape Architecture |
92 | 农学 | Agronomy |
93 | 植物科学与技术 | Plant Science and Technology |
94 | 农村区域发展 | Rural Region Development |
95 | 植物保护 | Plant Protection |
96 | 动物医学 | Veterinary Medicine |
97 | 动物科学 | Animal Science |
98 | 水产养殖学 | Aquatic Culture |
99 | 药学 | Pharmaceutics |
100 | 制药工程 | pharmaceutical engineering |
101 | 生物技术 | Biotechnology |
102 | 蚕学 | Sericulture |
103 | 自动化 | Automation |
104 | 软件工程 | Software Programming |
105 | 计算机科学与技术 | Computer Science and Technology |
106 | 心理学 | Psychology |