西南大学硕士招生专业Master Programs
Note: Progams marked with * can be offered in English.
序号 | 专业名称 | Programs |
1 | 汉语国际教育 | Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages |
2 | 中国哲学 | Chinese Philosophy |
3 | 外国哲学 | Foreign Philosophy |
4 | 逻辑学 | Logic |
5 | 伦理学 | Ethics |
6 | 宗教学 | Religious Studies |
7 | 科学技术哲学 | Science and Technology Philology |
8 | 政治学理论 | Political Theory |
9 | 中外政治制度 | Chinese and Foreign Political Systems |
10 | 国际政治 | International Politics |
11 | 行政管理 | Administrative Management |
12 | 公共政策 | Public policy |
13 | 民商法学 | Civil and Commercial Law |
14 | 政治经济学 | Political Economics |
15 | 国民经济学 | National Economics |
16 | 区域经济学 | Regional Economics |
17 | 金融学 | Finance |
18 | 产业经济学 | Industrial Economics |
19 | 会计学 | Accounting |
20 | 企业管理 | Business Management |
21 | 旅游管理 | Tourism Management |
22 | 农业经济管理 | Management of Agricultural Economy |
23 | 土地资源管理 | Land Resource Management |
24 | 社会学 | Sociology |
25 | 公共关系学 | Public Relations |
26 | *教育学原理 | Educational Principles |
27 | *课程与教学论 | Curriculum and General Education |
28 | *教育史 | History of Education |
29 | *比较教育学 | Comparative Education |
30 | *学前教育学 | Preschool Education |
31 | *高等教育学 | Tertiary Education |
32 | *职业技术教育学 | Vocational and Technical Education |
33 | *特殊教育学 | Special General Education |
34 | *教育法学 | Theories of Educational Law |
35 | *发展与教育心理学 | Developmental and Educational Psychology |
36 | *教育经济与管理 | Educational Business and Administration |
37 | *基础教育学 | Elementary General Education |
38 | *成人教育学 | Adult Education |
39 | *少年儿童组织与思想意识发展 | the Development of Young Children’s Organization and Ideology |
40 | *教育技术学 | Educational Technology |
41 | *民族教育学 | Minority Education |
42 | 应用心理学 | Applied Psychology |
43 | 基础心理学 | Basic Psychology |
44 | 体育人文社会学 | Sports Humanistic Sociology |
45 | 运动人体科学 | Sports Human Science |
46 | 体育教育训练学 | Physical Education |
47 | 民族传统体育学 | Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports |
48 | 美学 | Aesthetics |
49 | 文艺学 | Theory of Literature and Arts |
50 | *语言学及应用语言学 | Linguistics and Applied Linguistics |
51 | 汉语言文字学 | Chinese Philology |
52 | 中国古典文献学 | Science of Chinese Ancient Documents |
53 | 中国古代文学 | Chinese Classical Literature |
54 | 中国现当代文学 | Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature |
55 | 中国少数民族语言文学 | Language and Literature of Chinese Minorities |
56 | 比较文学与世界文学 | Comparative and World Literature |
57 | 戏剧与影视学 | Movie Studies |
58 | 新闻学 | Journalism |
59 | 传播学 | Communication Science |
60 | *英语语言文学 | English Language and Literature |
61 | 俄语语言文学 | Russian Language and Literature |
62 | 日语语言文学 | Japanese Language and Literature |
63 | *外国语言学及应用语言学 | Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics |
64 | 音乐与舞蹈学 | Musicology |
65 | 艺术学理论 | Artistic Theory |
66 | 美术学 | Studies of Fine Arts |
67 | 民族学 | Ethnology |
68 | 中国少数民族史 | Chinese Minorities History |
69 | *中国史 | Chinese History |
70 | 世界史 | World History |
71 | 基础数学 | Basic Mathematics |
72 | 计算数学 | Calculating Mathematics |
73 | 概率论与数理统计 | Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics |
74 | 应用数学 | Applied Mathematics |
75 | 运筹学与控制论 | Operational Research and Cybernetics |
76 | 数学教育 | Mathematics Education |
77 | 统计学 | Statistics |
78 | 理论物理 | Theoretical Physics |
79 | 凝聚态物理 | Condensed Matter Physics |
80 | 光学 | Optics |
81 | *信号与信息处理 | Signal and Information Processing |
82 | 无机化学 | Inorganic Chemistry |
83 | 分析化学 | Analytical Chemistry |
84 | 有机化学 | Organic Chemistry |
85 | 物理化学 | Physical Chemistry |
86 | 高分子化学与物理 | Polymeric Chemistry and Physics |
87 | 应用化学 | Applied Chemistry |
88 | 药物分析学 | Pharmaceutical Analysis |
89 | 植物学 | Botany |
90 | 动物学 | Zoology |
91 | 遗传学 | Genetics |
92 | 发育生物学 | Developmental Biology |
93 | *生态学 | Ecology |
94 | 微生物与生化药学 | Microorganism and Biochemical Pharmacy |
95 | *生物化学与分子生物学 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
96 | 自然地理学 | Physical Geography |
97 | 人文地理学 | Human Geography |
98 | 地图学与地理信息系统 | Cartology and Geographical Information System |
99 | 第四纪地质学 | Quaternary Geology |
100 | *材料物理与化学 | Material Chemistry and Physics |
101 | 材料学 | Material Science |
102 | *洁净能源科学 | Clean Energy Science |
103 | 环境科学 | Environmental Science |
104 | *环境工程 | Environmental Engineering |
105 | 环境规划与管理 | Environment Planning and Management |
106 | 土壤学 | Soil Science |
107 | 植物营养学 | Plant Nutriology |
108 | 农业环境保护 | Agricultural environment protection |
109 | 土地资源学 | Land Resource Science |
110 | 森林培育 | Forest Cultivation |
111 | 水土保持与荒漠化防治 | Water and Soil Conservation and Dissertation Prevention |
112 | 计算机系统结构 | Computer Systematic Structure |
113 | 计算机软件与理论 | Computer Software and Theories |
114 | 计算机应用技术 | Applied Computer Skills |
115 | 计算机控制技术 | Computer Controlling Technology |
116 | 软件工程 | Software Engineering |
117 | 图书馆学 | Library Science |
118 | 情报学 | Informatics |
119 | 农业机械化工程 | Mechanization of Farming |
120 | 农业水土工程 | Agricultural Water and Soil Engineering |
121 | 农业生物环境与能源工程 | Agro-Biological Environment and Energy Engineering |
122 | 农业电气化与自动化 | Agricultural Electrification and Automation |
123 | 土木与建筑环境 | Civil and Architectural environment |
124 | 机电系统工程 | Electrical and Mechanical Systems Engineering |
125 | 纤维材料与工程 | Fiber Materials and Engineering |
126 | 设计学 | Design Theory |
127 | 茶学 | Science of Tea |
128 | 食品科学 | Food Science |
129 | 粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 | Engineering of Crop, Fat and Plant Protein |
130 | 农产品加工及贮藏工程 | Processing and Storage of Farm Product |
131 | 水产品加工及贮藏工程 | Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products |
132 | 食品包装工程 | Food packaging engineering |
133 | 细胞生物学 | Cell Biology |
134 | 风景园林学 | Landscape Plants and Ornamental Horticulture |
135 | 果树学 | Science of Fruit Trees |
136 | 蔬菜学 | Science of Vegetables |
137 | 观赏园艺学 | Ornamental Horticulture |
138 | 作物栽培学与耕作学 | Crop Cultivation and Geoponics |
139 | 中药学 | Traditional Chinese Pharmacology |
140 | 植物病理学 | Plant Pathology |
141 | 农业昆虫与害虫防治 | Agricultural Pest Control |
142 | 农药学 | Pesticide Science |
143 | 生物安全 | Biosafety |
144 | *作物遗传育种 | Crop Genetics and Breeding |
145 | 水生生物学 | Hydrobiology |
146 | 微生物学 | Microbiology |
147 | 动物遗传育种与繁殖 | Animal Hereditary Breeding and Reproduction |
148 | 动物营养与饲料科学 | Animal Nutriology and Feedstuff Science |
149 | 基础兽医学 | Basic Veterinary Medicine |
150 | 预防兽医学 | Preventive Veterinary Medicine |
151 | *临床兽医学 | Clinical Veterinary Medicine |
152 | *水产养殖 | Aquaculture |
153 | 草学 | Lawn Science |
154 | 生理学 | Physiology |
155 | 特种经济动物饲养 | Special Economic Animal Breeding |
156 | 生物物理学 | Biophysics |
157 | 特种经济动物科学 | Special Economic Animal Science |