

英国中央兰开夏 英国中央兰开夏 2023-02-11

3月9日晚,英国中央兰开夏大学华南校友会活动在英国驻广州总领事官邸圆满举行。众多校友踊跃参加了这次活动。活动以“欢迎回家(Welcome Home)”为主题,同时庆祝了2016年兰开夏进入中国三十年,并提前为2018年UCLan建校190周年送上祝福。

On the evening of 9th March, the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) Southern China alumni event took place at the UK Consul General Residence. The event was well attended.  The theme of this event was ‘Welcome Home’, and it also celebrated the 30th year of UCLan recruiting Chinese students and was also an early celebration of the 190th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Central Lancashire. 

此次校友会由中央兰开夏大学中国办公室举办,荣幸邀请到了英国驻广州总领事Matthew Rous,英国文化教育协会代表、英国商会代表、英中贸易协会代表以及广东外语外贸大学的领导也应邀出席了此次活动。UCLan高级副校长Liz Bromley和国际战略与合作事务副校长Tim Steele跨越了半个地球送来了母校对所有UCLan中国校友的祝福。

This alumni event was organized by the UCLan China office. We were honoured to have Consul General Matthew Rous hosting this event which was also attended by representatives from the British Council, Chamber of Commerce and China Britain Business Council and leaders from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Liz Bromley, UCLan Deputy Vice Chancellor/Senior Vice President and Tim Steele, Executive Director/Vice President International Strategy and Partnerships flew from the UK to China to attend this alumni event and gave their best wishes to the alumni. 

英国驻广州总领事Matthew Rous致辞,认可了UCLan在过去的30年里培养中国学生成为世界公民的成就,感谢校友们对中英友谊所带来的积极影响,为校友会带来一个正式而亲切的开场。

Matthew Rous, UK Consul General, Guangzhou, recognized UCLan’s achievements during the past 30 years, in providing high quality education to Chinese students so that they can become Global citizens. He thanked UCLan for the positive impact that alumni bring to the friendship between China and the UK. His speech was formal and also welcoming.

UCLan高级副校长Liz Bromley回顾了学校近期的发展、国际化进展和科研上的突破,介绍了未来几年的校园发展Masterplan。在创意创业领域作为英国高校的领头羊,UCLan连续三年获得泰晤士高等教育创业型大学的提名。

Liz Bromley, UCLan Deputy Vice Chancellor/Senior Vice President introduced the recent developments at UCLan, its internationalization activities and achievements in research. Liz also introduced the campus Masterplan which will be developed over the coming years. As a leader of innovation and entrepreneurship education among UK universities, UCLan was shortlisted for the award of ‘Entrepreneurial University’ in the Times Higher Education Awards for the third consecutive year. 


2016 was the 30th year in which UCLan has received Chinese students and UCLan China Regional Manager, Michael GE, gave a brief introduction of UCLan’s development and achievements in China during those 30 years. All the achievements and glory are inseparable from the joint efforts of both staff and alumni.


Palace PENG, General Manager of UCLan Biomedical Technology (Shenzhen), introduced UCLan’s recent developments of trans-national technology transfer in China. She said that UCLan Biomedical Technology (Shenzhen) works as a bridge between overseas high-tech projects and talent and Chinese capital, markets and partners. Alumni from the relevant industries are also very welcome to cooperate.


LIAO Ziqiang, UCLan alumnus, talked about his positive study experience at UCLan and about his exciting business start-up after graduation. He called for the establishment of more communication platforms, so that alumni can fully interact, making full use of the golden age of Sino-British diplomatic relations to expand commercial trade.


During the very British themed buffet dinner, the atmosphere was very relaxing and warm and alumni got together to remember their years at UCLan and exchanged today's developments and achievements. Everyone was very happy at coming home. Finally, the China office presented a fine souvenir for every alumnus.


We hope that alumni in the future can continue to focus on the development of UCLan, our alma mater, and actively participate in the activities organized by the University, but also always share with UCLan your latest developments, support each other like a family and care for each other.



We look forward to the next family gathering.







