
富力足球英语课堂 Lesson 22丨 Welcome to the team

富力足球学院 富力足球学校 2022-09-12

● Football English 



Words and expressions

Adapt to 做 调 整 , 适 应 于

Fit it 融 入

As soon as possible 尽 快 , 尽 早

Forever 永 远 , 一 直

All the time 总 是

New style 新 的 风 格

role and new responsibilities 角 色 和 新 职 责

tactic 战 术 打 法

Read the game 阅 读 比 赛

Instruction 指 示 , 命 令

Make friends with 和 某 人 交 朋 友

Learn about each other 相 互 了 解

Effort and contribution 努 力 和 贡 献



    Three new players join the squad recently. On the pitch, the coach is having a conversation with the whole squad.

Coach:First of all, welcome the new players to our team. I know that it is not easy to fit in a new team or anew environment.

However, it is a very important lesson for us. Why is it so important?

Ronaldo:We will not stay in one team forever. We will not play with same teammates all the time. Players move around ,go to new teams and meet new people. It happens to everyone.

Coach:That is true. How can we fit in a new team as soon as possible? 

Messi:Different coaches have different coaching philosophy. Different teams have different styles. Try ou rbest to understand and adapt to the coaching philosophy of new coach and new style of the newteam.

Neymar:We have to know our new roles and responsibilities in the new team.

Suarez:Do what the coach ask you to do. Follow coach's instruction in training and in the game.

Bale:In the game, try our best to understand the new tactics and read the game.

Sanchez:Try to make friends with the new teammates and learn more about each other.

Bufon:Try our best to train, play and help the team. People can see your effort and contribution.

Coach:All of you are right. Try our best. We can do it.


Questions and answers

1. Why is it so important to learn how to fit in a new team?

2. Do all the coaches have the same coaching philosophy?

3. How many football styles do you know?

4. Whose instructions do we need to follow?

5. What should we do in the game?

6. Do you know your roles and responsibilities in your team?

Think about it



You will go through tough times. It's about getting through them.






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