
富力足球英语课堂 Lesson 23丨 Why do you play football?

富力足球学院 富力足球学校 2022-09-12


   如果你外出交流、又或者是出国比赛时别人问到这个问题,你该如何用英语回答 呢?这节课的《富力足球英语》课堂小编就带你去了解下。

Words and expressions


Dream                 梦 想

Childhood            童 年

Favorite               最 爱 的

Superstar             超 级 明 星

Honor                  荣 誉

In the future         在 将 来

Feel like               感 觉

Improve               提 升 、 提 高

Encourage            鼓 励

Companion           同 伴 、 伙 伴

Opportunity          机 会 、 机 遇



Coach:Can anyone tell me why do you play football?

Messi:Playing football is a dream since my childhood, I often play football with my little companions.

Carlos:I play football because my parents are football players and they encourage me to be one as well.

Mulle:Football is my favorite sport, I usually play football after school and I enjoy it very much.

Coach:How about you XXX?

Romario:I think playing football can bring me a lot of fun, I feel like I'm improving everyday and I hope I can be a football superstar one day in the future.

Jason:Mommy, I am back!

Mom:How are you doing at school today, Z?

Jason:I'm doing well I think. C asked me a question.

Mom:What question?

Jason:He asked me why do I play football.

Mom:What is your answer then?

Jason:I didn't, I was too shame to answer.

Mom:Come on Z! that's not my boy! Tell mommy your thought.

Jason:Alright, mom. I know you and dad are working so hard everyday to give me a better life and I don't want this last long. I think playing football is a opportunity for me to make big money so that I can change this life.

Mom:Oh that's so sweet son!

Question and answers


1. Why dose Romario play football?

2. Why does Carlos play football?

3. Whose parents are football players?

4. Why didn't Jason answer C's question?

5. Do you think playing football can make big money? why?



A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe that you

are the best and then make sure that you are.



U15国少队西班牙“地区杯”夺冠 富力三小将初露锋芒



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