
富力足球英语课堂 Lesson 25 | What is football etiquette?


Words and expressions

Etiquette               礼 仪 , 礼 节 , 规 矩    

Group game                     小 组 赛

knockout game                淘 汰 赛

From the same group      来 自 同 组 的

Added minutes                伤 停 补 时

Rules                                规 矩

Orders                              秩 序

Politeness                        礼 貌 ,礼 节

Technical area                  技 术 区 域

First of all                         首 先

Shook hands                    握 手

Clapped for                      鼓 掌

Distract                            干 扰

Give tips to                      给 某 人 提示 



We are playing an international youth football tournament in Changsha. We won the first group game in the morning , and went to watch the game betweenother two teams from the same group in the afternoon. One team is from Japan, and the other team is from Changsha. It was a very close game. The team from Japan won the game with a penalty in the added minutes.

Coach:Hey, boys. It is a wonderful game, isn't it?

Players:Yes, it is.

Coach:Today, we don't talk about the tactics or game performances. We will discuss football etiquette. There are some good and poor football etiquette in this game. First of all, what is football etiquette?

The rules on the pitch and off the pitch.

Messi:The politeness. The orders.

Ronaldo:Great answers.

Coach:What are good football etiquette we can see from this game?

Sanchez:Only one coach of each side stood and coached in the technical area. Others were sitting on the bench.

Coach:Good answer. What else?

Muller:The players shook hands with the rivals and referees before and after the game. Coaches from both teams shook hands with each other and the referees, and also clapped for the opposition.

Ramos:The players also thanked the coaches, referees, fans, rivals and everyone after the game.

Coach:Good answers. What is the poor football etiquette?

Messi:Some parents were walking and taking pictures around the pitch.It could distract the players and referees.

Ronaldo:Some ballboys just sit there and watched. They need to be prepared and pick the ball as soon as possible.

Sanchez:The coach of Changsha team should not go to the goalkeeper and gave him tips to save the penalty during the game.


Questions and answers

1. What is football etiquette ?

2. What are good football etiquette in this football game?

3. How many coaches of each side can stand and coach in the technical area?

4. What are poor football etiquette in this football game?

5. What should we do after the game?

6. Do your classmates know football etiquette? If not, what can you teach them?



You have got to shoot, or you can't score. (Johan Cruyff)




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