
英语叨逼叨 | 美联航:欢迎来到搏击俱乐部

2017-04-12 魔力校花 Molistudy

本期视频来源Jimmy Kimmel Show, 版权归原作者所有。







Oh,you look like rubbish to me.

让我们响起掌声隆重欢迎股票暴跌8个亿的,热爱搏击的航空公司——United Airlines(美联航)。

这家航空公司以其崇尚武力的服务作风、脑洞不俗的办事逻辑和义正言辞的推特发言,获得了中美人民的热烈关心。美国著名脱口秀主持人Jimmy Kimmel昨日在节目中表达了对该公司由衷的佩服。



How many of you here in the audience tonight are visiting from out of town you flew here to be… okay, quite a fewI’m glad none of you were yanked off your plane. Have you seen that video of the guy getting dragged off United flight? 

out of town 外地

quite a few 不少(这里字幕有错误)

Yank off 拉扯开,拖出 = Drag off 

This happened yesterday in Chicago. They overbooked the flight to Louisville and, you know whatever they airlines do this which I don’t even understand. 

Chicago 墨西哥,Louisville 路易斯维尔


Whatever 这里其实想表达的是whatever reason,“不懂为什么”。

By the way, I’ve been on a hundred like games and stadiums with 50,000 seats, they never sell the same seat 2 times to one person, but for some reason airlines cannot figure this out. So when they have more passengers than they do seats, they offer incentives to get people to volunteer to not fly and you get a voucher

For some reason 由于某些原因,有时更加是反向强调“鬼知道是因为什么”。

they have more passengers than they do seats 这里用do省略替代have,避免重复。

Incentives 刺激,激励

Voucher 代金券

In this case they offered the people on the plane 400 dollars in a hotel to give up their seats but there were no takers. So they upped it to 800 dollars and still no takers. So then, I don’t even know they did this, they randomly selected 4 passengers to be removed from the plane? 3 of them got up being grudgingly and got off, but one of the passengers said he was a doctor and had to be at the hospital in the morning. So he refused to deplane, and this is how that refusal went.

Takers 接受者

I don’t even know they did this 与上文whatever一样也是省略,这里应该是don’t even know why they did this. “不懂他们为什么这么做”。

Randomly 随机地

got up being grudgingly 这里发音不清,应该是加了一个being,这是多余的,动词后直接跟副词修饰即可。

Get up 站起来,get off 下车,下机=deplane

Refusal refuse的名词形式,拒绝

How……go 某件事发展的趋势、结果

Woman: (本段视频未展示出来的对话部分,一位女性说This is not right. Can’t the pilots drive to Louisville?) Can’t they rent a car for the pilots and have them drive?

Man: scream…

Woman: No! No! Oh my god! Really? Oh my god*2 No!

Woman: Guys! My God! What are you doing?

Woman: No! This is wrong! Oh my god! Look at what you did to him!

Woman: Oh My God!

有外国网友评论,这是most related woman(related形容人时表示“通人情的,有同理心的”)。确实这位美丽的女乘客出的建议都很棒啊?机组成员难道不能开个车去吗?非要把顾客赶下去?你是大爷你厉害咯?

That’s “inte-resting” to see. See who laughs at that? That’s how my mother used to get me out of bed to go to school every morning.

Inte-resting 上期文章中说过,这是一种简单粗暴表示强调的方式,我们可以常用在口语中,就是拉长单词中间音的发音。这里强调“有趣的”,其实是反语,表示并不好笑。

Used to 过去常常

But this poor guy they roughed him up and the reason they were overbooked is because they were trying to get 4 United airlines employees on board. They said the employees had to get Louisville so they kicked the customers who pay for the ticket off the plane to make room for them and then about 10 minutes later the guy they kicked off somehow 10 minutes later, on this I have no explanation for, somehow he wound up back on the plane. 

Rough up 粗暴对待,殴打

On board 登机

Kick somebody off someplace把某人从某地踢出去

Make room for 腾出空间给……

on this I have no explanation for 插入语,口语常用,“这件事我也不知道是什么鬼”

somehow 和上面这个插入语同样的意思,不过这个稍微正式一点

wind up 最终,上发条,解散。这里表示“最终”。

Man: I have to go home*n.


He had to go home, but he didn’t go home. They left him in Lousiville the employees of united got on and the passengers booed them when they got on the plane, which is all terrible but this might be the worst part of all of it. The CEO of United released a statement via twitter, this is what CEO tweeted.

They left him in Lousiville 这里应该是口误,他被留在了芝加哥。

Boo 发出嘘声(喝倒彩)

which is all terrible but this might be the worst part of all of it 一切都很糟糕,但是最糟糕的是,非常好用的递进句式。

Release 发布

Twitter 推特,tweet 原本表示“小鸟叽叽喳喳地叫”,Twitter的标志就是鸟,因此tweet演化为“写推特”。

Haha, he said re-accommodate. It’s just like we re-accommodate El Chapo out of Mexico.

Re-accommodate 重新安置,这是CEO的回应的关键词。

El Chapo 墨西哥毒枭,两次越狱被抓,现关押在美国。这里讽刺美联航所谓的“重新安置”,就好像对待犯人一样。

That is such sanitize(sanitization). Say nothing, take no responsibility, corporate BS speak!

I don’t know how the guy who sent that tweet didn’t vomit when he typed it out

Sanitize 这里发音太快应该没有说完整,应该是sanitization,洗白。

BS = bullshit,corporate BS speak公司的官话

Type out 打(字)出来

But it’s crazy I mean when you break this down: a man was forcibly dragged off the flight because they oversold it, which how that happens the first place I don’t know, and by the way, they almost certainly could have gotten volunteers by offering more money or travel voucher.

Maybe 800 bucks wouldn’t do but they could have gone up to 1,000 or 6,000 or 100,000, who cares? It’s not the passengers’ fault if you sold too many seats, are you playing me, they bought. 

Break down 分解,分析

The first place 最初

Are you playing me? 你在逗我玩吗?

Can you imagine this happening in any other industry? I mean, imagine if this happened at Applebees. Imagine if you sit down, you ordered your 3 cheese chicken cavatappi or whatever fine. 20 minutes later, the waiter comes over and say sorry we have another party coming and we need this chair so, either you can leave or we will make you leave. You say I don’t want to leave I got ordered my drink and I want to eat, and he grabs you by the arm and throws you out. You’d never go to applebees again, right?


所以其实,并不是native speaker说的就一定是对的,如果你的英文不好,你还是可以通过基本单词让人家明白你的意思,因此,不要害怕开口。

Applebees 美国一家超过5000连锁店的西式餐厅,非常受欢迎。

Cavatappi 螺旋粉,意大利面的一种,见下图

Grab someone’s arm 拽着手臂

But that’s the thing we don’t do that with airlines. Next time we book a flight, it doesn’t matter of to United or Delta or American if one of those flights is a dollar less than the other one. That’s the one we’ll pick,they notice. That’s why we’re stuck with them.

They notice 他们注意到,他们知道

Be stuck with somebody 被某人掌控

Our only other choice is the bus, so United didn’t even admit they did anything wrong. In fact of anything they seem to be doubling down on this.

In fact of anything 这里的anything与前面的anything wrong应和,这里可以直接理解为“反而”。

double down 双倍下注,这里表示“错上加错”。




We are united airlines, you do what we say when we say, and there won’t be a problem. 


If we say ymatchou fly, you fly, if not, tough…

Give us a problem and we’ll drag your ass off the plane. And if you do this, we will beat you so badly and you will be using your own face as a flotation device. 

United airlines, fuck you.












