
PEP人教版六年级英语上册Unit1 Hello微课、知识点、翻译

smartkids123 小学语数外 2021-04-29

Unit 1 How can I get there?




Unit 1 How can I get there? 我怎么到那?


Hey, Robin. Where is the science museum? 嘿,罗宾。科学博物馆在哪?

It's near the library. 在图书馆附近。

I see. How can I get there? 我知道了。我怎么去?

Turn right at the school. Then go straight. 在学校右转。然后直走。

OK. Let's go. 好。走吧。

Excuse me. Can you help me? 不好意思。你能帮助我吗?

Sure. 当然。

How can I get to the science museum? 我怎么去科学博物馆?

It's over there. 在那。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Oh, where is Robin? 哦,罗宾在哪里?

Unit 1 A Let's try 一起试试


Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. 吴一凡和罗宾在看一些机器人。

Listen and tick. 听并打勾。

These robots are so cool. I love this museum. 机器人很酷。我喜欢这个博物馆。

Me too. Don't forget to buy some gifts for grandpa. 我也是。别忘了给祖父买些礼物。

I know. But I really need to go to the bathroom. 我知道。但是我真的急着上厕所。

Where is it? 在哪?

It's on the 2nd floor. 在二楼。

OK. Thanks. 好。谢谢。

1. Where are they? 他们在哪?

2.Is Grandpa there? 祖父在哪?

Unit 1 A Let's talk 一起说吧


Robin, where is the museum shop? 罗宾,博物馆商店在哪?

I want to buy a postcard. 我想买一张明信片。

It's near the door. 在门附近。

Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today. 谢谢。邮局在哪?我想今天邮。

I don t know. I'll ask. Excuse me, sir. 我不知道。我会问的。不好意思,先生。

Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum! 哇!一个会说话的机器人!多么棒的博物馆!

Where is the post office? 邮局在哪?

It's next to the museum. 在博物馆旁边。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Unit 1 A Let's learn 一起学吧


Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪?

It's next to the bookstore. 在书店旁。


science museum 科学博物馆

post office 邮局

bookstore 书店

cinema 电影院

hospital 医院

Unit 1 B Let's try 一起试试


Wu Yifan is calling Mike. 吴一凡给迈克打电话。

Listen and tick or cross. 听并打勾或叉。

Hi, Mike. Let's go to the cinema. 你好,迈克。我们去电影院吧。

Sure, how can I get there? 好的,我怎么到那?

Go to main street, turn left at the bookstore. 上主道,从书店向左转。

The cinema is next to the bookstore. 电影院在书店旁边。

See you soon. 一会见。

OK. Bye. 好。拜拜。

Unit 1 B Let's talk 一起说吧


Mike: What an interesting film! 多么有趣的电影!

Wu Yifan: Yes, but I'm hungry now. 是的,但是我现在饿了。

I know a great Italian restaurant. 我知道一间很棒的意大利餐馆。

Mike: Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant? 好吃!我喜欢披萨!餐馆在哪?

Wu Yifan: It's next to the park on Dongfang Street. 在东方街公园的旁边。

Mike: How can we get there? 我们怎么去那?

Robin: Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. 在书店向左转。然后在医院向右转。

Mike: OK. Let's go! 好。一起去吧!

Unit 1 B Let's learn 一起学吧


Where is the Italian restaurant? 意大利餐馆在哪?

Turn right here? 从这向右转?

No, turn left. 不,向左转。


crossing 十字路口

turn left 向左转

go straight 直走

turn right 向右转

Unit 1 B Read and write 读和写


Robin has GPS! 罗宾有导航!

Wu Yifan's grandpa gave Robin a new feature. 吴一凡的祖父给罗宾安了一个新功能。

He now has GPS. He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant. 他现在有导航了。他能帮助男孩找到意大利餐馆。

We're in front of the cinema. 我们在电影院前面。

Let's go straight and turn left at the bookstore. 我们直走并在书店向左转。

Follow me, please! 跟着我!

Is it far? 远吗?

No. Now we are behind the hospital. 不。现在我们在医院后。

Let's turn right and then turn right again. 我们向右转之后再向右转。

There is the restaurant! 餐馆就在那!

My new GPS works! 我的新导航有效果!

Yes! I'll tell Grandpa. 是的!我会告诉祖父的。

But let's eat first. I'm so hungry! 但是我们先吃饭吧。我好饿!

Unit 1 B Tips for pronunciation 发音指导

Listen, look and say. 听一听,看一看,说一说
Robin has GPS. 罗宾有GPS导航。
Follow me,please! 请跟我来/跟着我走。
Is it far? 远吗?
Where is the restaurant? 那个餐厅在哪里?

Unit 1 B Let's check 检查一下

Listen and tick the places you hear. 听并在你听到的地方打勾。

Write the words under the pictures. 在图片下写下单词。

Today, I  want to go to the museum. 今天我去了博物馆。

From my school, I go straight. 从我的学校直走。

And turn left at the post pffice. 在邮局左转。

I can see the bookstore there. 我在那能看到书店。

From there, I go straight ahead. 从那直走。

Then at the cinema, I turn right. 然后在电影院向右转。

Finally, I'm at the museum. 最后,我到了博物馆。

It's not far. 并不远。


Listen again and answer. 再听一遍并回答。

1. Where does the boy want to go? 男孩想去哪?

2. How can he get there from the post office? 他怎么从邮局走到那里?

Unit 1 C Story time 故事时间


Zoom: Hey, that looks tasty. Where can I buy one? 嘿,看起来很好吃。我能从哪买一个?

Boy: Near the London Eye. Go that way. 在伦敦眼附近。走那条路。

Zoom: Excuse me. Where is the London Eye? 不好意思。伦敦眼在哪?

Man: It's next to the film museum near the Thames. 在泰晤士河附近的电影博物馆旁。

Zoom: Excuse me. Is the Thames far from here? 不好意思。泰晤士河离这远吗?

Man: No, Go straight and turn left. 不,直走并左转。

Zoom: Zip, look! 吉普,看!

Zip: Finally! 终于找到了!

Zoom: Hi! Three large portions and one small one, please. 你好!请给我三大份猪肉和一份小的。

Man: OK. 好。

Zoom: Oh, my stomach hurts! I miss my tanghulu! 哦,我的胃好疼!我想念我的糖葫芦!

Zip: You still want to eat?! 你还想吃?!


Unit 1 How do you go to school?


by plane 坐飞机 by ship 坐轮船 on foot步行 by bike 骑自行车

by bus 坐公共汽车 by train 坐火车 trafficlights 交通灯 traffic rules交通规则

go to school 去上学 get to 到达 get on上车 get off下车

Stop at a red light. 红灯停 Wait at a yellow light. 黄灯等

Go at a green light. 绿灯行


1.How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?

2.Usually I go to school on foot.Sometimes I go by bus.


3.How can I get to Zhongshan Park ?我怎么到达中山公园?

4.You can go by the No. 15 bus. 你可以坐15路公共汽车去。


1、There are many ways to go somewhere.到一个地方去有许多方法。

这里的ways一定要用复数。因为there are是There be句型的复数形式。

2、on foot 步行。乘坐其他交通工具大都可以用介词by…,但是步行只能用介词on 。

3、go to school的前面绝对不能加the,这里是固定搭配。

4、USA 和 US 都是美国的意思。另外America也是美国的意思。

5、go to the park 前面一定要加the. 如果要去的地方有具体的名字,就不能再加the ,如果要去的地方没有具体名字,都要在前面加the. ( go to school除外。)

6、How do you go to…?你怎样到达某个地方?如果要问的是第三人称单数,则要用:How does he/she…go to …?


get on(上车)—get off(下车) near(近的)—far(远的) fast(快的)—slow(慢的)

because(因为)—why(为什么) same(相同的)—different(不同的)


see you—goodby esure—certainly—of course


always 总是,一直 usually 通常 often经常 sometimes 有时候 never 从来不















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