
英语(苏教版)六年级下册:Unit 4





Story time

New words

Sound time & Culture time & Cartoon time



Unit 4 Story timeRoad safety马路安全There are many busy roads in the city. How can you cross them safely?城市里有很多条繁忙的马路。你怎样才能安全地穿过它们?First, you must look for a zebra crossing. Then, you must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.首先,你必须寻找斑马线。然后,你必须看交通灯,等待绿灯人像。Can you see the red man? You mustn\\\\\'t cross the road now.你能看见红灯人像吗?现在你禁止穿过马路。Look! Here\\\\\'s the green man.You can cross the road now.看!这是绿灯人像。现在你可以穿过马路。Sometimes, you cannot find a zebra crossing near you.To keep safe, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes. You must first look left, then right and then left again. You can also cross the road with other people. Then the drivers can see you easily.有时,你在你的附近找不到斑马线。为了保持安全,你可以在人行道上等待并且当心小汽车和自行车。你必须首先看左边,接着(看)右边,然后再(看)左边。你也可以和其他人一起穿过马路。那么司机可以很容易地看见你们。Some children run or play football on the road. This is not safe. You must not play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.一些孩子在马路上跑或者踢足球。这是不安全的。你禁止在马路上玩耍,因为有很多小汽车和自行车。Follow the rules and stay safe on the road!遵守这些规则,在马路上保持安全!
Wordsa pavement 一条人行道
a road  一条马路
a zebra crossing 一条斑马线
green man 绿灯
red man 红灯
traffic lights 交通信号灯
Sound timeStress强调

\\\\\'Stop! There’s a \\\\\'red man. 停!红灯。We \\\\\'mustn’t walk now. 我们现在禁止走。We must \\\\\'wait for the \\\\\'green man. 我们必须等绿灯。\\\\\'There he is! \\\\\'Now we can walk, 瞧,来了!现在我们可以走,
But \\\\\'don’t run!但是不能跑!
Culture timeIn the UK, people drive on the left side of the road.
在英国,人们靠左驾驶!In China, except Hong Kong and Macau, people drive on the right side of the road.在中国,除了香港和澳门,人们靠右驾驶。
Cartoon time
①Bobby and Tina go to see their aunt.博比和蒂娜去看他们的姨母。Tina: Hello, Aunt Alice. This is Tina. How do we get to your house?蒂娜:您好,艾丽斯姨母。我是蒂娜。我们怎样到达您家?Alice: You can take the bus, Tina.艾丽斯:你们可以乘坐公共汽车,蒂娜。Tina: OK.蒂娜:好的。②They get on the bus.他们上了公共汽车。Bobby: Look! There are so many cars on the road.博比:看!马路上有这么多的小汽车。Tina: Yes.They\\\\\'re going fast.蒂娜:是的,它们正快速地行驶。③There is a red light. The bus stops.红灯。公共汽车停了。Bobby: Why does the bus stop here?博比:公共汽车为什么停在这里?Bear: Look at the red light. It means we must stop.熊:看红灯。它的意思是我们必须停下。Bobby: Oh, I see.博比:哦,我知道了。④The bus goes on, but soon it stops again.公共汽车继续行驶,但是很快它又停下了。Bobby: There aren\\\\\'t any traffic lights here. Why is the bus stopping again?博比:这里没有任何交通灯。公共汽车为什么又在停?Bear: Look! Some elephants are crossing the road. We must stop and wait.熊:看!一些大象正在穿过马路。我们必须停下来等待。


