
Almost Art Project 即将揭幕!

AlmostArt 2021-02-06

中国首个呈现素人艺术和漫画艺术的艺术节Almost Art Project 将于2015年6月26日在北京大栅栏杨梅竹斜街开幕。共有42位素人艺术家和16位漫画家参与,展出超过300件艺术作品。关于中国素人艺术的出版物也会同时推出。

素人艺术(Outsider art)是艺术史中至关重要的一种艺术类别,也曾被称为原生艺术,局外人艺术,非传统艺术,主要是指未曾受过职业训练,只是出于内心驱动的创作者进行的视觉艺术创作。受到素人艺术影响的艺术家,最著名的有康定斯基,让.杜比菲,保罗克利等等。而法国艺术家亨利.卢梭,让.保罗.高更都属于自学成才的素人艺术家范畴。从让.杜比菲的定义来看,素人艺术是人类历史上最自由最纯粹的艺术,因为创作者没有受到社会和艺术机制的污染,其动力完全来自于他们的内心。

在西方,针对素人艺术的画廊和素人艺术博览会(Outsider Art Fair)也发展了20多年并拥有一个完善的市场体系。而在中国,素人艺术的挖掘、推广和市场系统几乎为空白,也正是由于这个原因促使了Almost Art Project(中文:绘素计划,以下简称AAP)的诞生。

AAP创始人刘亦嫄说:“这个项目的初始想法来自于英国人詹姆斯.布莱特(James Brett)创建的“万物博物馆”(Museum of Everything)他将所有非传统的艺术创造囊括进来,并在全世界巡展。我们希望 Almost Art Project 也可以为非传统的素人艺术和漫画艺术提供展示平台,并计划今年内在上海和成都巡展。”

"在长期的发掘过程中,我们从素人艺术窥见到了艺术的诸多可能性。他们的作品绝不仅仅是脱离了学院和市场,而是对现有规则的彻底挑战。” 刘亦嫄说。

除了素人艺术,这次 AAP 的另一重要组成部分是漫画艺术,由漫画家烟囱担任策展人,邀请了十二位漫画家以“同人志”为主题,用已有的故事进行再创作或改编。策展人烟囱说:“同人志文化在90年代随着盗版日本漫画一起来到中国,可之后因为网络的丰富性稀释了大家对漫画的热情,这次展览的作品需要重新模仿和再创作,怎样和那些喜欢过的漫画风格融合或者完全颠覆,那些喜欢过的作品在哪些方面给自己留下了深深的烙印,会在重温的过程中再次出现。”

出版物方面,针对此次素人艺术部分,AAP邀请了艺术史学者张宇凌担任出版人,由她新成立的出版机构——若轻书局出版发行《素艺术 Art Su》。这将是世界范围内首次对中国非职业,非传统艺术的一次结集出版,代表了第一次在中国国内将这艺术作为一个独立门类来进行的观察,记录和思考。其中包括此次展览的大部分艺术家的作品,介绍以及学术性的研究文章。这也是素人艺术系列出版物的第一本。

展览开幕式后,AAP也将跟若轻书局联合举办讲座活动,邀请英国万物博物馆创始人詹姆斯·布莱特(James Brett),法国Art Brut的收藏家和研究者克里斯蒂安· 波斯特(Christian Berst),南京天成艺术中心总监郭海平,艺术家叶永青,学者和出版人张宇凌参与讨论中国的素人艺术。

阿烂,巴子,健健,姜筱蓉,李奔,李昌胜,丽洁,李晴,刘永和,李忠东,龙荻,彭瑞球 ,品方,祁文,钱辰,石旦真彭措,施智伟,孙启江,唐素云,桃子,万铁娟,王宝珠 ,刘秀芬,汪化,王朕,魏皖珍 ,文隽,小紫,杨传鸣,杨旻,杨洋,姚微粒,一凡,玥玥,渣巴,张立晔,张玉宝,郑东辉,奶粉周,周惠明,朱建华

烟囱,Dick Ng,象牙塔,子杰,冷志文,anusman,RYAN, 陈熹,廖琛,千岛酱,能尖日,史悲,霍小智,司玮,pigao,尚盈

6月26日 4pm- 9pm
6月27日-7月5日 11am-8pm

6月28日 2pm-4pm

7月5日 9pm-1am


电话: 13910119464
email: almostartkk@foxmail.com


Almost Art Project today announces its first exhibition in Yangmeizhu Xiejie, Beijing, taking place from June 26 to July 5, 2015. Almost Art Project is China’s first Art festival dedicated to ‘outsider’ Art and comic Art. More than 300 works of Art from 42 ‘outsider’ artists and 16 comic artists will be presented. The festival also includes a public event program and a publication.

‘Outsider’ Art or art brut, as it is often commonly referred,is a key component of Art history. It refers to works of Art made by artists who are not professionally trained but are compelled to make Art for personal reasons. Wassily Kandinsky, Jean Dubuffet and Paul Klee were all influenced by ‘outsider’ Art. Henri Rousseau and Jean-Paul Gauguin were both self-taught and are often considered ‘outsider’ artists. According to Jean Dubuffet, ‘outsider’ Art is the freest and most quintessential Art form, because their creators are unpolluted by social and market forces, and the creative energy is derived from artists’ compulsions alone.

In the West, galleries and fairs specifically serving ‘outsider’ Art have been developing for more than 20 years. In China, the discovery, promotion and collection for ‘outsider’ Art is an unexplored terrain, an unchartered sea. This void has spurred the creation of the Almost Art Project.

“The idea for the project came from James Brett’s world touring Museum of Everything which encompasses all non-professional art making,” said Sammi Liu(刘亦嫄),founder of Almost Art Project. “We hope that Almost Art Project will be a platform for showcasing outstanding ‘outsider’ and comic artists. Furthermore we will take the festival to Shanghai and Chengdu later this year.”

“After a long process of research and discovery, we have been rewarded by many first class examples of ‘outsider’ Art which has confirmed our confidence in its potential. These works of Art are not only detached from academic and market traditions, but they represent a total refutation of prevalent artistic rules.”

Comic Art is another important strand of the Almost Art Project. This component is curated by Yan Cong (烟囱), comic artist and the publisher of the comic journal Narrative Addiction (叙事癖). He has invited 12 comic artists to make dōjin(どうじん, 同人志)comics.

“The culture of dōjin came to China with pirated Japanese comics in the 1990s, however later on the Internet diluted fans’ passion for it,” said Yan Cong. "For the Almost Art Project, I asked artists to re-imitate and recreate dōjin for the comics which we loved as children. We have had to figure out a way to integrate or subvert styles that influenced us so deeply as we revisit dōjin in this exhibition.”

素艺术 Art Su is the festival’s sister publication. It is the inaugural publication of Art historian Zhang Yuling’s (张宇凌) Festina Lente Publications. Art Su is the world’s first publication on the collective works by Chinese ‘outsider’ artists and it is the first in a series on ‘outsider’ Art. It is an attempt to document and assess ‘outsider’ Art in its own right and contains the vast majority of Art works shown in the Almost Art Project as well as scholarly research papers on the subject.

A panel discussion on ‘outsider’ Art will be held on June 28 by co-organizers Almost Art Project and Festina Lente Publications. Special speakers include James Brett(Museum of Everything. London), Christian Berst (Christian Berst Gallery, Paris),Guo Haiping (郭海平, Tian Cheng Art Center, Nanjing) and Ye Yongqing (叶永青)(Artist).

Participants include outsider artists:A Lan, Ba Zi, Chang Li-Yeh, Jian Jian, Jiang Xiaorong, Li Ben, Li Changsheng, Li Jie, Li Qing, Liu Yonghe, Li Zhongdong, Long Di, Peng Ruiqiu, Pin Fang, Qi Wen, Qian Chen, Shidan zhenpengcuo, Shi Zhiwei, Sun Qijiang, Tang Suyun, Tao Zi, Wan Tiejuan,Wang Baozhu, Liu Xiufen, Wang Hua, Wang Zhen, Wei Wanzhen, Wen Jun, Xiao Zi, Yang Chuanming, Yang Min, Yang Yang, Yao Weili, Yi Fan, Yue Yue, Zha Ba, Zhang Yubao, Zheng Donghui, Nathan Zhou, Zhou Huiming, Zhu Jianhua

comic artists: Yan Cong, Dick Ng, Xiang Yata, Zi Jie, Leng Zhiwen, Anusman, Ryan, Chen Xi, Liao Chen, Qian Daojiang, Neng Jianri, Shi Bei, Huo Xiaozhi, Si Wei, Pigao, Shang Ying

Key dates for Media

Public Opening Dates & Hours:

Friday June 26: 4pm-10pm,

Saturday June 27 to Sunday July 5, 2015: 11am - 8pm
Address: No. 120, 122, 128 Yang Mei Zhu Xie Jie, Dashilar, Qian Men, Beijing

Panel Discussion: Sunday June 28, 2015: 2pm-4pm

Closing Party: Sunday July 5, 9pm-1am

Address: DDC, No.14 Shan Lao Hutong, Dong Cheng District, Beijing

For more information please visit almostartproject.com

Media Contact:


tel: 13910119464

email: almostartkk@foxmail.com


Tel: 15201253540

email: press@almostartproject.com

