Wang Menghua: Static World逸空间×FF艺术空间 East Gallery and FF Art SpaceFF Art Space, 68 Aoti Street, Third floor of the west corridor between 5A5B
王孟华2018年毕业于南京艺术学院油画专业,便在当年举办了第一次个展。以后她的多幅画作便出现在南京的多个群展之中。王孟华作为96年出生的新晋青年画家,她现在的绘画致力于探索日常生活中所看见听见的点点滴滴给她带来的启发和思考,给她绘画语言的多样性带来的革新。相比在校早期的激情奔放和艳明用色,现在的画面却满是静谧与诗意。如此巨大风格的转变,只能说是艺术家在离开象牙塔之后,在社会中,在旅途中境遇的种种事件的反思,和她成长之后心态沉淀的映射。Wang Menghua graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts, oil painting department in 2018. In the same year, she had her first solo exhibition. After the solo exhibition, her paintings have been shown in many group exhibitions around Nanjing. Wang is a young and upcoming painter who was born in 1996. Wang's current painting practice focuses on exploring the visual inspirations and conceptual contemplations from every aspect of her daily life, as well as finding nuances for her painting language. Her earlier artworks during her school years are filled with energetic brush stroke and vibrant colors. However, her most recent paintings feel quiet and poetic. We can only assume such dynamic shift in painting style is the artistic reflection of her experiences in society after she departed from the ivory tower. This shift of style is also the result of her growth as an artist.
不善交际的王孟华在5年前决定要转到油画专业时,便确立绘画是她自我表达的重要媒介。虽然王孟华起步相对他人较晚,但是她却付出了比同龄人更多的努力,整日沉浸于画室中忘我的进行绘画创作。因为对于王孟华来说,油画不单单只是一种再现图像的技巧,其更多的意义是艺术家与这个混沌世界交流的途径。通过长时间的描绘一个物件,一个人,一个场景,给予了艺术家更多的机会去观察,去探索日常生活中被我们忽略的细节。一些平凡的物件与图像被艺术家用她雅静的艺术语言再包装之后,那奇异但又平淡的美感呈现在我们眼前,尝试去引导着忙碌的我们去像艺术家一样静静的观察这个世界。It was 5 years ago that introverted Wang decided to change to the oil painting major in university. At that time, she realized painting plays a crucial part in her identity expression. Compared to her peers in university, she spent all her time in the studio painting tirelessly. Since painting is more than creating imageries, it is the essential medium for her to have a dialogue with this chaotic world. She spends extensive amount of time depicting an object, a person, or a scene. She can observe the subject matters more carefully, exploring the ignored nuances. She reframes those ordinary subject matters with her keen artistic language, and the result is a sense of intricate and calm aesthetic. It feels like the artist is trying to lead us to observe the world closely, as she did with her paintings.
就算是表面上运动最多的《波浪花儿2》,看似画中的人物们都是在起舞,但是仔细观察下画中的人物仿佛被某种神奇的力量圈住一般,无法动弹。在《哥谭》中,人们看似是在奔跑,但是又会觉得这个画面只是在快门按下后绝对静止的剪影。因为就算是摄影,在如此高速具有冲力的运动下,图像中一定会有一些残影。然而在画笔的精雕细琢下,所有的模糊都被滤去了,只剩下了“应该被保留”的静止图像信息。It appears that Wave 2 has the most motion among the nine paintings. The figures in the painting look like they are in the middle of a dance session. However, if you look closely, it seems that they are locked by an unknown force, they are unable to move freely. In the painting Gotham, the figures appear they are running, but at the same time, it looks like a picture taken in absolute static. Such a stagnant photo is almost impossible to shoot in real-time photography. Dynamic and high-speed motions like these will leave some leftover images, but with the artist's delicate brushstrokes, all those blurriness are filtered, and what is left of it are the “supposed to be captured” static imageries.Welcome to the absolute static world of Wang Menghua.
About Artist
1996 年生,福建莆田人。现居南京,职业画家。2018年毕业于南京艺术学院美术学院油画专业。
2018 幻·真—镜像 王孟华个人作品展 ,江苏南京
2019 声带·艺术群展
2019 大艺家19夏季展
2019 任性—性疗法南京展
2019 牠·不是人—线上展
2019 艺术平遥—Artlaozi青年艺术家展
2018 徐悲鸿画院北京油画院年度展暨金艺桥艺术空间首届油画展
2018 第二回ArtLaozi青年艺术家展
2018 同一个世界—首届后滩当代艺术博览会
2018 第三届中国当代女子画会邀请展
2017 第二届“田园松阳杯”全国大学生写生大赛
2017 中国当代艺术联盟大展
2017 北京夏季展
2016 心·像—南京艺术学院美术作品展