

小逸 逸空间画廊 2022-12-25


Black eyes, Tenacious lashes Installation View, 2022

Bian Shaozhi:Black eyes, Tenacious lashes
学术顾问|朱   朱展览总监|刘运峰


展览现场 Installation View


Gradually formed his unique personal language based on the cultivation  of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy,as well as extensive interests and observation of western arts,Bian Shaozhi created the transparent and superimposed effect with the medium of tempera,aquarelle and oil paint, which allows us to see the  possibilities  of ancient  handwriting,ink-wash, sketching and rubbing techniques being transformed into today's context.

是春天呀 What a sping!

海洋板上油画, 香椿木边框上樱桃木色木蜡油

Oil on ocean board, Cherry wood wax oil on Chinese toon frame

160×200cm(63×78 3/4 IN.), 2022

观射日 Witness of the Celestial Archer
布面油画 Oil on canvas
170×150cm(67×59 1/16 IN.), 2022


In Visualization (2015) and a series of related works, he links the dynamic viewing of ancient scrolls with "a real social anxiety" reflected from public safety measures. In more recent works, the sociological narrative background is weakened. Through the extension of objects and themes, he tries to trace the more complex inner experience, and “interweave” factors such as violence, blood, cruelty, warmth, temptation, and desire through structured space, like those entwined octopus’s tentacles that appeared on the canvas. But in the process of conveying his thoughts, he maintained a relatively calm perspective. By dividing the pictures with grids, he reminds the audience the existence of a boundary, thus the sense of conflict in reality has been transformed by language. What painting should provide more, perhaps, is the candlelight through the glass in the dark background.

展览现场 Installation View

展览现场 Installation View

灰鹦鹉与红珊瑚 Grey parrot and red coral
布面油画 Oil on canvas
150×170cm(59 1/16×67 IN.), 2021


His bright, spontaneous use of color, as well as his preference for mechanical animal figures also reveals the attitude he seeks to maintain: the innocence, the playful nature of art, and the hidden carnival in the painting process. In the title of this exhibition, if the "black eyes" symbolizes the established identity and classical complex, the “tenacious lashes" refers to his personal clues continuously weaving and extending inward yet far-reaching.

朱朱 Zhu Zhu

展览现场 Installation View

展览现场 Installation View

展览现场 Installation View


Opening Scene

展览现场 Installation View

展览现场 Installation View

展览现场 Installation View

展览现场 Installation View


About Artist


2022    黑色的眼珠, 韧性的睫毛 逸空间 南京
2020    个人项目:“触” 上海021艺术博览会 上海
2018    隐秘的狂欢 逸空间 南京
2016    英国约翰·莫尔绘画大赛(中国)“约翰·莫尔奖” 民生美术馆 上海
2015    第二届南京国际美展优秀奖 南京
2022    热烈的共舞于街中 弥金画廊 上海
2020    深圳艺术博览会 深圳
2020    朝南 逸空间 南京 
2020    非常,非不常 陶谷公园 南京
2019    南京国际艺博会 南京
2019    扬子艺术博览会 南京
2019    要有光——陶谷秋日合集 陶谷公园 南京 
2019    厦门艺术博览会 厦门
2019    简至诗意升起时 无锡程及美术馆
2018    滚动中的雪球 南京艺术学院美术馆
2018    没展/2018 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆          
2018    首届亚太艺术展 南京大学美术馆
2018    扬子当代艺术博览会 南京
2016    约翰莫尔绘画奖获得者群展 约翰列侬艺术设计大楼美术馆 英国利物浦
2016    翰莫尔绘画展 利物浦国家美术馆
          (National Museum Liverpool)英国 

