
福利 | 第七届OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节“逃票”攻略

2017-09-18 发现深圳美好生活 乐活深圳


Mathias Heise Quadrillion (DK)

一噌幸弘 Yukihiro Isso Quartet (JP)


吹管老丹 Lao Dan (CN)

欢庆 Huan Qing (CN)

Kalo-Yele (CH/ML)

山下洋辅 Yosuke Yamashita Speicial Quartet (JP)

Marutyri (NL)

Balaio Invites Randy Brecker (US/BR)

Buttering Trio (IL)

Michał Milczarek Trio (PL)

Mads Mathias Quartet (DK)

Dainius Pulauskas Group (LT)

Phil Abraham Quartet (BE)

Odd Beholder (CH)

Lorenzo Naccarato Trio (FR)

Auguste Quartet (CA)

Yannick Barman - Stalker (CH)

Yannick Rieu Quartet (CA)

曾成伟 Zeng Chengwei & 曾河 Zeng He (CN)

Peek 3 (HR)

Sheep Got Waxed (LT)

Samy Thiébault Quartet (FR)

Rusconi (CH)



Line-up Preview of 7th OCT-LOFT Jazz Festival

限 量 套 票  ·  现 已 开 售





含爵士节全部演出门票 + 价值100元官方纪念品一件

Limited to 100 Sets

Including all concert tickets & 1 piece of official merchandise worth of ¥100

 复制淘口令 ¥mi700VaPlAs¥ 打开手机淘宝即可购票 



 复制淘口令 ¥JYED0V6604k¥ 打开手机淘宝即可购票


All concerts will be held in B10 Live

▷ 当代爵士双管碰撞

John Hollenbeck - 鼓 Drums

Alban Darche - 萨克斯 Saxophone

Samuel Blaser - 长号 Trombone

Sébastian Boisseau - 低音提琴 Double Bass


“J.A.S.S. challenges, celebrates and, in its own way, defines the spirit of jazz. It could be one of the bands that will play a prominent role in moving jazz forward in its latest stage of evolution and hopefully will prevent this great music from dying the death that it has reportedly been dying for the past 50 years.”

▷ 口琴小生的放克摇滚爵士FuRoJazz

Mathias Heise - 半音阶口琴 Chromatic Harmonica / 键盘 Keyboards

Mads Christiansen - 吉他 Guitar

David Vang - 贝斯 Bass

Aksel Stadel Borum -  鼓 Drums


They have managed to create a truly unique, contemporary sound combining the chromatic harmonica and new, updated jazz fusion. Jazz harmonies and improvisation mixing with rock and funk music’s hard-hitting, they create a brand new genre: FuRoJazz!

▷ 新能乐的爵士幻想

一噌幸弘 Yukihiro Isso - 能管 Nohkan / 笛 Flutes

望月太喜之丞 Takinojo Mochizuki - 日本传统打击乐 Traditional Japanese Percussions

小山丰 Yutaka Oyama - 津轻三味线 Tsugaru Shamisen

吉见正树 Masaki Yoshimi - 塔布拉鼓 Tabla


Yukihiro's diverse interest and love of music has led him to perform western classical, particularly baroque, jazz and world music. Yukihiro has a deserved reputation for improvisation.

▷ 北欧电子+西非放克+爵士即兴

Rumpistol - 合成器 Synths / 克林巴琴 Kalimbas / 电子设备 Electronics 

Spejderrobot - 电子设备 Electronics 

Emil de Waal - 鼓 Drums / 打击乐 Percussion / 电子设备 Electronics 

Niclas Knudsen - 吉他 Guitar /  Talkbox效果器 Talkbox


Two Scandinavian electro pioneers along with two talented jazz artists, Kalaha takes its inspiration in equal parts from West-African funk, electro music and jazz improvisation, standing up as best possible blending of musical worlds.

▷ 传统民族管乐的多种可能性

老丹 Lao Dan - 竹笛 Bamboo Flute / 低音笛 Bass Flute / 倍低音弯管笛 Double Bass Curved Flute / 口笛 Mouth Flute


The sound taking its inspiration in equal parts from West-African funk, electro rave and jazz improvisation, standing up as best possible blending of musical worlds.

▷ 自制民族乐器的当代吟游诗人

欢庆 Huan Qing - 里拉琴 Lyre / 洞箫 Dongxiao / 人声 Vocals


With his own unique perspective and free-form expression, he creates a poetic universe through simple arrangements and dreamy whispers, where we could be detached from the mundane world and retrieve the long-lost conversation between our deep souls.

▷ 非洲音乐的爵士即兴演绎

Aly Keïta - 巴拉风(西非木琴) Balafon / 卡林巴琴 Kalimba

Jan Galega Brönnimann - 单簧管 Clarinets / 高音萨克斯 Soprano Saxophone / 打击乐 Percussion

Lucas Niggli - 鼓 Drums / 打击乐 Percussion


They mix the traditional African repertoire with Western jazz, improvisation and African rhythms, each of them can handle the melody as well as the rhythm, or sail close to the jazz coasts as easily as near the banks of so called “world music”.

▷ 东方爵士钢琴巨匠

山下洋辅 Yosuke Yamashita - 钢琴 Piano

高桥信之介 Shinnosuke Takahashi - 鼓 Drums

类家心平 Shinpei Ruike - 小号 Trumpet

水谷浩章 Hiroaki Mizutani - 贝斯 Bass


Yosuke Yamashita is one of the rare Japanese jazz musicians whose name is a household word in his native land. Critics admire Yamashita’s explosive playing style, often compared with that of Cecil Taylor, as his own unique achievement.

▷ 惊艳舞台的八人器乐Fushion

Rik van der Ouw - 贝斯 Bass / 合成贝斯 Synth Bass

Ruud van Halder - 吉他 Guitars

Thijmen Oberink - 键盘 Keyboards

Maurice Slot - 鼓 Drums

Roy Gielesen - 打击乐 Percussion

Donald Simoen - 萨克斯 Saxophone

Floris Windey - 小号 Trumpet / 富鲁格号 Flugelhorn

Yiannis Marinos - 长号 Trombone


The deep and solid grooves, intense harmonies, story telling solo’s and the well arranged parts, make Marutyri unique in the today’s’ music world and the tougher-than-ever music business. 

▷ 当巴西风情遇上格莱美小号

Randy Brecker - 小号 Trumpet

Marco Bosco - 打击乐 Percussion

Leonardo Susi - 鼓 Drums

Rubem Farias - 贝斯 Bass

Adriano Magoo - 键盘 Keyboards

Balaio乐队加上才华横溢的Randy Brecker,组成了拥有格莱美实力的“Balaio invites Randy Brecker”,呈现一场融合爵士与巴西音乐的精彩演出。

"Balaio invites Randy Brecker" is a unique opportunity for audiences everywhere to witness story in the making, a one off performance of award winning album which has made history fusing jazz and Brazilian music.

▷ 迦南地上的新灵乐电子女声

KerenDun - 萨克斯 Saxophone / 人声 Vocals

Rejoicer - 键盘 Keyboards

Beno Hendler - 贝斯 Bass


“The Buttering Trio knows how to keep things fresh, exciting and leftfield without turning their heads into eclecticism just for the reason of being eclectic, different and as far out as possible.”

▷ 波兰摇滚爵士荷尔蒙

Michał Milczarek - 吉他 Guitar

Bartek Łuczkiewicz - 贝斯 Bass

Mateusz Modrzejewski - 鼓 Drums


It is an exciting rock-jazz trio, creating instrumental music which is a combination of modern jazz, electronic and rock and is known for a very intense concert activity. 

▷ 丹麦浪漫爵士情歌王子

Mads Mathias - 人声 Vocals / 萨克斯 Saxophone

Peter Rosendal - 钢琴 Piano

Morten Ankarfeldt - 低音提琴 Double Bass

Andreas Svendsen - 鼓 Drums

Mads Mathias用他富有魅力的表演、活力十足的性格和自身的不懈创作,将各种情绪演绎得淋漓尽致。

Mads Mathias is a vocalist/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, who has captured the hearts of music lovers with his charismatic performances, spirited personality and creative original songs.

▷ 立陶宛国宝级现代爵士乐团

Dainius Pulauskas - 键盘 Keyboards

Valerijus Ramoska - 小号 Trumpet

Liutauras Janusaitis - 萨克斯 Saxophone

Domantas Aleksa - 贝斯 Bass

Linas Buda - 鼓 Drums


“A unique group whose mixture of melody and muscle, lyricism and the unexpected, places it firmly at the forefront of progressive European jazz-fusion.” —— Ian Patterson from All About Jazz

▷ “演奏长号的Chet Baker”

Phil Abraham - 长号 Trombone / 人声 Vocals

Salvatore La Rocca - 低音提琴 Double Bass

Thomas Grimmonprez - 鼓 Drums

Fabien Degryse - 吉他 Guitar

Phil Abraham参与了超过60张专辑的录制,并曾与许多著名的音乐家有过合作。“‘演奏长号的Chet Baker’是对Abraham的歌唱和演奏风格的最佳形容。”

“Abraham's vocal and playing style can best be described as ‘Chet Baker with trombone’…” —— AllMusic Review by Dave Nathan

▷ 冷酷仙境:北欧梦幻流行女声

Daniela Weinmann - 人声 Vocals / 吉他 Guitar

James Varghese - 贝斯 Bass / 合成器 Synthesizer


Both sober and dreamy: Odd Beholder's music is as sublime as an empty parking lot in early morning light. They develop their songs by experimenting but their goal is simplicity. They create introverted, stripped-down music that becomes a Trojan horse for bigger things. 

▷ 法兰西钢琴新锐

Lorenzo Naccarato - 钢琴 Piano

Benjamin Naud - 鼓 Drums

Adrien Rodriguez - 低音提琴 Double Bass

“Lorenzo Naccarato是炽烈的,他对生活、时空、星辰宇宙乃至朴素之美都饱含热爱。……节奏、旋律和停顿留白,一切都浑然一体,让我们进入一种丰富而刺激的聆听体验。”

“Lorenzo Naccarato is passionate, an enthusiast of life, of time-space, of observation, of the stars and the cosmos, of beauty in its simplicity… The rhythms, the melodic lines, the breaks, everything is one and takes us into a stimulating listening, perfectly continuous.”

▷ 加拿大老牌低音提琴四重奏

Alain Bédard - 低音提琴 Double Bass

Mario Allard - 萨克斯 Saxophone

Felix Stussi - 钢琴 Piano

Michel Lambert - 鼓 Drums

由来自魁北克的作曲家兼低音提琴演奏家Alain Bédard,Auguste四重奏是现代爵士的又一美妙篇章。Alain也是加拿大最重要的独立爵士厂牌之一Effendi Records的联合创始人。

Led by composer bass player Alain Bédard from Quebec, Auguste Quartet is another wonderful chapter of Modern Jazz. Alain is also the co-founder of Effendi Records, one of Canada’s most influencial independent jazz label.

▷ 声视交错:实验小号的暗夜电流

Yannick Barman - 小号 Trumpet / 电脑 Laptop

Jean Morisod & Maxime Gianinetti - 视觉 Visual


His Jazz and electronical acoustic show includes both visuals and music. Accompanied by live electronic music, the artist is playing trumpet and computer. The compositions are realized from trumpet's sounds, sampled and transformed then added with electronic beats. The result is the extraction of a new sound potential from the trumpet.

▷ 加拿大“萨克斯诗人”致敬John Coltrane

Yannick Rieu - 萨克斯 Saxophone

夏佳 - 钢琴 Piano

Remi-Jean Leblanc - 低音提琴 Double Bass

Kevin Warren - 鼓 Drums

被誉为“加拿大最伟大的爵士诗人”的Yannick Rieu,此次领衔“柯川和远方”项目,致敬伟大的美国萨克斯手John Coltrane,从全新的角度对这位音乐巨人的艺术生涯进行回顾。

The project “Coltrane and Beyond” lead by Yannick Rieu. Through this project, Yannick Rieu wants to explore and suggests new ideas concerning the interpretation of Coltrane’s music. A whole new repertoire that makes an overview of the developmental stages of this great musician.

▷ 蜀派古琴代表

曾成伟 Zeng Chengwei - 古琴 Guqin

曾河 Zeng He - 古琴 Guqin


Zeng Chengwei is one of the most distinguished qin artist of the Shu School today. His style is typical of the Shu school yet very personalized – solid but freehanded, natural without over-embellishment – thus producing tone colors that are pure and earthy. 

▷ 克罗地亚爵士狂想

Pavle Jovanović - 吉他 Guitar

Ivar Roban Križić - 低音提琴 Double Bass

Krunoslav Levačić - 鼓 Drums / 打击乐 Percussion


PEEK 3 is a Croatian band doing improvised music rooted in jazz, ranging from hard bop to avant-garde, also using various elements of punk and funk music. “Indeed, they seem to be relaxed to entertain, play, but these are creative games that result in exciting works of art.”

▷ 立陶宛电子爵士另类新星

Simonas Šipavičius (Simon Sheep) - 萨克斯 Saxophone

Adas Gecevičius (Ed Getz)  - 鼓 Drums

Paulius Vaškas (Paul Wax) - 吉他 Guitar


Their music is complex and approachable at the same time. All band members use both their hands and their feet to play music. Guitar, saxophone and drum-set are accompanied by various effect decks and digital percussion. This trio brings a new perspective into jazz, electronic and academic music.

▷ 法国现代萨克斯才子

Samy Thiébault - 萨克斯 Saxophone

Adrien Chicot - 钢琴 Piano

Simon Tailleu - 低音提琴 Double Bass

Antoine Paganotti - 鼓 Drums

Samy Thiébault四重奏在过去的15年中已经发行了6张专辑。他们探索的命题相当广泛,有波德莱尔诗歌的引用,也有The Doors的致敬,体现着他们的个性视野。

Yosuke Yamashita is one of the rare Japanese jazz musicians whose name is a household word in his native land.  Critics admire Yamashita’s explosive playing style, often compared with that of Cecil Taylor, as his own unique achievement.

▷ Fred Frith力荐:颠覆想象的瑞士新爵士

Stefan Rusconi - 人声 Vocals / 吉他 Guitar / 钢琴 Piano / 合成器 Synthesizer

Fabian Gisler - 人声 Vocals / 吉他 Guitar / 低音提琴 Double Bass

Claudio Strüby - 人声 Vocals / 吉他 Guitar / 鼓 Drums / 打击乐 Percussion

“我爱这几个家伙!全然不同的思维方式——非常开放,像一个温暖的拥抱。又或是一张饥饿的大嘴。又或是一座空旷的坟墓。”——Fred Frith

“I love these guys! A totally different perspective – as open as a warm embrace. Or a hungry mouth. Or an empty grave.” – Fred Frith


All talk and screening will be held in A3+

主讲人 Speaker:Lucas Niggli

语言 Language:英语 English

现场配有翻译 With English-Chinese interpreter

在过去的30年里,极少有欧洲唱片厂牌像Intakt Records一样,坚持完整地记录前卫音乐的冒险旅程。它不仅仅是一个传统的唱片公司,更是一个通过与艺术家长期的合作和用心的策划来产出精品的平台。Unerhört! Festival是由Intakt Records创办的在苏黎世举行的年度即兴音乐节,是瑞士最重要的现代爵士/即兴音乐节之一。Intakt Records的理事会成员Lucas Niggli将与我们分享这个厂牌和音乐节的故事。

Over the last three decades, few European record labels have chronicled the totality and adventurousness of the avant-garde like Zurich Switzerland's Intakt. It has made a special effort to document the development of many distinguished artists. The Unerhört! Festival is one of the most important contemporary jazz and improvised music festivals in Switzerland, founded in 2002 by Intakt Records. Lucas Niggli, member of Intakt Records, will share they story in this talk.

导演 Director: Michael Obert( 德国 German)

时长 Length:1小时38分 1h 38min 

年份 Year:2013

语言 Language:英语 English 

字幕 Subtitle:汉语 Chinese

从原始非洲丛林跨越至现代化大都市纽约,在动人的配乐与和平而充满温情的基调中,影片将民族音乐学家Louis Sarno和他儿子的传奇经历娓娓道来,令人感慨万千。《丛林之歌》,可以说是一部从热带雨林到摩天大楼的现代史诗。

Young Louis Sarno heard a song on the radio that gripped his imagination. He followed the mysterious sounds all the way to the Central African rainforest and found their source with the Bayaka Pygmies, a tribe of hunters and gatherers. He never left. Louis Sarno has recorded more than 1,000 hours of unique Bayaka music there and has a 13-year-old son, Samedi. Louis travels with Samedi from the African rainforest to another jungle, one of concrete, glass, and asphalt: New York City. On this journey Louis realizes he is not part of this globalized world anymore but globalization has also arrived in the rainforest…

导演 Director:野中克哉 Katsuya Nonaka

时长 Length:50分钟 50 min

年份 Year:2015

语言 Languages:英语 English / 日语 Japanese

字幕 Subtitles:英语 English


Shakuhachi and skateboarding. They seem to have nothing to do with each other, but they actually have many things in common and also share the same problems. Through the interviews with well-respected skaters from all around world, as well as Japanese and non-Japanese shakuhachi players, this documentary discloses the hidden connections between these two cultures, and explores “the change of times” and the “core of things”.


Sharing Session will be held in Old Heaven Books

主讲人 Speakers:阿飞 A Fei、张晓舟 Zhang Xiaozhou、丁路 Ding Lu

场地 Venue:旧天堂书店 Old Heaven Books


The music sharing session “Unidentified Flying Records Hunters” is hosted by A Fei, Ding Lu and Zhang Xiaozhou, in which they will bring several jazz records in forms of mainly vinyls, as well as reel-to-reel tapes and cassettes that are regarded by themselves as the “flying” records.


7th OCT-LOFT Jazz Festival

2017.10.11 - 2017.10.29

🎫 福利






逛艺术 | 9月深港穗展览指南

志愿者年度招募 | Design to love, 为爱而来

赠票 | B10现场九月演出预览 Events in Sep.



Lifestyle | 这家深圳最早的五星级酒店全新开业,美得超有艺术范儿

旅行 | 在阳朔发现时光静好的山居岁月

四叶寿司 | 用美食,治愈这个酷热的夏天

旅行 | 用48小时,爱上澳门的一城三味


▼Click here for detailed ticketing information



