Create Infographics in PPT | Sinokap IT Tech Sharing Sinokap

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How to Create Infographics in PPT


Infographics can be applied as a succinct and efficient tool in fields like education, communication, etc. It is capable to break complex information into easy-to-understand pieces. Visual contents can further attract readers' attention and enhance understanding while making the process fun and engaging.

Make Infographics with PowerPoint~

Many people are unaware that you can actually create infographics with PowerPoint. PowerPoint offers advanced tools, and the steps are straightforward. What you need is just patience and imagination. You are free to design each component, change color and add animation in your infographics when using PowerPoint.

Check out the video~

Here is a simple infographic made with PowerPoint.

The video is reproduced from the network.

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Comparing Video Ports

PPT动画之奇妙的曲线运动 (一)

PPT动画之奇妙的曲线运动 (二)


PPT动画之奇妙的曲线运动 (四)

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