

2015-05-19 CBC 汉加风


两位来自加拿大安大略省西北部的钓鱼向导发明了名为EZ CAM的自拍杆,为钓鱼爱好者解决自拍问题。


EZ CAM可以适合各种相机和手机

针对加拿大的气候,EZ CAM 按照严酷的室外环境设计,铝合金外壳加上合成纤维和不锈钢。

亨里奇说:“自拍杆获得了多个安大略西北创新中心和RBC资助的小生意创新奖 提名。当地社区的反馈也很积极。”科诺拉地区商业部门奖项也提名了这对发明人。


原文节选:Fisherman's selfie stick aims to hook anglers, hunters

Fishing guides solve problem for solo anglers, hunters wanting photos and video

Call it a selfie stick for fisherman — the EZ CAM post is the invention of two fishing guides who work in northwestern Ontario.

The device allows users to attach a GoPro camera or smartphone solidly to the post of a boat seat for a third-person style shot.

Heinrich Bier, one of the inventors, said several fishing shows have already picked up the EZ CAM post for use this season.

"We are actually working with quite a few TV show guys," he said. "So hopefully they are going to get out and get filming shortly here and we are going to get some feedback from them."

Initial feedback is positive and people are "really excited about the concept, he said.

The main market for product is anglers who fish alone or want to get group action shots or video without the need for a camera man, Bier said.

He hopes some of the American bass tournaments will also use the invention, as they're encouraging their pros to do selfie pictures and videos and post them on Facebook.

The EZ CAM post is built to be used in rough conditions, Bier said and is made of tough stuff like extruded aluminum, injected molded polycarbonate plastic and stainless steel.

"This thing is built to go out and deal with Canadian weather," he said. "We are Canadian guys and we fish all year round. So it can take it."

Bier said he and his business partner, Mike Grant, have also been getting attention from the business community.


