

2016-01-21 列治文商会.授权 汉加风



四位温哥华地区的顶级名厨们将于一月二十八日(周四晚)亲临河石剧与您和其他300位尊贵的客人展开一场独特的美食体验。本活动“从厨房走入会议室”由列治文商会,列治文新闻报,独家冠名赞助商Gordon Food Service 联合举办。

著名本地大厨Vikram Vij (Vij's餐厅), Brett Turner (Droski/Turner Hospitality Management), Jackie Kai Ellis (Beaucoup Bakery) and Quang Dang (West餐厅) , Gordon Food Service主厨兼主持人Brandon Owen齐聚河石剧院为您奉上美妙的晚餐,同时他们会分享由对食物的热爱到迈向成功的心历路程。


列治文商会主席Rob Akimow 对此活动发表“列治文有超过800家餐馆,这是对本地经济有着重大的意义。我们感谢这四位世界级的名厨亲临分享他们卓越的烹饪技巧和艰辛艰奋斗故事,希望由此呈现一个不同凡响的夜晚。

名厨Vikram Vij 说“列治文曾是我与家人刚从印度移民过来时落户的家园。我非常容幸地回到这个家园和其他三位优秀的大厨一起主持这个‘从厨房走入会议室’的活动。”

名厨Brett Turner 补充道“我为能在一月二十八日当晚与我们的客人们分享我的手艺和热情而激动。我在这个行业里有着精彩的路程,曾经的经历,远远不只是几个感动的故事。同时我亦非常荣幸与其他几位大师同台演出。

活动门票详情请登录www.richmondchamber.ca 或与办公时间致电604-278-2822.


主厨:Vikram VijVij'sBrett TurnerDroski/Turner Hospitality Management
Jackie Kai Ellis, Beaucoup Bakery
Quang Dang, West


January 28, 2015. 6PM. Sharp.


River Rock Theatre. 8811 River Road. Richmond


Ticket Price $250 + GST

Chamber Member Price $225 + GST

RIcHMOND – Four of Metro Vancouver’s top chefs will be taking over the stage and kitchen at the River Rock Casino Resort next Thursday, January 28th to share a unique dining experience with over 300 guests. Presented by the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and the Richmond News, with Title Sponsor Gordon Food Service, From the Kitchen to the Boardroom is a one-of-a-kind event.

 Renowned local chefs Vikram Vij (Vij's), Brett Turner (Droski/Turner Hospitality Management), Jackie Kai Ellis (Beaucoup Bakery) and Quang Dang (West) are getting together for an evening of wonderful food and storytelling at the River Rock Show Theatre, featuring a panel discussion focused on the love of food and the entrepreneurial journey, moderated by Brandon Owen, Corporate Executive Chef at Gordon Food Service.


Each chef will then share their talent and craft in a course of this four-course dining event.

“With over 800 restaurants in Richmond, dining is a significant sector of our local economy,” said Chair of the Richmond Chamber, Rob Akimow. “We are very proud to be presenting a truly outstanding evening and grateful to these four world-class chefs for sharing their culinary expertise and their stories of struggle and success.”



Chef Vikram Vij said, “Richmond is where we lived as a family when my parents had just migrated from India. I couldn’t be more pleased to return to the city with these three other exceptional chefs for From the Kitchen to the Boardroom.”


Chef Brett Turner added “I am so excited to be able to share my craft and my passion with guests on January 28 - my journey  in this industry has been an amazing one, with many lessons along the way, and more than a few good stories. Plus, what an honour to be able to share the stage with these inspiring culinary greats.”


 Select tickets for From the Kitchen to the Boardroom are still available online at or by calling (www.richmondchamber.ca )


 The Richmond Chamber of Commerce is a broad-based non-profit membership association, celebrating over 90 years of commitment to make Richmond the most prosperous and favorable place to do business.





