Finance in China
Chinese Economy
Chinese Management
课程简介:This course targets to help you understand important topics of management in the Chinese context or with the Chinese people. You will learn concepts, theories, research results, and management stories related to this domain. You will learn from the lectures, your classmates, as well as your own explorative learning activities. This course requires highly interactive class participation and your own exploration outside the classroom.
Chinese Management
课程简介:This course targets to help you understand important topics of management in the Chinese context with a focus on Internet companies and their innovation in China. We will discuss business models of Chinese Internet companies and how they deviate from their foreign counterparts. We cover domestic companies, their globalization strategy, and the foreign companies in China. You will learn concepts, theories, research results, and successful management stories related to this domain. You will learn from the lectures,your classmates, as well as your own explorative learning activities. This course requires highly interactive class participation and your own exploration outside the classroom.
Understanding Chinese Society, 1700-2000
课程简介:This course summarizes some of the new directions in Chinese history and social science produced by the creation and analysis of big historical datasets based on newly opened Chinese archival holdings, and organizes this knowledge in a framework that encourages learning about China in comparative perspective.
This course demonstrates how a new scholarship of discovery, generated by Big Historical Datasets, is redefining what is singular about modern China and modern Chinese history. Current understandings of human history and social theory are based largely on Western experience or on non-Western experience seen through a Western lens.
This course offers alternative perspectives derived from Chinese experience over the last three centuries. We present specific case studies of this new scholarship of discovery, using a data analytic approach, divided into three stand-alone parts.
Part One focuses on the question ‘Who are we?’ as seen through the framework of comparative population behavior - mortality, marriage, and reproduction – and their interaction with economic conditions and human values. We do so because mortality and reproduction are fundamental and universal, because they are measurable and often similarly defined and therefore easily comparable, because they differ historically just as radically between China and the West as patterns of inequality and opportunity, and because these differences demonstrate the mutability of human behavior and values.
Parts Two and Three focus on comparative inequality and opportunity and addresses two related questions ‘Who rises to the top?’ and ‘Who gets what?’. We begin with analyses of inequality ineducation and social mobility, then turn to the accumulation and distribution of wealth, and conclude with an analysis of political winners and losers underrural collectivization.Also, this course takes advantage of a well-developed ‘flipped classroom’ teaching design. Details will be provided in the Teaching Methods section.
Contemporary Chinese Society
课程简介:This course will introduce the historical background, social institutions and demographic issues of Contemporary Chinese society from a socio-demographic approach. This course provides an opportunity for in-depth discussion of a few major issues in contemporary Chinese society. Chinese society is best understood through a number of different intrinsically linked andmutually-interdependent aspects. For this reason, we will explore its history, cultural practices, government, economy, and family structure.
Chinese Enterprises-An Accounting Perspective
Marketing in China
课程简介:This course is designed to help students to gain a deep understanding of Chinese consumers and Chinese market and expose students to the business innovations and marketing practices in this market. This course will discuss the characteristics of Chinese consumers and the evolution of demand, the growth of Chinese brands, the business innovations powered by internet and important marketing strategies leveraging social media and mobile technology. The course will also cover cases of international brands in China and analyze the underlying reasons for their success or failure in this market. You will learn the strategies that marketers can use to operate successfully in today's dynamic environment.
生动有趣提问式教学,启发思考授课生动而有深度,容易理解讲解深入浅出,赞!全北大最精彩的课,没有之一经验丰富,知识讲解非常透彻学术功底扎实且丰富 课程结构非常完整,内容丰富庞大,脉络清晰课件内容丰富,数据详实