LAB ▏他聽見了自然的聲音
“How to strike abalance between urbanization and the ecology & inherent culture” has longbeen a topic actively discussed by ASLAB. For the lecture on “ Notes on Naturein Shenzhen! What have we learned from the nature”?, we are honored to haveinvited Nan Zhaoxu, a famous scholar in Shenzhen, to talk about his own recordsof observations from walking in Shenzhen over the years, share with us theecological and geological environment of the city with industry and sci-techdevelopment as the hallmark that are less known to the people, and what shallwe, who take pride in the natural environment of Shenzhen, do to protect thisgreen homeland? Let’s us approach Shenzhen through the analysis of Mr Nan. And,the ASLAB platform hopes that this will remind us to pay attention to thenatural resources and environment around us!
Nan Zhaoxu settled down in Shenzhen in1989. He used to be a university teacher, columnist and producer and began toobserve and record the ecology of Shenzhen in 1990 with footprints covering theurban areas, hills, fields, seashores, islands, old villages, lakes and valleys.The book titled Notes on Nature inShenzhen published by Nan Zhaoxu was selected among “30 Things that AreMost Representative of Shenzhen” at the 2013 Shenzhen-HK Bi-city Biennale. NanZhaoxu shared with people the aspects of Shenzhen that are natural ornon-natural by writing and walking in the hope that the people may cherish thehomeland instead of being unworthy of the beauty of Shenzhen.
目前為止,南兆旭已經在深圳徒步走過500多次,他的足跡幾乎走遍深圳的每一座山,從梧桐山到排牙山再到七娘山,拍攝下了所見的各種奇特的動植物。他在講座中提到“深圳的自然資源非常豐富,野生高級植物就超過2500種,各類動物更是不計其數,整個中國有記錄的蝴蝶品種1223種,深圳擁有的品種有200多種,超過整個英國的蝴蝶種類。深圳有著良好的自然生態基礎。”不過,他接著說到: “現在動不動就講‘生態文明’,其實生態是不需要文明的,如果你想要保留很好的生態,就不要去文明它,不要動它。”南兆旭舉了兩個例子,一是深圳的內伶仃島,那裏是國家級的自然保護區,因為那裏幾十年沒有開放,人跡罕至,島上成了一個生態的世外桃源,光野生獼猴就有1200只,那可是深圳唯一的和深圳人親近的靈長類野生動物。再有就是七娘山,一度被過度開發,破壞得很嚴重,但七娘山經過封山10年,又恢復了勃勃生機,很多已經離開的動物像野豬、豹貓又都回來了。“這充分顯示了大自然強大的自我康復的能力。”他說。“不要一見良好的生態就想‘開發’‘打造’,其實,遠離生態,就是最大的文明。”
Knowthe City by Time and Space
Nan Zhaoxu shared with the audience thehistory, geology, economy, hills/rivers, animals & plants as well as uniqueexperience with the memory derived from checking the documents of Shenzhen& walking across Shenzhen from two perspectives: time and space. With alimited sace, Shenzhen is crowded with more than 18 million people. Recently,the population density of Shenzhen has reached 17000 people per square meters,a figure higher than that of HK and Macao. In spite of enormous economicachievements in such a limited space, the cost paid by the nature is very high.
So far, Nan Zhaoxu has hiked acrossShenzhen more than 500 times with his footprints covering nearly all hills inShenzhen, from Mountain Wutong to Mount Qiliang and photographed all preciousanimals and plants encountered. During the lecture, Nan Zhaoxu said that “Shenzhenabounds in natural resources with over 2500 varieties of wild high level plantsand countless animals of different species. There are 1223 butterfly speciesrecorded across China and Shenzhen alone has over 200 butterfly species, morethan that of UK”. However, Nan Zhaoxu added that “people often talk aboutecological civilization. Actually, the ecology does not require civilization.If you want to preserve the ecology, leave it intact instead of trying toprotect it”. Nan Zhaoxu further shared with the audience two examples. One isthe Neilingding Island of Shenzhen, which is a national nature reserve. Theisland has been closed for several decades and left untraversed, forming aShangrila ecologically, where there are over 1200 wild macaque, which are theonly primate akin to people in Shenzhen. The other example is Mount Qiliang,which was once excessively developed and serious damaged, is now restored afternearly 10 years of closing of the mount, and many wide animals like boars andocelots are found on the island again. “this reflects thestrong self-healing capability of the nature”. “Instead of building a goodecology, we should stay away from the ecology, which is the greatestcivilization”.
At the lecture, Mr Nan also interactedactively with the audience. During the funny Q&A process, the audiencelearned a lot of knowledge on nature.For instance, in order to attract theopposite sex during the breeding seasons, many bird species will grow beautifulleathers in gorgeous colors known as the breeding leathers, which will discolorafter the elapse of the breeding season in order to incubate the nextgenerations safely. This is really an interesting phenomenon.
Cherishthe homeland with abundant natural resources
The rarely seen animals and plants ofShenzhen astound the audience. Most of us simply do not have the time toexplore and experience Shenzhen, a city that abounds in natural resources. MrNan encourages the audience to walk more frequently into the future and becomestronger both physically and mentally as the natural environment around us isvery good.
In the future, ASLAB will continue to holddiscussions about the topic of “humans & nature” , invite Wu Jindai, whoproduced music of nature using the sound of rarely seen animals recorded toshare the natural music works and Director Liang Jiede, who has keptphotographing eagles for more than 20 years to broadcast the documentary heproduced with life. You are welcome to join us in the activities.