
误吞口香糖 真的会把肠子黏住7年吗

2016-06-09 双语讯飞

小时候吃口香糖的时候,爸爸妈妈总是千叮咛万嘱咐不可以吞口香糖,还说吞下去就会把肠子黏住了。。。好恐怖有没有!但是,小双今天给大家普及下~其实~它还是可以排出了的~It is a classic playground scare story - if you swallow chewing gum it will stay in your digestive system for seven years. 这是一个经典的耸人听闻的故事:如果你吞下了口香糖,它将在你的消化系统停留七年。 But according to scientists at the American Chemical Society, while gum is harder to digest, it tends to pass harmlessly through our guts much like other foods.但是据美国化学协会的科学家表示,虽然口香糖很难消化,但是它和其它食物一样,都能从肠道排出。 How does your body process chewing gum? 那么身体又是如何处理口香糖的呢?
As you'll have probably noticed, the main difference when processing chewing gum is the fact that during the 'mechanical phase' you don't crush the chewing gum down into tiny bits that would somewhat defeat the purpose of chewing gum. 可能你已经注意到了,处理口香糖,和其他食物最大的不同就是,在“机械”阶段,口香糖不能被分解成小块--如果真的被嚼碎了,一定程度上就没有达到吃口香糖的目的了。 Instead, if you swallow the gum, it will go down in one big wad before it enters phase two -the enzyme phase. 因此,如果你将它吞下去了,它就会整个一大直接进入第二阶段--酶消化阶段。 Most of the molecules in gum are carbohydrates, oils and alcohols. As with any other food, ontheir own these molecules are easily broken down.However, the video explains 'your body doesn't have an enzyme for the rubber polymers, regardless of whether they're natural or synthetic' so the gum passes through to Phase three.While stomach acid is strong, it still can't dissolve the rubber polymers in the chewing gum. 口香糖里的主要成分是碳水化合物、油类和醇类。与其他食物一样,仅仅是这些分子的话,它们很容易分解。然而,相关视频解释称:“你的身体里没有能分解橡胶基质的酶类,不管是天然的还是合成的。”所以,口香糖来到了第三个阶段。尽管胃酸很强大,但它仍然不能分解口香糖中的橡胶基质。 In fact, the rubbers are very good at shielding from acids in general - that's one reason we wear rubber gloves for protection. 事实上,橡胶从来就没有怕过任何强酸,这也是我们在进行涉及强酸类实验时戴橡胶手套保护的原因。 So, while part of your gum does survive digestion, it does not remain in your stomach for seven years. The video concludes 'even though you don't break down the rubber polymers,your body has no problem moving that lump of gum through your digestive system and out the other end within a day or two.' 尽管口香糖的部分物质确实在消化系统中幸存下来,但它却不会在肠道中呆上7年。因此,相关视频最后总结道,“尽管身体无法分解橡胶基质,但仅需一到两天,你的肠道就能将这团橡胶排出体外。”虽然误吞口香糖不会把肠子黏住7年,但是小双觉得,为了让我们的肠道,还是谨慎食用~

Key Words:defeat[dɪˈfi:t]vt.挫败;  击败,战胜;  [法]宣告无效,作废n.失败;  战胜;  [法]废除 wad [wɒd]  n.填充物;  炮塞(弹塞);  小块软物;  可观的一卷纸币,大量的钱vt.使成一团(或一卷,一叠等);  (用填料)填塞;  将炮弹放入(炮筒);  把弹塞填入vi.形成团
molecule[ˈmɒlɪkju:l]  n.分子;  微小颗粒 

 digestive system 


mechanical phase


broken down



