

2016-07-20 双语讯飞

Britons are pulling on budgie smugglers to go wildswimming, discussing starter marriages at stupid o’clock and sipping craft beer while planningtheir next elimination diet.英国人去野外游泳的时候会穿上“budgie smugglers”(指男士紧身泳裤),在“stupid o’clock”(指半夜三更或接近日出之时)讨论“starter marriages”(“新手婚姻”,指双方初婚、婚姻持续时间不到五年且没有子女的婚姻),在品味“craft beer”(“精酿啤酒”,概念源于美国,区别于大部分常见工业啤酒的小众啤酒)的同时规划他们的“elimination diet”计划(“食物排除疗法”,即将能导致产生不良反应的食物从饮食中剔除的疗法,一般持续时间从两周到八周不等)。 

TBH, not everyone will be bovvered by all of the 1,000 new words added to the Oxford EnglishDictionary (OED) in its latest quarterly update, which reveals current trends in the use oflanguage .“TBH”(老实说),并不是所有人都“bovver”(在意)《牛津词典》本季度更新的这1000个新词条,它们反映出了当下的语言应用趋势。
Entries include air-punching - the action of thrusting a clenched fist into the air in elation ortriumph - and bovver - part of the catchphrase of comedian Catherine Tate’s teenage characterLauren.词典里新增加的条目包括“air-punching”,指欢欣鼓舞或取得成就时握紧拳头挥向空中的动作;以及“bovver”,喜剧演员凯瑟琳•塔特饰演的青少年角色劳伦的经典台词。
A number of internet slang acronyms such as ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing), ICYMI (incase you missed it), TBH (to be honest), and FWIW (for what it’s worth) also make the list.大量网络流行语也被收录入词典,其中包括“ROFL”(rolling on the floor laughing的缩写,意为“笑得满地打滚”),“ICYMI”(In case you missed it的缩写,意为“万一你错过了”),TBH(to be honest的缩写,意为“说实话”)以及“FWIW”(for what it's worth的缩写,意为“不管价值如何,无论真假”)
Budgie smugglers, an Australian term used since the 1980s to refer to close-fitting swimmingtrunks, are featured in the update, along with Scandi crime thrillers and wild swimming.“Budgie smugglers”是自上个世纪80年代于澳大利亚诞生的流行词汇,指紧身男装泳裤,它与“Scandicrime thrillers” (斯堪的纳维亚犯罪悬疑作品)和“wild swimming”(野泳)一起出现在新词条目录中。
The phrase “taking candy from a baby”, in which one exploits an easy opportunity, is includedas well as “sister from another mister” - a term for a very close female friend first recorded in1998.词组“taking candy from a baby”和“sister from another mister”也被收录进来,前者指某人做某事易如反掌,而后者一般用于形容感情深厚的闺蜜,于1998年首次出现于新词目中。 
Other entries include fro-yo, the short form for frozen yoghurt, dudettes - the female form ofdude - and agender for designating people who do not identify themselves as a particulargender.最新出现的词条还包括“fro-yo”,“frozen yoghurt”(冻酸奶)的缩写形式,“dudettes”(姐们儿),dude(哥们儿)的女性版,以及“agender”(无性别者),用于指代认为自己不属于特定性别的人群。
Starter marriages are short-lived first marriages, often in preparation for something more long-term, while stupid o’clock is a time outside one’s normal waking life.“Starter marriages”(新手婚姻)指的是短暂的第一次婚姻,通常会为双方再婚积累一定经验,以期之后能维持更长久的婚姻。而“stupid o’clock”(愚蠢的时间)指的是正常清醒之外的时间。
In a blog on the latest update, Jonathan Dent, senior assistant editor of the OED, said itincluded more than 1,000 new words and senses and almost 2,000 fully revised or partiallyexpanded entries.乔纳森•登特是《牛津词典》的高级助理编辑,他在一篇词条季度更新相关的博客上表示,词典收录了超过1000条新词新义,同时修订并部分扩充了近2000个已有词目。
These new entries and senses cover more than 1,200 years of English in use, from an OldEnglish word first applied in the year 800 to an internet acronym originally seen in 2000.这些新词新义囊括了在逾1200年历史中发展出来的英语用语,从公元800年首次出现的古英语单词到2000年首次出现的网络用语。
“One inescapable factor of modern life is our increasing reliance on computers and digitalcommunications,” Mr Dent wrote.“当代人对电脑及电子通讯设备的依赖是现代生活中一个无法回避的因素,”登特先生写道。
“A slew of initialisms associated with the social media, emails, texts, and other electronicmeans of communication are placed in their historical context for the first time in this update.“新词目中的大量缩略语都与社会媒体、电子邮件、手机简讯以及其他电子通讯方式密切相关,此次更新还首次将这些词置于出现时的历史情境中。
“Among other initialisms are a range of different ways to indicate that you’re about to be AFK(away from the keyboard, first recorded in 1990) but hope to return shortly, including BRB ‘beright back’, TTYL ‘talk to you later’, ltr or l8r ‘later’ (all from 1988), SYS (‘see you soon’, 1993),and the more open-ended GTG (‘got to go’, 1994).“有许多缩略语能够预示你即将‘AFK’(away from the keyboard的缩写,意为‘离开键盘’,1990年添加的词条),但希望很快能回来,比如‘BRB’(‘be right back’的缩写,意为‘很快回来’), ‘TTYL’(‘talk to youlater’的缩写,意为‘回聊’),‘Itr’或 ‘l8r’‘later’(意为‘一会见’)(都是1988年收录的),‘SYS’(‘see yousoon’的缩写,意为‘待会见’,1993年收录)还有相对随意的‘GTG’(‘got to go’的缩写,意为‘得走了’,收录于1994年)。”
“There are also various ways to indicate either that you’re ‘just kidding’ (JK, 1990) or thatsomeone else has (deliberately or unwittingly) managed to get you ROFL (‘rolling on the floorlaughing’, 1989), including LMAO (‘laughing my ass off’, 1990) and the more emphatic (andprofane) LMFAO (1993).”“同样,有很多方式可以表示你只是在开玩笑,比如‘JK’(Just kidding的缩写,意为‘只是说笑’),也有很多方式表达某人(故意地或不经意地)让你ROFL(‘rolling on the floor’的缩写,意为‘笑得满地打滚’,出现于1989年),比如LMAO(‘laughing my ass off’的缩写,意为‘笑得不行了’,出现于1990年)”,以及强化(并且粗俗的)版本LMFAO(出现于1993年)。” 

