
怪不得减肥这么难,原来事情是这样的… …

2016-10-18 双语讯飞

Hunger is more powerful than thirst, fear or anxiety, new research suggests.新的研究表明,饥饿对人的影响比口渴、恐惧或者是焦虑都要大。

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health found lab mice would be willing to put themselves in danger or cut themselves off socially if it meant they could eat.国立卫生研究院的科学家们发现,如果能够觅得实物,实验室的老鼠愿意将自己置于危险之中或者是断开社交。
The mice also picked food over water in every scenario(情节).在每个情节中,老鼠还会先取食而后再饮水。
The findings have been hailed(称赞) as a crucial step towards our understanding of eating disorders and how to control food cravings.该实验已被称赞为理解饮食混乱和如何控制食物欲望的关键一步

It is the first research that pits different cravings against each other, looking at how hunger affects us in a more naturalistic setting.这是首次研究不同渴望之间的竞争,从而来了解饥饿是如何在一种更为自然的背景中影响我们的
Previous studies have isolated each craving - hunger, thirst, fear - to work out how the brain triggers such instincts.之前的研究没有考虑其他各个欲望——饥饿、口渴和恐惧——而得出大脑是如何触发这些本能的结论。
This study can help us further understand diabetes(糖尿病) and obesity, researchers said.研究人员们说道,这一研究有助于我们进一步了解糖尿病和肥胖症。
In the meantime, the new findings have important evolutionary implications, Krashes says.克拉西斯表示:“同时,新的发现有着重要的进化启示。”
‘Our continued existence has motivated us to pursue an array of behaviors, all governed by our nervous system,’ he says.他说道:“我们生生不息的存在已经促成我们去追随一系列的行为,这些都是由我们的神经系统控制的。”

’Of course, we can’t pursue all those motivations at once, so we have had to choose which ones were most important during different times of need.“当然,我们不会立马追随这些动机,因此我们在需求的不同时候,不得不选择最为重要的。”
‘Evolutionarily speaking, animals that consistently picked the right motivations over others have survived while other animals have not.’“从进化角度来讲,一直挑选正确的动机的动物会存活下来,而相反则不会。
重点词汇scenario [sɪ'nɑːrɪəʊ]n. 方案;情节;剧本
hail [heɪl]n. 冰雹;致敬;招呼;一阵vt. 致敬;招呼;向...欢呼;猛发;使象下雹样落下vi. 招呼;下雹int. 万岁;欢迎
diabetes [,daɪə'biːtiːz] n. 糖尿病;多尿症


