

2016-04-08 双语讯飞
     美国概述       一、地理城市二、气候三、人口


一、地理城市1. Traditionally from the east to the west theUnited Statescan be divided into seven geographical regions.美国从东到西可分为七个地理区。

2. New England is made up of six states of the Northeast. Because of its stony soil it is not noted for its agriculture. Dairying is the most important farm activity. New Englishness also well-known for its position in education, many famous universities and colleges such as Yale, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are located here.新英格兰由美国东北部六个州组成,由于土壤多石,不利于农业生产,乳制品业是最重要的农业活动。许多重点大学如耶鲁大学,哈佛大学和麻省理工学院都坐落于此。

3. Chicago, the largest and busiest port on the Great Lakes, is the largest industrial and commercial center of the area.芝加哥是五大湖最大最忙的港口,也是该地区最大的工商业中心。

4. Detroit is known as the automobile capital of the world.  底特律被称作“世界汽车之都”。Omaha is known as the agricultural capital of the United States.  奥马哈被称作“美国农业之都”。

5. Dry farming, irrigation farming, and the cattle and sheep herding are the main activities of the Great Plains of the American West.旱地农业灌溉农业畜牧业是美国西部大平原地区的主要活动。

6. Colorado has been called the steel city of the west.  科罗拉多市被称作“西部钢城”。Denver is the largest city of the Great  Plains.丹佛市是大平原地区最大的城市。
7. The largest groups of Native Americans are found on the Colorado Plateau.美国最大的土著群落位于科罗拉多高原

8. Mauna Loa, the world's largest volcano, is located on Hawaii and erupts from time to time. Sugar cane and pineapples are Hawaii’s main crops. Tourism is Hawaii’s most important industry.莫纳洛阿火山是世界最大活火山,位于夏威夷,不时喷发。甘蔗和菠罗是夏威夷的两大作物,旅游业是夏威夷最重要的产业。

9. Honolulu is the capital of Hawaii and Juneau is the capital of Alaska.火奴鲁鲁是夏威夷的首府,朱诺是阿拉斯加的首府。



