【空白空间 | 展览预告】王海洋个展
王海洋1984年出生于中国山东,2008年毕业于中央美术学院版画系。现生活和工作在北京。近期展览有“王海洋:独自一人”,OCAT西安馆,西安,中国(2017);“中国 – 运动中的艺术”,城堡博物馆,安纳西,法国;“影像·观察”,寺上美术馆,北京,中国(2017);“新倾向:王海洋”,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国(2016);“动力场:王海洋”,上海民生当代美术馆,上海,中国(2016);“北京诗人”,Wiebengahal 展览中心,马斯特里赫特,荷兰(2016);“转向:2000年以来的中国当代艺术”,上海民生当代美术馆,上海,中国。
We are delighted to announce the forthcoming opening of Wang Haiyang’s solo exhibition at WHITE SPACE BEIJING on March 17th 2018. This is the artist’s second solo exhibition with the gallery after The Metamorphosis in 2012. The exhibition includes recent paintings, videos and installations by the artist.
Human secretion, uncommon oral movements, even blood seeking creatures are used in Wang’s recent works as mediums simulating languages. The works effectively function as the artist’s metaphor for homogenous (from Bataille’s ‘general economy’) systems and means of circulations, and also pertain to a form of excretion that cannot be homogenised. The practical notion that is heterogenous appears in his new paintings as well - rich, enraged explosions on the surfaces is the artist’s vengeance upon institutionalised, formalised spaces, combining an individual, immediate, sensational experience with the total life experience, for a pure consumption of life.
Wang Haiyang (b. 1984, Shandong Province, China) received his BFA from the Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 2008, currently lives and works in Beijing, China. Recent exhibitions include Wang Haiyang: By Myself, OCAT Xi’an, Xi’an, China (2017); Recent Acquisitions, Recent Developments, Si Shang Art Museum, Beijing, China (2017); New Directions: Wang Haiyang, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China (2016); Dynamic Field: Wang Haiyang, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China (2016); The 1st CAFAM Future Exhibition: Sub- Phenomena: Report on the State of Chinese Young Art, CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM), Beijing, China (2015); The Metamorphosis, WHITE SPACE BEIJING, Beijing, China (2012).
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