【空白空间 | 展览预告】简策 | 舰队
2018, 布面丙烯、油漆、马克笔、粉笔、蜡笔 acrylic, enamel, marker, crayon, oil crayon on canvas, each 230×200 cm
“舰队”是简策自2016年开始的绘画创作系列之一。作品受到英国海军发明于第一次世界大战期间,涂于己方舰体以躲避德国鱼雷的“舰船迷彩”(Dazzle Painting) 图案启发。这种图案以几何涂绘混淆物体三维造型,使舰体呈现为二维的平面图案,由此对敌方透过潜望镜侦察战舰造成干扰。这与艺术家在创作中的长期课题有诸多吻合:真实空间、实物与其在平面性的绘画作品中所呈现出视觉变形和错觉之间的关系。艺术家采用迷彩图案生成假象、伪装和分解形体的手法,创作出近似立体主义的平面作品,同时营造出庞大,乃至压抑的体量感。另一方面,艺术家对于可拼接的组合绘画形式的探索,让作品得以超越传统单幅绘画的概念,进一步强化了作品与特定空间联系的特征。
简策同名出版物将随展览同期发布。出版物收录了简策2012-2018年间的创作及手稿。文章由贺婧和Hendrike Mund撰写,同时收录了Heinz-Norbert Jocks与简策的对话。
简策,1984年出生于中国山东,1988年移居德国。2008年毕业于柏林艺术大学美术系,Georg Baselitz,Daniel Richter和Robert Lucander大师班。2009年毕业于柏林洪堡大学和自由大学艺术史系(硕士)。2006-2007年,就读于伦敦大学金史密斯学院。2017年,获得洪堡大学艺术与图像史博士学位。近期展览包括:Bannermen,Gallery SU:,首尔,韩国(2018);The Second Self,Peres Projects,柏林,德国(2017);验证码,Philine Cremer,杜塞尔多夫,德国(2017);穿越欧洲,Whiteconcepts,柏林,德国(2017);大幻影,空白空间,北京(2016);大象,NON Berlin,柏林,德国(2016)。简策现工作生活于德国柏林与中国北京。
We are delighted to announce the opening of Ce Jian's fifth solo exhibition at WHITE SPACE BEIJING, Armada will open on June 30th, featuring her recent paintings.
Armada is part of a series of composite paintings which Ce Jian started in 2016. The initial idea came from a technique known as “dazzle painting,” which was invented by the British during World War One to protect ships from being hit by German torpedoes. The concept behind dazzle camouflage is to essentially transform a three-dimensional body via abstract geometric painting into a two-dimensional image, as perceived deceptively by the eye, such as through the enemy's periscope. Jian's current work revolves around the questions touched on by these potential parallels: the material body and real space in relation to virtual bodies and spatial illusions in painting. The works in Armada deal with the illusionism, camouflage and the dissolving shapes of the ships, which appear cubist and flat as a visual surface, but are in reality huge, threatening physical bodies. At the same time, seeing them as a combinable series helps her to overcome the classic singular tableau – thus opening her painting toward a more site-specific strategy.
There exists a strange discrepancy between the colorful appearance of the ships and their true nature as sophisticated, colossal killing machines. Warships are often highly aestheticized in military discourse, where their massive form and powerful cannons are praised for their elegance and unique “beauty,” much like the armored human warrior. Camouflage is not just an aesthetic phenomenon, but a historical as well as a modern-day strategy, where deceitful invisibility comes along with technological strength and military power. By using large formats and the fragmented body of warships, the artist tries to evoke the feeling of looking at a port full of ships, or of being surrounded by a labyrinth of towering metal vessels that close in on the spectator with oppressive presence.
Ce Jian has always been drawn to the intersecting realms of technique, knowledge and visual experience, of artistic and non-artistic image production. Usually she begins with relatively concrete concepts and digests and transforms them through the process of painting, there by allowing the rational idea and formal structure to collide with the spontaneous expressive potential of the material medium and her own hand. The productive tension between constructive principles and destructive fragmentation or gestures is a consistent trait of her work. While she ruminates on a given work concept she set herself and the issues surrounding it, she also explores painterly details as a space for free abstraction – and on this level, she raises fundamental questions regarding painting itself and its ontology.
The exhibition is accompanied by the release of a new catalogue of Ce Jian by the same title, featuring Ce Jian's works and sketches from 2012-2018. The catalogue includes essays by He Jing and Hendrike Mund, as well as an interview with Ce Jian by Heinz-Norbert Jocks.
Ce Jian was born in 1984 in Shandong Province, China and moved to Germany in 1988. She studied at Goldsmiths College, London from 2006-2007 and graduated in 2008 from the Berlin University of the Arts in the master class of Georg Baselitz, Daniel Richter and Robert Lucander. She also earned a Magister Artium degree in Art History from the Humboldt-Universität and Freie Unversität Berlin in 2009. She received a PhD in Art and Visual History from Humboldt-Universität of Berlin in 2017. Her recent exhibitions include Bannermen, Gallery SU:, Seoul, Korea (2018); The Second Self, Peres Projects, Berlin, Germany (2017); CAPTCHA, Galerie Philine Cremer, Dusseldorf, Germany (2017); Transeuropa, Whiteconcepts, Berlin, Germany (2017); The Grand Illlusion, WHITE SPACE BEIJING, Beijing, China (2016) and Elephant, NON Berlin, Berlin, Germany (2016). She currently lives and works in Berlin and Beijing.
舰队(7)Armada (7),2018,布面丙烯、油漆、马克笔、粉笔、蜡笔 acrylic, enamel, marker, crayon, oil crayon on canvas,230×200 cm
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