ALC最新资讯 | 美国传奇毛皮拍卖行引入在线目录
American Legend is pleased to introduce the fur auction industry’s first online catalog featuring digital images of all show lots. This catalog will allow brokers to communicate with their customers in a new way and allow remote viewers the ability to inspect the pelts being offered at auction. The online catalog will eliminate any confusion from auction house descriptions and allow the user to determine if the product being offered fits their particular needs.
The initial version will be offered in English and Chinese languages and will provide current real-time sales results combined with the ability to scroll through the catalogs to view future lots to be offered. This catalog and its images will be available for desktop, tablet, and smart phone use.
In 2009, American Legend launched the industry’s first internet cybercast of its auction which has now become common among all fur auctions. This latest innovation will allow any auction buyer around the world to view high resolution images of show lots 24 hours a day.
Other features of the new multimedia digital catalog include:
• 实时拍卖落槌价格更新
Live auction hammer price updates
• 根据颜色、品种及质量统计的可销售的总量列表
List of total quantity available by color, type, and quality
• 拍卖会期间根据品种及尺寸快速统计拍卖剩余水貂百分比
Percent of mink left to be offered by type and size calculated during the auction
• 轻松查找近30把皮的销售价格
Easy access to list of last 30 lots sold with prices
• 一键进入拍卖直播视频
One-button access to live video of the auction
Please note that although every effort has been made to photograph items accurately, ALC cannot guarantee that every computer monitor or mobile device will accurately depict the color and clarity of the show lot. Colors can vary depending on the age, brand, settings and quality of each display monitor. All users should consult their buyer at the auction for confirmation.
登录http://liveauction.americanlegendauctions.com可获取3月份拍卖在线目录;或在公众号内回复:在线目录 即可获得链接。
Catalogs for the March auction can be accessed at