September 10th, 2016, swissnex China sincerely invite you to join our biggest annual event in Shanghai -- 2016 All Swiss Alumni Gathering (5th Anniversary).
2016年9月10日,swissnex China 瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心与您相约上海,共赴第五届在华瑞士校友聚会。
Date | 日期:Saturday September 10, 2016 | 九月十日 星期六
Time | 时间: 17:30 - 20:30
Language | 语言:English 英语
Venue | 地点: River-View Room, LONG MUSEUM, Lane 3398, Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai | 龙美术馆江景房 | 上海市徐汇区龙腾大道3398号(Line7 | 地铁7号线,Exit | 出口6/14)
Long Museum | 龙美术馆
This year, we are going to have the event at Long Museum, which is an extremely beautiful place with extraordinary view of Huangpu River. Let's toast together to celebrate the end of this hot summer and welcome the brand new golden season! Come to join us and take the opportunity to enjoy the party with our distinguished guests, your fellow alumni and get to meet new and interesting people. Delicious cuisine and drinks are waiting for you!
We are also thrilled to invite you to join the Opening Ceremony of Chinese Returnees from Swiss Universities and Schools, which will be held at 14:30 the same day at the same venue. We've invited many distinguished guests to share their working and life experience such as President of Group Swatch in China.
Please feel free to join both or either part!
Seats are limited and only open to alumni. No entrance fee. Please register ASAP by clicking on "Read more" or scanning QR Code in image.
Review | 活动回顾
2015 All Swiss Alumni Gathering | 2015年瑞士校友会活动照片
Contacts | 联系人
swissnex China Contact | 瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心联系人
Linda LOU 楼碧君女士:
E-mail | 邮件:linda.lou@swissnexchina.org
SORSA-SWISS ALUMNI SHANGHAI Contact | 上海欧美同学会瑞士分会联系人
Fengtian ZHU 朱凤天小姐:
WeChat | 微信:EllieZHUFT
E-mail | 邮件:eddy0120@hotmail.com