
【十年特辑 CISK Anniversary】Interviews with Founding Students


Interviews with Founding students 

This year, CISK, founded in 2012, welcomed her 10th birthday. In the past ten years, nearly 500 teachers and students from more than 20 countries and regions have studied and lived at CISK. Among these people, there are some "special" children – founding students.


What does it mean for Annie and Steven, who are only sixth graders this year, to be founding students? CISK has witnessed almost every victory, challenge, loss, and rise again in their study.

对今年才六年级Annie和Steven 来说,身为创校生,意味着什么呢?CISK几乎见证了他们在学习生涯中每一次胜利,每一次挑战,每一次失落,每一次重新站起。

CISK witnessed that they had grown from naive children to outstanding youths. They also witnessed that CISK, the "tree of cultivating people", was slowly flourishing with the fragrance of talents.




been in CISK for 9 years



been in CISK for 9 years

Next, let's talk to these two young but "senior" founders and experience their campus life.


Q: Having studied at CISK for such a long time,      you must have experienced all aspects of CISK.     In all about CISK,  which part do you like best?

 在CISK学习了这么长的时间,你们一定感受过CISK   的方方面面了。在关于CISK的一切中,你们最喜欢   哪一部分呢?


Annie said: 

My favorite part of CISK is that the whole school  celebrates various Chinese and foreign festivals  together. Because during the festival, the school will hold many interesting activities. Let’s take Halloween for example! We planned the Halloween-themed characters we wanted to dress up and bought Halloween costumes in advance. On Halloween, we wore all kinds of scary costumes to school. After taking a group photo of the class, we went to the principal's office to ask for candy: "trick or treat". We also experienced the scary haunted house prepared for us by senior students. Every time I heard a succession of screams coming from it. This holiday experience is great! I like all kinds of interesting festival activities held by the school very much!


Steven said:

I like CISK's charity activities best because I think they are very interesting. We can learn more and exercise our communication skills. The money we earned is used to help the poor to let them buy clothes and food. For example, every year, our school has an activity called Terry Fox, aimed at running for love and hope. All teachers and students participate actively to help the "Terry Fox" Foundation, and to raise funds for cancer research. Personally speaking, I think this activity is very meaningful. Every year, I run many laps on the playground with my friends, striving to give more love.

我最喜欢CISK的慈善活动,因为我认为它很有趣,我们可以学到更多的东西,也可以锻炼我们的沟通能力。赚到的钱我们用来帮助穷人,让他们用钱买衣服和食物。例如,我们学校每年都有Terry Fox的活动。为爱和希望而跑,全校师生积极响应,帮助 "Terry Fox "基金会,并为癌症研究筹集资金。就我个人而言,我认为这项活动非常有意义。每年,我都会和我的朋友们在操场上跑很多圈,争取献出更多的爱心。

Q:Did you meet any challenges in your study?



Steven  said:

I have entered MYP. In a school year, we will have four summary assessments, which may be speeches, papers, experiments, and exams. The types of summary tests are completely different each time. I think it is very challenging for me because I need to balance the learning of various subjects to get better results. In the learning process of IB, I can't have the serious problem of partial subjects, which is a challenge for me. However, I believe that if we work hard and communicate with teachers more after class, we can get good results.


Annie said:

Yes. The biggest challenge I met was the exhibition when I graduated from the fifth grade. PYPX will test many of our skills. We will do group tasks together. Although we were working hard, there were still some details that needed to be improved every time. However, after constant modification and effort, we finally completed the exhibition. I feel that this is the biggest challenge I have ever faced.


Q: You have embarked on a new journey of MYP, What suggestions do you have for the students who are going to enter MYP?



                        Annie said:

I want to say that I hope you can work harder and study hard. MYP has many interesting things waiting for you, such as my favorite English subject. The class is very active, and the teacher jokes with us in class. We are waiting for you at MYP!


Steven  said:

Review the content of each lesson and communicate with the teacher in time. My math was not very good before, but my math teacher helped me with math problems after class, which made me get good grades in the recent exam. I believe that if we understand what we don't understand and listen to the teacher carefully in class, everyone can have grains from MYP. We should also speak bravely in class. Only when teachers find your mistakes in class can you learn more effectively.


These are just some wonderful moments during the learning process of the two founding students. CISK is committed to letting each student show themselves. What other wonderful experiences do CISK students have? Coming soon!


Author | G11 Students Amy and Olivia,Vero

Editor | Stella,Susy

Credit to | Annie MYP G6, Steven MYP G6 


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