
International Students' Colorful Campus Life in SPU

2016-05-13 Shushi Admissions

Study in China Union (Admissions.cn):

Shenyang Pharmaceutical University organized colorful activities to enrich international students' life and develop friendship among them.

International Students' Colorful Campus Life in SPU

I. Shenyang Pharmaceutical University Organized Spring Outing for International Students

With a bright and beautiful day, it's good time for spring outing to see the grand view outside campus. On April 29th, the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University organized about 20 international students to climb Chessboard Hill so as to enrich their sparetime life, carry forward the traditional culture as well as enjoy China's beautiful landscape and feel the breath of spring.

After students arrived at Chessboard Hill Scenic Spot, the first event was to climb the hill. Some students got to the top in a short time, while the others were sweating cats and dogs. Through team cooperation, all students had succeeded in arriving mountaintop and gotten the best view on the top. Surrounded by green mountains and rivers, students became addicted to the fresh and clean air and beautiful landscape, taking pictures.

After going downhill, students were organized to play some interesting games. In those games they competed and laughed with excitement. At last, all winners were awarded with souvenirs and took a group photo to mark the occasion. In the evening, all students together joined a night super together and shared their best moments. Till nightfall, students were still reluctant to part.

By means of the spring outing event, the communication and friendship among students were further enhanced and their horizons were broaded. To some extent, international students show more understanding and affection for Chinese culture.

II. Office of International Exchange and Cooperation Organizes International Students to Participate in Bodybuilding Exercise Competition

On May 8th, in order to enrich the sparetime life of international students, strengthen their body and cultivate their taste, the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University organized 15 international students from Zimbabwe, Egypt, and Namibia etc. to participate in "Bodybuilding Exercise Competition" themed "Sunshine Sports".

Because of different nationalities, beliefs as well as dance traditions, there were quite great differences for the international students' performances, comparing to the standard action of gymnastics rhythmic approved by CSARA. Nonetheless, all international students didn't quite themselves; instead, they overcame all sorts of difficulties to demonstrate their resilience. They took extra exercises day in and day out. After one-month training, they finally found their tacit understanding with each other. On the day of competition, all students dress in the same uniforms with orderly steps and unique dance arrangement, and they were universally applauded by the audiences. The organizing committee awarded them with "Creativity Prize" for their performance.

Through the activity, not only enhanced was the friendship between Chinese and international students, but also the figure of all students are strengthened. On the other hand, their sparetime life was enriched and they experienced the vigorous spirit of Chinese sports. Moreover, they also knew the spirit "friendship first, competition second".

(The End.)

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