
【Rule】Temporary Accommodation Registration for Aliens-Beijing

2016-04-07 Admissions

Study in China Union (Admissions.cn):

For lodging at guesthouse, hotel, inn, hostel, school or other enterprises and institutions or at government organs or other Chinese organization, aliens shall present valid passports or residence certificates and fill in registration form of temporary accommodation. 

Temporary Accommodation Registration for Aliens-Beijing

1. In accordance with the Rules for the Implementation of the Laws of the People's Republic of China on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens, Interim Measures for the Control of Chinese Citizens Traveling to or from the Regions of Hong Kong or Macao, and Measures for the Control of Chinese Citizens Traveling to or from the Region of Taiwan, aliens wishing to lodge at the home of a Chinese resident, at a foreign institution in China or at the home of an alien in China must register for temporary accommodation. Aliens having long-term residence in China who wish to lodge temporarily elsewhere than their own residence, or aliens who lodge temporarily in movable living facilities must also report and register.

2. Aliens include citizens from other countries, stateless persons, residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas Chinese.

3. An alien lodging in an urban area must report and register temporary accommodation within 24 hours of his or her arrival. In rural areas, the lodger shall report and register within 72 hours of arrival.

4. Aliens may report to the local police station, working station of police affairs or other qualified organs.

5. When an alien wishes to register temporary accommodation, he must provide valid passport and certification. The host must provide his or her residence booklet/ID card and housing property certificate or rent contract.

6. Aliens who have purchased housing property in Beijing shall report to the local police station with their valid passport, visa and or residence permit and certificate for housing property right or purchase contract.

7. Aliens seeking hospitalization in Beijing shall report to local police station and submit medical certificates provided by hospitals.

8. Aliens may report to the police station alone with the required valid certificates, or be accompanied by the host.

9. Whoever is held responsible for failing to register accommodations or report such registration to the public security organ or for accommodating aliens without valid certificates in violation of the law may be served a warning or fined up to 500 yuan.

10. In cases when the visa or residence permit expires, aliens must report to local police station with a copy of their passport and Penalty Decision and or Receipt of Visa Application from the Exit & Entry Administration Division of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau to acquire the 7-day-temporary accommodation registration certificate required to receive a passport.

11. An alien whose Chinese visa or certificate is lost or stolen shall promptly report to the local police station or to the Exit and Entry department under the local public security bureau.

12. Aliens who wish to apply for a visa extension or residence must submit their applications to the Exit and Entry Administration Division of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau before expiration. (Address: No. 2, Andingmen East St, Dongcheng District, Beijing. Tel: 8402 0101) After the extension, aliens must report to local police station to renew their temporary accommodation registration in time.

(The End.)

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