
Talents Recruitment in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2016-04-08 Admissions

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Source from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Talents Recruitment in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Part A.

Inclusion Criteria and Treatment of All Kinds of Talent Plans

UCAS is a higher educated institution established with the approval of the Ministry of Education, focusing on graduate education. The predecessor of UCAS was the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was founded in 1978 as the first graduate school in China by approval of the State Council.

UCAS graduated the first doctoral student in science, first doctoral student in engineering, first female doctoral student and first student with double doctoral degrees in China. In 2014, UCAS began to recruit undergraduates.

Based on the high- level research advantages and high-level human resources of CAS,UCAS has four campuses in Beijing and five education centers outside  Beijing, backed by 115 UCAS institutes throughout China.At present, there are more than 42 800 graduate students studying at UCAS,among whom 50% are doctoral students. UCAS has conferred master’s and doctoral degrees on 119 564 graduate students to date.

International College of UCAS is to make unremitting efforts to establish an internationalized platform through top quality research, pioneering education and continuous renewal. It will provide good learning materials, individual academic and professional support, effective administration and logistics, and teaching rooted in research to each student.The students of International College will be responsible, broad minded experts to act as future visionaries in the world. We will make use of our unique profile to stimulate innovations by surpassing national boundaries. We will build an open community of students and supervisors, scientific research and humanistic study, for free exchange of ideas to impact the society at large.


IC-UCAS is now willing to recruit talents from both domestic and overseas in any fields.

Part B.

I. National "One Thousand People Plan"

(A) Long-term Project of National "One Thousand People Plan"

Qualifications for Applicants:

1. Should obtain a doctorate overseas (in general), and not older than 55 years old;

2. Experts or scholars of equivalent professorships in well-known foreign universities and research institutes;

3. Full time work after introduction.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research; research assistant and helped to build up a research team.

2. Talents will be supported by CAS with 3,000,000RMB as research funding; UCAS will offer competitive scientific research fund according to different programs.

3. Talents will be offered with a one time grant for 1,000,000 RMB by Chinese government,and UCAS will offer compatible wages, or competitive contact wages.

4. For newly introduced personnel from abroad or outside Beijing, UCAS provides a 3 year housing, or monthly housing allowance according to state regulations.

(B) Short-term project of Creative Talents

Qualifications for Applicants:

1. Should obtain a doctorate overseas (in general), and not older than 55 years old;

2. Experts or scholars of equivalent professorships in well-known foreign universities and research institutes;

3. Worked continuously for at least 3 years,with annual duty for no less than 2 months.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research;

2. Talents will be supported by UCAS with a certain amount of research funding according to the actual duty time;

3. Talents will be offered with a one time grant for 500,000 RMB by Chinese government, and UCAS will offer compatible wages, or competitive contact wages.

(C) Youth Project of National “One Thousand People Plan”

Qualifications for Applicants:

1. Applicants should belong to the fields of natural sciences or engineering technology and not older than 40 years old;

2. Applicants should obtain a doctorate, and have more than 3 years of research experience overseas;

3. Applicants should hold a formal teaching or research post in well-known foreign universities, research institutions or enterprise researching departments;

4. Applicants should be top-notch talent among peers in related research fields, and have the potential to become leaders of the academic or technical field;

5. Applicants need to work full-time after introduction.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research and assistance to form the academic team;

2. Talents will be offered 1,000,000 - 3,000,000RMB of research funding by government. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) will provide talent special funds of 500,000 RMB. UCAS will provide research start up funds of 700,000 RMB. Special competitive funding supports can be offered according to the subject characteristics and actual needs;

3. Chinese government offers a one time grant of500,000 RMB; UCAS offers corresponding wages and provides talent allowance for3 years; competitive contact wages will be offered especially for excellent talents;

4. For newly introduced personnel from abroad or outside Beijing,UCAS provides a 3 year housing, or monthly housing allowance according to State regulations.

(D)The Thousand Talent and Innovation Team Project

Qualifications for Applicants:

Applicants should be international top experts in the areas of natural science or engineering technology and work full time after introduction in China for at least five years, and meet with one of the following criteria: Nobel Prize,Turing Award , Fields Medal or other international prize winner, fellow of Academy of Sciences or Academy of Engineering in US, UK , Canada, Australia and other developed countries, internationally renowned scholar in world-class universities or research institutions or other urgently needed top talent of China.

Corresponding treatments:

Chinese government, CAS and UCAS will support talents with "one case, one discussion" principle.

For "Thousand Talent Plan" candidates with outstanding achievements and specially needed by the country, the limitations of age, educational backgrounds, professional and technical positions, tenure or other eligibility conditions could be proceeded with exception.

II. Chang Jiang Scholars Bonus Program

(A) Distinguished Professor Project

Qualifications for Applicants:

1. Applicants of natural sciences and engineering and technology related fields should not be older than 45 years old; applicants of humanities and social sciences related fields should not be older than 55 years old;

2. Applicants should have doctorates (in general) and work in the front line of teaching and research. Overseas applicants should hold the posts of associate professor (above or equivalent positions) in high-level universities; domestic applicants should serve as professors or other equivalent positions;

3. Applicants should be competent for instructing core courses, with academic attainments made in scientific research and recognized by domestic and foreign peers. Be innovative with strategic insights and the capability to lead the discipline to catch up with or keep the world-wide top ranking; with strong leadership and coordinative ability, can lead academic team to research collaboratively;

4. Applicants need to work full-time during employment.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research, researching assistants, and assistance to build up academic team;

2. According to subject characteristics and the actual needs, UCAS will adapt the "one case, one discussion"principle to provide competitive research funding support;

3. In addition to corresponding wages during employment, talents will receive a 200,000 RMB bonus per year from the"Chang Jiang Scholars Bonus Program";

4. For newly introduced personnel abroad or outside Beijing,UCAS will provide three year housing, or monthly housing allowance according to state regulations.

(B) Chang Jiang Young Scholars Project


1. Applicant of natural sciences, engineering and technology related fields should not be older than 38 years old; applicant of humanities and social sciences related fields should not be older than 45years old;

2. Applicants should have a doctorate (in general), teach and research in the front line. Domestic applicants should hold the deputy senior professional or technical posts or above;

3. Applicants need to work full-time during employment.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research and assistance to build up academic team;

2. UCAS provides research start up funds of 700,000 RMB. Special competitive funding supports can be offered according to the subject characteristics and actual needs with "one case, one discussion" principle;

3. In addition to corresponding wages during employment, talents will receive a 100,000 RMB bonus per year from the"Chang Jiang Scholars Bonus Program";

4. For newly introduced personnel abroad or outside Beijing,UCAS provides 3-year housing, or monthly housing allowance according to state regulations.

III. CAS"Hundred Talent plan"

(A) Academic Leaders (Type A)

Qualifications for Applicants:

1. Applicants should have experiences as a professor or equivalent position in well known foreign universities, research institutions or enterprises researching departments;

2. Applicants should have academic attainments in scientific research, with international academic influence and recognized by domestic and foreign peers;

3. Energetic and competent for leading and organizing a research team.

4. Applicants need to work full-time after introduction.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research, researching assistants, and assistance to build up academic team;

2. Talents will be provided with 7,000,000 RMB talent special funds (including 3,000,000 RMB for research team establishment).Special competitive funding support can be offered according to subject characteristics and actual needs;

3. CAS offers an establishment fund for1,000,000 RMB; UCAS provides compatible wages plus talent allowance within three years or offers a competitive contract wage.

4. For newly introduced personnel abroad or outside Beijing,UCAS provides 3-year housing, or monthly housing allowance according to state regulations.

(B) Technical Talents (Type B)

Qualifications for Applicants:

1. Applicants should be young or middle aged talents obtaining critical technologies and have been researching engineering technologies, developing major science facilities, instruments and devices for over (including) 3 years.

2. Applicants should be able to solve critical technical problems and promote the technical innovation with world-class research production;

3. Applicants need to work full-time after introduction.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research, researching assistants, and assistance to build up academic team;

2. CAS provides talent special fund of 1,000,000- 2,000,000 RMB; UCAS provides competitive funding supports according to subject characteristics and actual needs with the principle of "one case,one discussion";

3. CAS offers an infrastructure fund for 600,000RMB; UCAS provides corresponding wages and talent allowance within 3 years or offer a competitive contract wage.

4. For newly introduced personnel abroad or outside Beijing, UCAS provides three-year housing, or monthly housing allowance according to state regulations.

(C) Young Talent (Type C)


1. Applicants should acquire doctorate and have been studying or researching in well known overseas universities or research institutions for 3 years (including). Exception could be made for special excellence.

2. Already known in related researching areas with special innovative production.

3. Capable for scientific innovations and collaboration with research team;

4. Doctorate must have been acquired for less than 5 years (from the date of application);

5. Applicants need to work full-time after introduction.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research and assistance to build up academic team;

2. Talent special funds of 800,000 RMB and initial funds of researching of 700,000 RMB will be provided by CAS and UCAS respectively within 2 years after introduction. Special competitive funding support will be offered according to subject characteristics and actual needs with the principle of "one case, one discussion". After 2 years of introduction, talents will be given appraise before formally selected into"Hundred Talent plan". For those approved, CAS will provide a talent special fund of 2,000,000 RMB and infrastructure fund of 600,000 RMB.

3. UCAS offers compatible wages plus talent allowance for 3 years; competitive agreement wages can be offered especially for excellent talents;

4. For newly introduced personnel abroad or outside Beijing,UCAS provides 3-year housing, or monthly housing allowance according to state regulations.

IV. National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars winner and "Ten Thousand Talent Plan" leading talents

1. Applicants should be not older than 55 years old (in general).

2. Applicants need to work full-time after introduction.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research, researching assistants, and assistance to build up academic team;

2. According to subject characteristics and the actual needs, UCAS will adapt the "one case, one discussion"principle to provide competitive research funding support;

3. UCAS provides corresponding wages plus talent allowance for 3 years or implement a competitive contract wage.

4. For newly introduced personnel abroad or outside Beijing,UCAS provides 3-year housing, or monthly housing allowance according to state regulations.

V. Outstanding Youth Science Fund of National Natural Science Foundation winner and "Ten Thousand Talent Plan" youth leading talents

Qualifications for Applicants:

1. Applicants should be not older than 40 years old. Exception can be made up to 45 years old for special excellence.

2. Applicants need to work full-time after introduction.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research, and assistance to formation of the academic team;

2. UCAS provides research start up funds of700,000 RMB. Special competitive funding support can be offered according to the subject characteristics and actual needs with "one case, one discussion" principle;

3. UCAS offers compatible wages plus talent allowance for three years; competitive contract wages will be offered especially for excellent talents;

4. For newly introduced personnel abroad or outside Beijing, UCAS provides 3-year housing, or monthly housing allowance according to state regulations.

VI. Excellent Youth Talents

Qualifications for Applicants:

1. Applicants should have a doctorate in well known domestic or foreign universities, with research experience for at least 3 years (including) in general. The age should be not more than 35 years old in principle, exceptions can be made up to 40 years for special excellences.

2. Major in theoretical researching (in principle).

3. During the past 5 years, applicants should have published high level academic papers with certain influence in top journals in related research areas with the identity of first or corresponding author.

4. Already known in related majors and have the potential to become leader in that area;

5. Enthused in instruction work, with excellent expression skills and good lecturing.

6. Applicants need to work full-time after introduction.

Corresponding treatments:

1. Talents will be provided with necessary conditions for scientific research;

2. UCAS offers compatible wages and competitive contract wages will be offered especially for excellent talents;

Application Process:

1. Applicants can contact Dr.Chen in IC-UCAS: qec@ucas.ac.cn; +86-010-82680959

2. Applicants will provide following documents:

Personal resume (including research experience and catalogs of published papers)

Photocopy of ID/passport, doctorate

Photocopy of professional and technical posts

Catalogs and front pages of academic works

Full texts of 5 epresentational thesis papers

Three letters of recommendations from experts.

3. ICU-CAS will organize the primary selection and interview. Applicants passed will be reported to UCAS for review, and fulfill their formalities after approval.

Projects of "Thousand Talent Plan" and "Chang Jiang Scholars Bonus Plans" etc. should be applied according to regulations and arrangements of Chinese government and UCAS.

(The End.)

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