
Travelling Overseas to Pursue China Dream

2016-04-11 Admissions

Study in China Union (Admissions.cn):

Congratulations~, nine cambodian students are admitted to Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce for their vocational education programs. 

Source from Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce.

Travelling Overseas to Pursue China Dream

--A profile of the first batch of Cambodian Students in Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce

As the first batch of international students for higer vocational education programs, 9 Cambodian Students started their 3-year learning career on December 19th, 2015 in Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce (WXIC). They are lucky birds as WXIC and Hodo Group have raised the grant together for them, which means all their life expenses in China are covered with the grant. They all will be employed in Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ).

WXIC did a lot of preparations for the reception of these international students. Marketing, as one of the best majors in WXIC and fairly needed by SSEZ, would be recommended to the students as their major. The Institute provides them with the best accommodation and excellent teachers. It carrys out the dual class supervisors policy together with Hodo Group to ensure that students will be fostered in line with the updated developments of relevant industry. WXIC introduces Chinese students partners to those international students and provides part-time jobs in school library for those who had economic difficulties. International School would host extracurricular activities regularly for them to experience Chinese traditional culture and deep understanding of the nation.

On December 23rd, 2015, WXIC and Hodo Group hosted a grand opening ceremony for the Cambodian students.

On January 31st, 2016, Mr. Yang Jianxin, President of WXIC, Mr. Chen Jiangang, Chairman of the Board of SSEZ, together with Ms. Dai Yue’e, General Manager, Mr. Li Chuanbin, director of International Cooperation and Exchange Department, WXIC  and Ms. Zhao Li, deputy director of International Cooperation and Exchange Department visited them. In a harmonious fest atmosphere, they made dumplings, shared the New Year Feast and celebrated the Chinese Spring Festival.

The International students were satisfied with campus environment, accommodations and their study arrangement. They feel obliged to teachers and other Chinese students in WXIC who offered great help and kindness to them. They also appreciate so much for the financial aid and good services they are enjoying. Cherishing the great expectation of their future, they expressed their determination to study hard in WXIC and will seize all the opportunities to create their new life.

(The End.)

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