
对从小被美国家庭领养的他们来说,“被遣返就像是被判死刑” | 双语

2017-07-03 纽约时报中文网 NYT教育频道

Jean Chung for The New York Times


SEOUL, South Korea — Phillip Clay was adopted at 8 into a U.S. family in Philadelphia.

韩国首尔——菲利普·克莱(Phillip Clay)8岁时被费城的一个美国家庭领养。

Twenty-nine years later, in 2012, after numerous arrests and a struggle with drug addiction, he was deported back to his birth country, South Korea. He could not speak the local language, did not know a single person and did not receive appropriate care for mental health problems, which included bipolar disorder and alcohol and substance abuse.


On May 21, Clay ended his life, jumping from the 14th floor of an apartment building north of Seoul. He was 42.


To advocates of the rights of international adoptees, the suicide was a wrenching reminder of a problem the United States urgently needed to address: adoptees from abroad who never obtained U.S. citizenship. The Adoptee Rights Campaign, an advocacy group, estimates that 35,000 adult adoptees in the United States may lack citizenship,which was not granted automatically in the adoption process before 2000.

对国际被领养者权利的支持者来说,他的自杀让人沉痛地想起那些从未获得美国公民身分的海外被领养者,这是美国迫切需要解决的一个问题。据倡导团体被领养者权利运动(Adoptee Rights Campaign)估计,美国有3.5万成年被领养者没有公民身分——在2000年之前,公民身份不是在领养过程中自动授予的。

Clay is believed to be just one of dozens of people, legally adopted as children into U.S. families, who either have been deported to the birth countries they left decades ago or face deportation after being convicted of crimes as adults. Some did not even know they were not U.S. citizens until they were ordered to leave.


Adoptees from other countries, like Vietnam, Thailand and Brazil, have faced deportation. But the sheer number of children adopted from South Korea, once a leading source of children put up for adoption abroad, has made it the most visible example of the issue, and of the enormous challenges returnees face as they try to once again navigate a foreign culture, this time with little or no assistance.


Many have nowhere to go, often living on the streets. In South Korea, one deportee served a prison term for robbing a bank with a toy gun. Another, who like Clay had mental health problems, has been indicted twice on assault charges.


“Deportation is like the death sentence to them,” said Hellen Ko, a chief counselor at the government-run Korea Adoption Services, who monitored Clay as a caseworker. “They had a hard time adjusting to life in America. It gets even harder for them when they return here.”

“对他们来说,被遣返就像是被判死刑,”政府运营的韩国领养服务中心(Korea Adoption Services)首席顾问海伦·高(Hellen Ko)说。她是负责监管克莱的社工。“他们曾经艰难地适应了在美国的生活。返回这里生活更加艰难。”

Jean Chung for The New York Times

蒙特·海恩斯的工作是做酒保。“当时,我身上只有20美元,不知道自己身在何处,”蒙特·海恩斯(Monte Haines)回想起2009年被遣返后抵达首尔海关机场时的情形。三十多年前,他被一个美国家庭收养。

“All I had was $20 on me; I didn’t know where I was,” Monte Haines said, recalling the day he landed at Seoul’s gateway airport after being deported in 2009, more than 30 years after a U.S. family adopted him. “There was nobody there to talk to.”

“当时,我身上只有20美元,不知道自己身在何处,”蒙特·海恩斯(Monte Haines)回想2009年被遣返后抵达首尔海关机场时的情形。三十多年前,他被一个美国家庭收养。“没有可以交谈的人。”

Americans have adopted more than 350,000 children from abroad since the 1940s, according to the Adoptee Rights Campaign, and the United States left it to the parents to secure citizenship for the children.


But some did not understand that their children did not automatically become citizens when they completed the adoption. Other adoptees have said that their parents were put off by the cost and paperwork of the citizenship process, or that they essentially abandoned them.


In 2000, Congress passed the Child Citizenship Act, which granted automatic citizenship to children adopted by U.S. citizens. But the law did not retroactively benefit adoptees who were already legal adults.

2000年,国会通过了《儿童公民法》(Child Citizenship Act),将公民身份自动授予美国公民所领养的儿童。但这一法律没有追溯效力,已经在法律上成为成年人的被领养者无法从中受益。

“As a child, I didn’t ask to be sent to the United States. I didn’t ask to learn the English language. I didn’t ask to be a culturalized American,” said Adam Crapser, who was deported to South Korea last year, at age 41, after 38 years in the United States. “And now I was forced back to Korea, and I lost my American family.”

“我小时候,并没有要求被送到美国。也没有要求学习英语。也没有要求成为文明的美国人,”亚当·克雷珀塞(Adam Crapser)说。去年,41岁的他被遣返回韩国,之前他在美国生活了38年。“现在,我被迫返回韩国,失去了自己在美国的家庭。”

Crapser, who left behind a wife and three daughters in the United States, was abandoned by his first adoptive parents and abused by his second. He accumulated a criminal record over the years, including a conviction on burglary charges.


But in recent years, he had begun turning his life around and applied for a green card in 2012. That triggered a background check, leading to the deportation proceedings that flipped his life upside down.


“They waited until I had a family, and they waited until I had children,” he said. “They waited until I had something to lose.”


Crapser, who had never traveled abroad while living in the United States, said he “could not read a sign” when he landed at Incheon Airport outside Seoul. Korean faces and the language swirling around him came as “a complete shock,” he said.


His deportation put a strain on his relationship with his wife in the United States, and he has not seen his daughters in 15 months. Living out of suitcases in a tiny studio in Seoul, Crapser said that he struggled to keep himself busy to fight depression and that his job opportunities were extremely limited.


“The language is the biggest barrier because of how late I came back here to Korea,” he said.






Gosia Wozniacka/Associated Press


近40年前,身在韩国的亚当·克拉普塞尔(Adam Crapser)被收养,然而现在他却在华盛顿州一家移民拘留中心饱受煎熬,等待被驱逐出境,因为他的美国父母不曾给他办理入籍手续。


“事到如今,我已经做好准备,就这么回去,试着在那边生活,”克拉普塞尔周一晚上在塔科马西北拘留所(Tacoma Northwest Detention Center)接受电话采访时说。一周前,一位法官驳回他最后一次留在美国的申请。“出乎意料的是,这中间也带来一些好事。”



然而,这种能看到希望的事态发展远非一种普遍的经历。他的律师洛里·沃尔斯(Lori Walls)周一表示,克拉普塞尔的案子证明了,永久居民多么容易地被卷入驱逐出境诉讼,尽管他们是作为被收养者以合法身份进入这个国家,只不过养父养母没有给他们入美国国籍。

据倡导组织被收养人权利运动(Adoptee Rights Campaign)统计,在美国,有大约3.5万人属于被美国夫妇收养但没有获得公民身份的情况。

沃尔斯表示,克拉普塞尔一直是依据有关被收养子女的IR-4文件合法地生活在美国。2001年生效的《儿童公民法》(Child Citizenship Act)自动赋予了持IR-4身份的人以公民身份,但这部法律没有追溯效力——已经成为合法成年人的被收养者无法从中受益。“亚当当时已经超过18岁,所以不符合截止年龄,”沃尔斯说。



克拉普塞尔曾2015年4月发表在《纽约时报杂志》(The New York Times Magazine)的一篇报道中讲过,他和姐姐最早是被同一个美国家庭收养,期间两个孩子都遭到了养父母的身体虐待。

六年后,这对夫妇再度将两个孩子送养。姐弟俩被分开,克拉普塞尔的新养父母托马斯和多利·克拉普塞尔(Thomas and Dolly Crapser)也虐待他。这对夫妇还有过几次收养经历,那些被他们收养孩子也曾遭到虐待。1992年,这对夫妇被判犯有虐待和人身侵犯罪,托马斯·克拉普塞尔还被判有性虐待行为。














