
纽约时报中文网 2018-05-30


North Korea is the most reclusive country in the world, run by a repressive government accused of systemic human rights abuses. Last week, the United States barred Americans from traveling there, after the death of a college student who was detained in the country for 17 months.


But a small number of tourists have gone despite the risks. We asked readers who had traveled to North Korea to tell us why they went and what they found. Here is a sampling of about 60 responses we received.


‘Even more surreal than I’d expected’


Rebecca High


Rebecca High, from Los Angeles visited the country in April to run in the Pyongyang Marathon. She joined more than 1,000 foreigners running in the race.

来自洛杉矶的丽贝卡·海伊(Rebecca High)4月前往朝鲜,参加了平壤马拉松。与她一道参加这个赛事的还有1000多名外国人。

When did you visit North Korea, and what prompted you to go? I’d lived in South Korea during the sinking of the Cheonanand had visited the DMZ [Korean demilitarized zone] from the south side, which sparked my curiosity. I heard about the marathon in Pyongyang and figured it would be a good way to get into the country, but also to do something productive and personally challenging.


What did you see on your trip that resonated with you? North Korea was aesthetically even more surreal than I’d expected: very few cars on the road, people hand-painting propaganda billboards, people on their hands and knees working vast dirt fields, Socialist Party uniformed-citizens filling giant stadiums for mandatory sports events. I was also somewhat surprised at the conversations we were able to have with our guides. We happened to be there, without contact to the outside world, the week before Kim Il-sung’s 105th birthday celebrations, during the weekend that President Trump tweeted and the cold war escalated.


Do you think that outsiders should visit nations like North Korea? I think cracking open borders via average citizen tourism is one of the best forms of soft diplomacy.


‘I wanted to see for myself’


Mark C. W. Robinson

马克C·W·罗宾森(Mark C.W. Robinson)在六月前往朝鲜。

Mark C. W. Robinson is an American pilot based in California. He visited North Korea for four days last month with his wife.

马克·C·W ·罗伯逊(Mark C. W. Robinson)是美国飞行员,住在加利福尼亚州。上个月他与妻子一起去朝鲜玩了四天。

What prompted you to go? My father has visited 69 countries, and I’ve had a few friends who have been to North Korea. I wanted to do something unique and decided to book a ticket via Beijing. I wanted to see for myself since we no longer know what will happen next politically.


What did you see on your trip that resonated with you? When we went to the DMZ, a soldier was extremely friendly. One political conversation came up, and he said he wished that both nations would talk. I was surprised to fly in a helicopter. Being a pilot myself, this was amazing to see the capital from the air. It’s huge!


Do you think that outsiders should visit nations like North Korea? I believe outsiders should visit North Korea and other unusual nations to form their own opinion and see people running their daily lives. Tourism also gives the locals in those areas an opportunity to see Westerners and all the fashion, technology and conversation it creates.


‘I knew my trip was being carefully curated’


Kelly Whitmer


Kelly Whitmer, a history professor at Sewanee: The University of the South, in Tennessee, visited North Korea with her family in April.

田纳西州南方大学的历史教授凯利·惠特曼(Kelly Whitmer)今年4月份与家人一起去朝鲜旅行了一趟。

What prompted you to go? My mother-in-law, Kathryn Whitmer, who will be 80 this year, was planning a trip to participate in the Pyongyang Marathon and wanted to share the experience with a family member. She asked me if I would join her, and I agreed.

是什么促使你去朝鲜的?我婆婆凯瑟琳·惠特默(Kathryn Whitmer)今年就要满80岁了,她当时打算去参加平壤马拉松,还想和家人分享这次经历。她问我要不要和她一起去,我答应了。

What did you see on your trip that resonated with you? I knew my trip was being carefully curated, that there were many sides of Pyongyang and the country that I simply would not see, or would be prevented from seeing. Yet, I am still glad that I went. It was like stepping into another world. It was the kind of experience that changes the way you look at your own life. Apart from the experience of participating in the Pyongyang Marathon, which was amazing, the most memorable thing I saw were the underground stations with impressive, colorful mosaics and crowds of people coming and going. I will also never forget the “morning music” played in Pyongyang every day, starting just after dawn. I can still hear the melody in my head.


Do you think that outsiders should visit nations like North Korea? While I understand the argument against traveling there — that by going you’re supporting the regime — I still believe in the power of building and sustaining meaningful connections with people in different parts of the world through travel.


‘What I saw is what the authorities wanted me to see’


Simon Park

西蒙·帕克(Simon Park)给平壤科技大学的学生进行介绍讲座。

Simon Park visited the country twice in 2011 to teach at North Korea’s only private university, Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, or P.U.S.T., which is funded by a Christian group in the West. Two Americans who worked at the university are currently detained. Mr. Park was a missionary who volunteered to teach a course on international finance.

西蒙·帕克(Simon Park)在2011年两次前往朝鲜唯一一所私立大学平壤科技大学(Pyongyang University of Science and Technology,简称PUST)任教。这所大学是由西方一个基督教团体资助的。曾在该校工作的两名美国人目前被朝鲜拘押。西蒙·帕克是一名传教士,自愿教授一门有关国际金融的课程。

What prompted you to go? I was looking for more meaningful engagement with people than just transactional engagements, like food distribution and financial gifts. I thought P.U.S.T. was an endeavor that had a chance.


What did you see on your trip that resonated with you? What I saw is what the authorities wanted me to see. At P.U.S.T., a sign, attributed to Kim Jong-il, was displayed on a prominent wall in the main building and read, “Plant your feet firmly in the motherland and watch the world.” This seemingly schizophrenic attitude explained many dissonant beliefs and behaviors. Young students were selected by the state for academic performance and loyalty to the regime. The authorities knew who I was. They held my passport and phone for six weeks, but were willing to allow me to teach their students. Allowing access to its people as long as the regime feels confident that it can control its citizens and the visitors seemed to be the standard for all interactions with outsiders.

旅途中看到的哪些东西让你印象深刻?我看到的,都是当局想让我看到的。在PUST,主楼里一面显著的墙上挂着一个署名是金正日(Kim Jong-il)的牌子,上面写着“坚定地立足祖国,观望世界”。这种看似矛盾的态度,解释了很多不协调的信念和行为。国家根据学习成绩和对朝鲜政权的忠诚程度挑选年轻学生。当局知道我是谁。在长达六周的时间里,他们收走了我的护照和手机,但愿意让我教他们的学生。只要当局相信自己能够控制自己的公民和外国人,就允许接触民众,这似乎是所有与外国人互动的标准。

Do you think that outsiders should visit nations like North Korea? They should visit, but with realistic expectations and free of personal agenda.


‘We wanted to bring our two countries closer’


Patrick Leslie

2012年,平壤,帕特里克·莱斯利(Patrick Leslie)在主体思想塔前。

Patrick Leslie, from Texas, traveled to North Korea in June 2012 while he was studying in Seoul, South Korea. He played on a recreational basketball team that traveled to Pyongyang for a friendly match.

来自德克萨斯州的帕特里克·莱斯利(Patrick Leslie)在2012年6月在韩国首尔留学期间去过朝鲜。当时,在一个业余篮球队打球的他,随球队去平壤参加一场友谊赛。

What prompted you to go? We wanted to bring our two countries closer through basketball.


What did you see on your trip that resonated with you? The actual basketball game we played was something that had an impact on the kids. That is something I will never forget.


Do you think that outsiders should visit nations like North Korea? It is an amazing experience. You get to see and hear things you would never see on television.


‘I found myself digging for defector stories’


Joseph Vo

约瑟夫·沃(Joseph Vo)在自平壤前往非军事区的路上,一对情侣走在路边。

Joseph Vo, a Canadian, visited North Korea last month while traveling throughout Asia.

加拿大人约瑟夫·沃(Joseph Vo)上月在亚洲各地旅游期间去了朝鲜。

What prompted you to go? Over the past couple of years, I had become very interested in the regime and the people that come out of it. I found myself digging for defector stories. We often hear stories about the regime, the leaders and their wacky antics. I feel that the people get lost in all of that.


What did you see on your trip that resonated with you? On the bus from the airport to inner-city Pyongyang, we saw these ladies carrying buckets of water around, watering city grass. I asked one of our Korean tour guides about it. She said that these were just citizens of the city, and that they were watering the lawn because of the lack of rain. Children in school uniforms joined in every day. It was strange, because people didn’t just do it when they had time, but at the same time every day the entire city would join in, so it felt forced.


Do you think that outsiders should visit nations like North Korea? Before traveling to the country I thought that a trip like this was not meant for everyone. I still feel this way. Especially with recent news, it is going to be a hard sell, but I truthfully did not feel in danger at any point on this trip.


本文由Megan Specia制作。Josephine Sedgwick对本文有报道贡献。

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